Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] him by " in BNC.

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1 He had a picture in his mind of the layout of passage , stairs and landing , a picture unwittingly painted for him by the man who had retrieved his wallet .
2 He has such great familiarity with the keyboard that when it is hidden for him by a cloth spread over it , he plays on this cloth with the same speed and the same precision .
3 For his performance , he wore an outfit designed for him by one of the finalists in the Lloyds Bank Fashion Challenge , and made by Paul Smith , the designer .
4 In the 1780s , when Highgate Hill was so steep and deeply rutted that carriages regularly failed to make the grade , and the drive to town sufficiently dangerous that a wise man went with pistols , a merchant called Thomas Roxborough had constructed a handsome house on Hornsey Lane , designed for him by one Henry Holland .
5 FALKLANDS war hero Simon Weston is to tackle an 800-mile journey in America on a £2,000 cycle specially designed for him by the Lotus car company .
6 Since Alford was described on the ballot paper merely as ‘ The Labour Candidate ’ , it would not be surprising if quite a few voters were confused , and voted for him by mistake .
7 If matters are simplified for him by assuming that he can move only north , south , east or west , and excluding the possibility that he might collapse on the spot , can you visualize the path he would follow ?
8 For that , Nicholas had his own company , and another one hundred men picked for him by Pesaro .
9 Posing as a Lebanese cocaine buyer , he had flown to Los Angeles with a suitcase full of counterfeit US currency provided by DEA Nicosia and checked into a room booked for him by the DEA at the Sheraton Universal hotel .
10 He was a bachelor , and this was certainly expected of him by his colleagues .
11 Much is expected of him by India 's neighbours , whose relations with New Delhi deteriorated in the last two years of Rajiv Gandhi 's government .
12 In fact , I remember Mr Simpson , the landlord of the Ploughman 's Arms , saying once that were he an American bartender , he would not be chatting to us in that friendly , but ever-courteous manner of his , but instead would be assaulting us with crude references to our vices and failings , calling us drunks and all manner of such names , in his attempt to fulfil the role expected of him by his customers .
13 Before Lord George obtained this command , however , his inability to render the services expected of him by some of the family 's political friends was a liability , and was seen as such by Montrose , who wrote with some anxiety to deny allegations that the son of another gentleman of the region was serving in Lord George 's ship , but was on board the flagship of the admiral .
14 The press reported that Sununu blamed his recent difficulties on a vendetta being pursued against him by enemies within the White House , elements of the liberal press and Jewish groups opposed to his Lebanese ancestry and his calls for even-handedness in US policy towards the Middle East .
15 He felt at rest , the dark weight of tension lifted from him by the woman .
16 He shook his coat outside and it was carried before him by Stephen Holly along the corridor that led into the backroom where a windowed coke boiler blazed and the coat was draped across a fender .
17 He watched her dab her cheeks , then wipe her eyes , his heart torn from him by the tiny shudder she gave .
18 ‘ The great landowner seems to reign there like the lion in his forest , driving from him by his roars all who seek to approach his presence . ’
19 It must be remembered that , nine times out of ten , the third party solicitor will be relying on descriptions of locus , machinery , etc. provided to him by his client — and will not have had the opportunity of visiting the LOCUS himself .
20 David showed prudence in doing the things committed to him by Saul ; Job exemplified simplicity ( in the good sense ) for it was said of him that he was a simple man ; Solomon , in Proverbs , highlighted patience , where he said that a prince is made mellow by patience .
21 Rather more interesting , however , to Julia than either Ian 's or Canon Wheeler 's vision for the Church was the very puzzling question of why , when he invariably summoned his subordinates to come to him by phone , Wheeler had today put himself to the trouble of walking up a back staircase to the servants ' quarters ?
22 There were very strong objections from one landowner and frontager and much pressure was brought to bear on him by both the company and the Rural District Council , who announced on 9 September that he had accepted their conditions .
23 What is so odd , though , is that Lewis was tempted to argue the faith , to analyse and defend it in a manner at once so roughshod and so cerebral when it had come to him by quite other means .
24 Peter Catherwood finally snapped when the child referred to him by his second name .
25 Peter Catherwood finally snapped when the child referred to him by his second name .
26 There he found fragments uniting the personal and anthropological , whether in the ‘ memory and desire ’ of the Thomsonian buried corpse about which he had read at Harvard , in the Frazerian Mayne Reid deserts of his childhood , in Kipling 's metempsychosis , Rostand , or Jacobean dramatists , or a passage recommended to him by his Harvard Sanskrit teacher , Charles Lanman , who had laid special emphasis on the advice which the Hindu ‘ Lord of Creatures ’ gives to men in thunder .
27 Foremost among his worries was a storyline from a writer initially recommended to him by Dennis Spooner — Terry Nation .
28 He handed it across to the Colonel who noticed with some satisfaction that it was addressed to him by name and not merely as commanding officer .
29 At the start of the further hearing , the Attorney-General , who appeared for the Crown , drew our attention to a letter addressed to him by the Clerk of the House of Commons suggesting that any reference to Hansard for the purpose of construing the Act might breach the privileges of that House .
30 He looked to be peevish , the corners of his full mouth turned down , and an irritable look in his face each time he answered some remark addressed to him by the woman at his side .
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