Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] within [adj] " in BNC.

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1 With the detector in omnidirectional mode it bleeps when it receives any radar swap from within 5 miles ( 8 km ) .
2 Their goals switched the spotlight back on the Ipswich title challenge as they moved to within seven points of their rivals and had their odds halved from 50-1 to 25-1 .
3 When another vehicle approached to within fifty yards , both would turn their lights off , and pass each other in total darkness .
4 In the morning the colony may be very cold , for at night the temperature here can fall to within five degrees of freezing .
5 Will providers be expected to within existing contracts ?
6 The new currency was pegged to within 3 per cent of a rate of DM1=8 kroon .
7 In Darlington and South West Durham extra pledges made included : access to health records with guarantees that information is confidential ; a health helpline with frank details of waiting lists ; treatment within a maximum of 18 months ; complaints responded to within five working days and better facilities for visitors and families with children in hospital .
8 In Darlington and South West Durham , these extra pledges were made yesterday : — Access to health records with guarantees that information is confidential A health helpline with frank details of waiting lists — Treatment within a maximum of 18 months — Complaints responded to within five working days — Better facilities for visitors and families with children in hospital .
9 In his letter Coun Hughes said he had read that 95pc of all emergency calls in rural areas of the county were responded to within 19 minutes .
10 A spokesman for the ambulance service said 95pc of all emergency calls in rural areas were responded to within 19 minutes , the government guideline , and that this ambulance had taken 24 minutes to arrive .
11 He birdied the 2nd by driving 320 yards , wedging to within seven feet and holing the putt .
12 These questions could be looked at within small groups of students .
13 We can pull out of the Common Market and out of NATO , but there are practical limits as to what can be done from within British politics to overcome the external constraints on the development of public policy in Britain since we are part of the world economy .
14 It will comprise a First Stage neighbourhood ethnographic survey and a Second Stage series of case studies of households selected from within each neighbourhood .
15 One broadly representative country will be selected from within this group for further study
16 A notable innovation was the proposal that Class A applications should be deemed granted if not decided upon within forty-two days .
17 More mortgages are probably lent from within 30 miles of this city centre than anywhere else in the country .
18 As for Karen Mitchell , the defending Champion , she returned an 89 in which , at the short 17th , she knocked her tee shot to within 14 feet of the flag , only to hit her first putt through the green .
19 Luckily , my sister had moved to within five minutes walking distance of my office so I had somewhere comfortable to go — which was a great help .
20 Trevor Francis 's team , impressive winners at Nottingham Forest on Saturday , have moved to within six points with a game in hand .
21 ‘ We came to within fifty yards of that point .
22 In fact , by winning the Pilkington Glass Ladies ' title in June for the 10th time , she came to within one of Chris Evert 's record of 157 career titles .
23 He saw the boat heading back towards him , and at one stage she came to within fifteen yards of him .
24 He was to discover , after a staggering journey of 19 months and 3,450 miles , during which he came to within 150 miles of the centre of the continent , that no paradise such as he had imagined existed .
25 She would play happily on the sand for hours as long as the tide was out but would run from the beach as soon as the sea came to within several yards of where she was sitting .
26 The thick cloud had crept to within fifty metres of where we were hidden .
27 He announced that his " government " would be dissolved within 72 hours and that his troops would withdraw from within 3 km of the Sierra Leone border .
28 On a front 80 kilometres wide in the Ardennes Forest , 15 fresh German divisions advanced to within 6.5 kilometres of their target , Namur .
29 As part of Operation Dragon King along the Thai border , 7,000 troops advanced to within 10 km of the town of Manerplaw , headquarters of the Karen National Union ( KNU ) , of exiled students and of the " National Coalition Government of the Union of Burma " , a parallel administration established by opposition parties in December 1990 [ see pp. 37915-16 ] .
30 Mujaheddin guerrillas had advanced to within 1 km of the town before government forces retaliated from the night of Oct. 3 with round-the-clock air strikes ; hundreds of guerrillas and civilians died as the fighting degenerated into a stalemate .
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