Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] her the " in BNC.

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1 Even if she could be brought to view his actions in his own light , he would remain for her the instrument of death .
2 Ruth sat on her bed and drew towards her the unfinished drawing of lions apparently devouring people — Christians probably , from the school 's Religious Knowledge .
3 He knew he would be able to work with her the way he like to , not a barnstorming nonstop battle which was the way he had to work with Gesner , but an exciting exploration of just what new heights could be achieved .
4 Before they had parted on the Flamingo she had given Ernest the name of the boardinghouse where the Carsons had made arrangements to stay , and he had promised to write to her the minute he and Charlotte arrived at their destination .
5 Try to make her understand how other people feel by putting herself in their shoes ; by that , I do n't mean hitting her over the head yourself , but explaining to her the pain of the other child when she hit him .
6 Beneath the heaven of feeling that he needed her were the remnants of pain caused by the memory of how he had looked at her the morning after they had made love .
7 Aycliffe 's face , kind but serious , demanding of her the condemnation she could not give .
8 She made her way towards the small window table selected for her the previous evening , but before she could sit down Silas came to her side .
9 But she knew , morning person or not , if Fen only felt for her the way she felt for him , she would happily be up at half-past three or even earlier , just to be with him .
10 Maggie 's room , her own place , had been made for her the summer she was eight by Phoebe , Paul and Uncle Wong .
11 ‘ She also asked me to recount for her the circumstances leading up to the car crash in May 1968 in which poor Willy Morpurgo suffered brain damage . ’
12 Police never traced a scruffy looking man seen with her the day before she died .
13 One day he will , and proceed to create from her the perfect dish of a wife and peeress . ’
14 There was on her lips the slightly sulky look he had first noticed in her the night before , but she was fighting .
15 According to her the material objects of the world provide the common source of that knowledge .
16 According to her the dogs are not a nuisance and she wo n't pay the fine .
17 Before they left I could not forbear to draw Gillian closer and impart to her the glittering counsel that wearing 501s with trainers was frankly un désastre and that I was amazed she had walked the streets to my apartment in broad daylight and escaped pillory .
18 The word stirred her , and she recalled what her mother had said to her the previous day : that Cork had been her home all her life , with no suffering and no want — a safe and secure home .
19 What had the vacillating vamp said to her the last time they were together ?
20 Was writing to her the nearest he could be ?
21 So delightfully muzzy was she that it seemed to her the night in Nice had never happened …
22 Jane continued her career — if you can dignify it with such a name — on Vogue , where the personnel manager fiercely shot at her the rhetorical question : ‘ You 've got a private income , of course ? ’
23 It might be said that the museum was Mrs Gardner 's revenge ; Fenway Court , the remarkable Italian palazzo which she built well outside respectable Boston among the city 's breweries and distilleries , was named by her The Isabella Stuart Gardner Museum .
24 But its possession , the sight and weight of it on her key ring , had come to symbolize for her the certainty and the trust of their friendship .
25 It does n't work for her the mistress of the moment of sudden isolation at not seeing back to the black magician who fantastically juggles luminous hoops in the recto-rectangular hey put my mirror back .
26 This was her first big opportunity to reply to the barrage of criticism and , as she saw it , ingratitude which had marred for her the celebration last May of her 10 years in office .
27 They said , ‘ Elizabeth , you are wonderful to look after her the way you do ’ , and ‘ Elizabeth , you are wonderful to cook as you do ’ , and ‘ Elizabeth , what would Hywel have done without you ? ’ and ‘ Elizabeth , what a difference you have made to the house ’ , and ‘ Elizabeth , Elizabeth ’ .
28 Not only , she was thinking , did n't Arnie look after her the way Guido did , but , far more alarming , there was something else he 'd never done .
29 Then as he turned towards her the overhead lights that she had switched on to look through her dresses shone directly onto his face and she noticed how pale and drawn he looked , lines that were usually unnoticeable etched between nose and mouth , eyes almost feverishly bright .
30 My husband took off his underpants and Jessica sat in the car with them wrapped round her the rest of the way home !
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