Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] between three " in BNC.

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1 One of his accomplices was imprisoned for life , and four others were sentenced to between three and 15 years .
2 During its growth phase ( called anagen ) hair grows for between three and six years , Then there is a short resting period ( telogen ) of about three months , when the hair is shed .
3 The current in Harrogate 's case significant number of major job losses and we we estimate that those amount to between three and four thousand jobs , er many of which we feel are still to come through the system and are therefore not reflected in unemployment figures of yet .
4 The Single Transferable Vote gives voters a free choice of candidates in multi-member constituencies — but the number of members is limited to between three and eight .
5 Various writers of the classical school , such as Fayol , Graicunas and Urwick , argued that the managerial span of control should be limited to between three and six .
6 All policies now stipulate that they must have run for between three and six months before claims will be considered — and most bar self-employed people altogether .
7 Most management agreements are signed for between three and five years .
8 Er , these binges take places regularly and they may amount to between three to five thousand calories in one binge .
9 Zenith Data Systems Europe , Compagnie des Machines Bull SA 's microcomputer subsidiary , announced eight new models of its Z-Station desktops , five ‘ network-ready ’ Z-Note and the Z-Lite 320L , which it calls a ‘ subnotebook ’ computer : the Z-Stations are based on the Intel 80486DX/2 66MHz and 50MHz and the 33MHz 80486SX processors ; three of the new Z-Note models are based on the Intel 80486SL chip , and two on the 25MHz 80386SL , and also feature a passive matrix colour display ; the Z-Lite 320L weighs 4 lbs and uses the 3.3V 80386 SL chip , which provides for between three and six hours of working between charges .
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