Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] few [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 Conversely , musculo-skeletal problems , which account for few deaths of those aged 65 + , are a major cause of disability in the community .
2 Eva 's knowledge of mathematics meant she could handle the budget at Usher with few problems — apart from the usual one of there never being enough money to do all that needed to be done .
3 The surrounding volcanic cones are gently sloping with few gullies to the south , but increasingly steep and heavily gullied towards the north .
4 The old Gesamtausgabe ( 1877–1910 ) used with few exceptions only dots , and so did all the numerous editions derived from it .
5 For the hundreds of thousands of Spanish — and non-Spanish — democrats and leftists who fought and died in the Civil War or in the horrendous repression that followed , the forces against which they struggled differed in few essentials from those that had recently brought dictatorship and oppression to Italy , Germany and Austria .
6 The study revealed that growth of Asian businesses was confined to few areas and , although this had been rapid during the 1970s , it had been declining recently .
7 Employing one of those supremely disingenuous somersaults of logic that only long training in double-speak and the official brand of British arrogance can confer , Mr Howard told a Westminster audience of backbenchers that ‘ If the Commission were to take us to the European Court I can think of few things more calculated to bring the Commission into disrepute ’
8 In the 1984 debate on the shipbuilding industry Peter Shore , the opposition spokesman on Trade and Industry , said : ‘ I can think of few industries where the medium to long-term view of demand is more necessary . ’
10 Originally , most English vineyards contained the dull Müller-Thurgau grape , produced years ago by cropping the classic but late-ripening Riesling with the workhorse Sylvaner to produce a grape that appealed to few drinkers .
11 Van in those days was remote from Constantinople and had been visited by few Europeans .
12 It is a seeking rather than a finding , and it ends with few certitudes .
13 Overt unknowns are completely absent from the lexicon , for example a word such as Maastricht , despite the frequency of recent use , exists in few lexicons .
14 Now this picture leads to few complications if the action is playing the piano or playing tennis …
15 Offered by few lenders
16 ( I miss out the word puking from this Shakespearean phrase since I know of few instances in which a baby has strained the cassock of the clergyman baptising it , though doubtless readers may know of one . )
17 Much of the structure survives with few alterations in its appearance since then .
18 He said that the message that " environment means business " had only been understood by few companies , and that small and medium-sized ones in particular had been slow to recognize the opportunities .
19 Perhaps monotony , fragmentation and excessive pace are noted by few housewives and are not bound up with a dominant feeling of dissatisfaction .
20 This is a period about which little is known for few records survive of those days .
21 Those early days , when he shared a hovel with Linder and Ian Devine , were spent with few friends and ‘ How Soon Is Now ’ , an indication that his personal situation had n't improved with success , was hardly the typical Top Of The Pops sentiment of the day .
22 They arrive with few belongings , haunted by events left behind .
23 Handbells , although very common in the United States , are to be found in few churches in this country , except where they are used by bellringers in connection with change-ringing .
24 To set too high a standard tends to discourage a student unduly ; too lenient a standard , particularly if accompanied by few comments , may give a student a false idea of his/her examination prospects .
25 He was the first gold medal winner ( 1902 ) of the Institution of Mining and Metallurgy , his obituary in Nature noting : ‘ It is given to few men to discover a process which has had such a far-reaching effect in almost every branch of civilised life . ’
26 Famed for its gentle , artistic people and elaborately performed ceremonies , the Island of the Gods , Lombok is a mere fifteen minute flight from Bali , but unlike her close sister , this island has been exposed to few tourists .
27 The earthquake differed from most intraplate earthquakes of this size , however , in being followed by few after-shocks , in contrast to the magnitude 5.4 earthquake on the Lleyn Peninsula in 1984 .
28 When he died , after their long absences abroad , she was left with few friends in England .
29 While this is due in small measure to the axing of TOPS awards and the establishment of new courses leading to post-graduate diplomas which have attracted students who would otherwise have enrolled on a DMS course , the main reason has been the decline in the economy which has resulted in few companies being willing to sponsor students to undertake the course .
30 In ‘ the old days ’ field officers ( at least in the southern authority ) enjoyed a high degree of personal contact with their superiors and were subjected to few demands from headquarters :
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