Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] more [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 It was funny to hear Sir Bernard Ingham telling us on that delayed programme about the recession , which Samir Shah so bravely defended , that Mrs Thatcher was too nice to sack people ( bless you , Bernard , she got through more company than Sweeney Todd ) .
2 The fact is , transition to the simpler rules will involve costs , though at the end of the day it will make for more cost effective regulation than the present encyclopedias . ’
3 Sitting at right-angles to them ( on either side of the corner of a table ) or even alongside them will make for more harmony .
4 The move , by the new coalition of Liberals and Christian Democrats , satisfies the Dutch confederation of industry , which has lobbied for more support for industrial R&D and innovations .
5 I left her , and went to search for more information in a different place .
6 In Scotland and Wales public pressure developed for more independence than could be gained from decentralized administration .
7 With EDS funding due to end next year , ICL is lobbying the European Commission to extend financing for more software research until 1994. 50% of ICL 's EDS research budget came from the EC 's Esprit purse .
8 I asked for more work — anything to keep my mind occupied .
9 At the outset we asked for more help from the congregation .
10 I asked for more money because of Zadak : I wanted to give him money for rain .
11 If I analyse the bosses I 've worked for , the ones who irritated me the most were the ones who were indecisive and who constantly asked for more information just to delay making a decision .
12 The US Federal Trade Commission is reviewing a new staff report on the anti-trust allegations against Microsoft Corp , but a decision on the matter probably is still weeks away , lawyers familiar with the case told the Wall Street Journal : with a two-to-two vote in February , the commission did n't accept staff recommendations to seek an injunction preventing the company from using its market power to engage in allegedly unfair competitive practices ; after the tied vote , the commissioners asked for more information in an effort to resolve the deadlock ; the status report , which was delivered to commissioners last week , provides additional support for the staff 's call for action .
13 And when I say I asked for more polenta , you will know that we were dealing with an intake situation of Road to Damascus proportions .
14 Magistrates adjourned the hearing until later today after a solicitor asked for more time to consult his clients .
15 Send to SCIAF for more information .
16 ND argued for more free-market economic policies and deep cuts in government spending , while Pasok and Synaspismos called for the preservation of welfare provisions and for a higher productivity in the public sector .
17 One longs for more choice , for interpretations that are truly ‘ framed to the life of the words ’ ( to use Byrd 's phrase ) and not bland rehearsals of the notes , for performances that seek to move the listener rather than explore only the music 's sonorous surface .
18 The range of political institutions and objectives is well discussed , although one could have wished for more emphasis to be placed on European Community matters and where they may lead us .
19 If all this leads the controlling group to scream for more money from the Government , and it will inevitably , I suggest they start using the money they have more sensibly and not waste it on their more extravagant schemes .
20 Correspondence had been received from the green machine and the secretary was asked to write for more information because we were n't convinced with exactly what they were doing .
21 However they confirm that farmers who had claimed for more quota than they had ewes would be given ‘ around ’ two months after the statutory instrument had passed through Parliament to secure their extra rights to ewe premium and to notify the authorities of the transfer .
22 Regardless of the amount of time involved it seems likely that staff will always opt for more time if this is offered to them .
23 At times of high wages or low food prices , out-workers could opt for more leisure , but in times of slack trade they might well find themselves unable to get enough work to compensate for falling rates .
24 He was a raw young bull , itching for more action and glamour in his life .
25 But neither can the scheme continue unless Sri Lankans are squeezed for more money .
26 It was also one of the main reasons for people returning for more training .
27 Shiva thought , I must wait for more news , I must bear it and wait .
28 Benjamin turned and shouted for more wine .
29 London East TEC is obviously not getting everything that it would like , and the hon. Member for Newham , North-East and I will be pressing for more spending to cure the ills of unemployment in our area .
30 Several of the Board 's leading civil servants had been pressing for more equality in provision .
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