Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] many of " in BNC.

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1 Attempts by Latin American Communists to implement the ultra-leftism and isolationism of the ’ Third period' ( tactics which had been formulated to respond to the very different political conditions prevailing in Europe ) resulted in considerable loss of support and influence for many of these parties .
2 A dispute as to the interpretation or application of an international convention may arise between many of its parties but a claim of breach will normally be specific to particular parties .
3 In recent years , the Shetland summer season has been tainted for many of us by the knowledge that thousands of our sea-birds have failed to raise any young .
4 Even so , using multivariate analysis to adjust for many of these , including cigarette smoking , sex , duration of diabetes , hypertension and obesity , the Framingham investigators concluded that all these are insufficient to account for the excess incidence of coronary heart disease , particularly in female diabetics ( Garcia et al , 1974 ) .
5 The newcomers often act as easily identifiable scapegoats who can be blamed for many of the deprivations which the contemporary rural population suffers — ; poor amenities , remoteness from the centres of private and public decision-making , and so on .
6 There was a real bond of friendship and understanding between many of the great churchmen of this age and leading warriors ; it would be a nice point to decide whether the happiness of St Margaret 's marriage to King Malcolm of Scotland ( see p. 210 ) was more or less remarkable than the depth of St Anselm 's friendship with Hugh of Avranches , the first earl of Chester , the savage hammer of the Welsh .
7 Welfare and Education advice is available through the Union Officer and an elected Site Committee looks after many of the day-to-day decisions .
8 Welfare and Education advice is available through the Union Officer and an elected Site Committee looks after many of the day-to-day decisions .
9 This facility ‘ for burying an emotion in my heart or brain for forty years , and exhuming it at the end of that time as fresh as when interred ’ , as he described it , lies behind many of his most successful lyrics .
10 Elisabeth had not looked into many of the bedrooms at The Tamarisks — in August they were invariably occupied .
11 The view can be frequently heard from paid workers in the CAB that volunteers are a privileged class who can not empathise with many of the clients who come to the CAB .
12 Database technology has significance as it can assist in many of these problem areas : high-level end-user languages such as SQL can be embedded in standard programming languages to integrate data-base facilities with other functional aspects ; management of large volumes of persistent data , including such aspects as security , integrity , concurrency and optimization of access , is a central tenet of the technology ; multi-level architectures with mappings from logical to physical levels provide different views of the same stored data ; content-addressing can be integrated with navigation to give facilities as sophisticated as those found in information retrieval systems .
13 In Nepal , dolphin habitat has traditionally been in deep clear water with swift currents , but hydro-electric development is occurring in many of the susu 's favourite remaining areas .
14 There are two symbols which appear in many of Pakenham 's works .
15 But the fact should also be faced that these two developments represent in microcosm what has happened and is happening in many of Britain 's older industrial towns .
16 The Minister will know from many of the schemes that he visits that one of the carrots that they hold out to young people is the ability to drive vehicles off road and eventually to train for a full licence .
17 South African destabilization has succeeded in many of its aims ; the rebel movement , RENAMO , has destroyed or forced the closure of approximately fifty percent of the PHC network .
18 As a relative newcomer to The Artist I am revelling in many of your articles .
19 I understood though I mean it , it looks from many of these er publications as though it 's meant to convey that Mr and Mr Wogan are sitting down and having a conversation or Ms Rippon is n't it ? , that 's how it 's presented , is that right ?
20 There was a particularly high demand for the dental and ophthalmic services which had not been included in many of the pre-war insurance schemes .
21 The main economic and social themes which have already been considered in many of the chapters of this book reappear as the dominant themes in any discussion on housing policy .
22 ‘ In my opinion , this kind of Communist ( who denies the right to secede ) ’ , he repeated , ‘ is a Great Russian chauvinist ; he lives inside many of us and must be fought . ‘
23 Lawrence , who , besides representing to many of his admirers in political circles the very quintessence of those qualities on which the successful transformation of empire into Commonwealth would depend , was an imperial hero to the British public .
24 The population has now become much more dispersed , with birds occurring on many of the larger lakes , reservoirs and areas of gravel pits in the county .
25 It is true that the Government has responded to many of the demands to change its economic policy , though it was forced into many of the U-turns .
26 It said that Lamont had responded to many of its suggestions such as improved investment allowances and export credit arrangements .
27 Yes , magnetic units claim success , and we 've reported on many of these in the last few months .
28 It is perhaps a feature which could be added to many of the existing railways in some way so that the many enthusiastic photographers can enjoy that aspect of our hobbies without some of the restrictions that are presented today ?
29 Around this time , as it was evident that the trams in London would have to be kept going for a few more years , visible external truss rods and other strengthening devices began to appear on many of the cars .
30 It looks to many of us as if the Government are using the helmet issue to divert attention from spending money on real facilities for cyclists .
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