Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] these area " in BNC.

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1 Unless otherwise indicated , therefore , this questionnaire is asking for information about courses which aim to improve teachers ' or trainee teachers ' understanding and awareness of the nature of human ability-orientated courses , either in teaching methods for language teaching or in communication for all teachers — but information given should not refer to work in these areas unless it has been specifically asked for .
2 The recent rapid expansion of Asian drift-net fleets into the South Pacific and Tasman Sea has raised fears of similar problems of entanglement of marine mammals in plastic netting lost or discarded in these areas .
3 Before girls reach puberty , the vulva and vagina have a different hormonal content and acidity , and the gonococcus can flourish in these areas .
4 Particular locations on the reef , known as cleaning stations , are well frequented by the large number of fish that are attracted to these areas .
5 The public will be able to request information relating to these areas , but the body concerned will be allowed to refuse any requests " which are formulated in too general a manner " .
6 The recent announcement of a link up between the EC and EFTA to create a European Economic Area [ EEA ] by 1993 is likely to have little immediate impact on the proportion of exports destined for these areas , partly because privileged access to each others markets has already been in existence for a number of years between the two trading blocks .
7 The Executive obviously has a very serious problem when it comes to looking after these areas , ’ said Mr Wilson .
8 The administration of these services is decentralised as far as possible to conform with these areas in more accessible mini-town halls .
9 It should be remembered , however , that a lot of abseils are to be found in remote areas such as national parks , and those venturing into these areas should carry and be able to use survival equipment .
10 Second , there appeared to have been an evening-out of change , with the mixed/pastoral farming areas recording similar rates of change to the arable areas , partly because arable farming had markedly expanded into these areas during the period from 1972 to 1983 .
11 Starting on lo May , all male category B and category C Germans and Austrians living in these areas were detained , among them boys just past the age of sixteen who were taken from foster parents or schools without explanation .
12 The answer to the third question may lie in the socio-economic characteristics of Blacks and Whites living in these areas , which suggest we were not in fact comparing ‘ like with like . ’
13 The adverse position of children living in these areas in the 1960s was abundantly documented by major government reports .
14 The systems approach , as we saw , developed from cybernetics , management theory and computer technology , and crudely transferred from these areas of activity its use in education can be appalling .
15 If pupils and staff together planned how money saved in these areas could be used to provide better facilities and recreational opportunities then perhaps these problems could be overcome . )
16 Much of Sir Charles Irving 's personal vote came from these areas , where many know of his extraordinary personal kindness .
17 Many of the graphite pits were in the Western and Southern Provinces , and a large proportion of miners who worked in other districts came from these areas .
18 Long before this time wooden huts were made in these areas , by primitive peoples , which had domed structures built over square forms supported by means of planks set across the angles of the square thus making it into an octagon .
19 Over 90 enquiries were made about classes and the names were passed to teachers operating in these areas .
20 Extra development control powers applied to these areas , and all substantial developments now have to be referred to the Countryside Commission for Scotland .
21 The term refers to the law applied to these areas , which was designed to maintain and encourage wild animals , principally deer , and the greenery on which they depended .
22 When tumours were present in the oxyntic mucosa of the biopsy specimens taken at the standard sites , counts were always done outside these areas .
23 To stimulate interest in simple surveying and engineering , and to give the children opportunities to develop skills related to these areas .
24 No justification was offered for these areas ; neither are they identical to the six lines of development adopted by the Assessment of Performance Unit , which also involved HMIs .
25 The group who came with me had in many cases exercised certain spiritual gifts in public worship and our going was a challenge to others to grow into these areas .
26 Through the information and insights which it can provide in these areas , linguistics can give important help to teachers in formulating appropriate teaching methods .
27 THE study was commissioned following research in other parts of the country which had shown a marked decline in the number of ponds remaining in these areas .
28 Yes , well , I particularly welcome this erm concentration on areas , I think it 's an excellent idea , particularly in relation to housing , I think what we will find interesting is that a whole number of Oxford citizens , perhaps indeed from Barton , Blackbird Leys , Marston originally , who are badly housed in these areas and waiting in the most appalling accommodation for the opportunity of a council home .
29 Indeed , there is a desperate shortage of accommodation to rent , especially in urban areas , and the housing stock that exists in these areas is often poorly maintained and badly managed .
30 Demand for our brands already exists in these areas , and as their economies develop , so will the opportunities they offer .
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