Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] for [det] " in BNC.

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1 Erm , what we 'd like to know for for all of our sake 's really , is who we are , and where we 're from , what we 're doing here , how long have we been doing whatever it is that we 're doing here , erm where we come from , a little bit abo about our history , and any details , usual points , that you just Er , my name 's David .
2 Certainly they make demands on social and medical services , and it is possible that severely mentally handicapped people will have to be looked after for all their lives .
3 Version 9 will include all the specifications that must be adhered to for those designing and implementing 64-bit Sparc technology .
4 ‘ As nasty a thing as I 've looked at for many a day ’ , says one of the characters in Trollope 's Vicar of Bullhampton of the local Nonconformist chapel .
5 Our laws will give all the guarantees one can think of for any democratic country . ’
6 Quite apart from his own necessities , Gould was beleaguered by requests from acquaintances to deliver letters to people in Sydney , even to trace a young man who had gone to Australia three years earlier and had not been heard of for more than a year .
7 The individual is the provider of material and data , is sought after for this purpose , is the bearer of social forces and is the agent of society itself .
8 Behind the solitary constable was a vast army of doppelgänger wheeling and cavorting in the city 's Sefton Park , ready and available to reinforce the power of the patrol officer , a force to be reckoned with for those who might dispute the territory of the street .
9 They are even admitted to be absurd by Tertullian — ‘ Credo quia absurdum ’ — and believed in for that very reason ; but this is an argument which does not enable us to distinguish which absurd propositions we are to believe Freud thought .
10 Mr George Henry Quarry , a Belfast solicitor was then applied to for some land at the top of Carrickblacker Road but initially there was no response from him and other possible sites investigated were some ground opposite where James 's Street now stands and land behind where the little Roman Catholic church was later built ( now Pritchard 's Motors ) and near the site of Edenderry Orange Hall .
11 A list of written works which have been consulted and which the reader may refer to for more information .
12 I did n't get much opportunity to talk to for any length of time but she managed to arrange to meet with the others with young babies and we planned to get together again later that week .
13 The fish nutritionist is really the scientist the carp angler needs to talk to for both their aims are similar .
14 we approximately the subject we had been looking at for some time so I approximately , nineteen eighty eight , nineteen eighty nine
15 Er I do n't know how many of you made wills but er draw him out on other things if you 've got any problems I mean we we had quite an interesting session at one of the power station talks on a er tenant er tenancy agreement that a chap had been bothered about for some years .
16 Digital networks , in the form of ISDN ( integrated services digital network ) have been talked about for many years , and in mainly technical terms .
17 This twenty-five-day trial was probably the most talked about for many years .
18 ‘ It is completely novel for a high-street retailer to launch an added-value card like this , through it 's been talked about for some time , ’ says Ian Minors , managing director of Moss Bros agency MHA Direct .
19 To enjoy as much as she was going to for this time , she knew that , and she smiled and held him and kissed him when she felt the convulsion and heard his breath released .
20 Equally we might accept the temporal regress caused by supposing that for each moment in time there is a moment that precedes it , or the causal regress derived from the propositions that every event has a separate cause and that every cause is an event .
21 , general manager , Courtaulds Aerospace Europe will report to for all European aerospace coatings and sealants activities .
22 A plaque on a wall is admittedly not much to look at for those with a passion for working machinery and dramatic industrial landscapes , but this one marks the site of the foundation of that industry which has had a greater impact on civilization than any other .
23 The budget figure is what 's been agreed with and it 's a straightforward month by month , seasonally adjusted erm budget which comes to the end result figure that we 're aiming for for this year .
24 … to ensure that redundancy is not used as a pretext for getting rid of employees which some manager wishes to get rid of for some quite other reasons , eg … by reason of personal dislike .
25 Its soothing action has been called upon for many generations .
26 In my humble opinion , he should not be called upon for such justification .
27 This means that the original cause of action can no longer be relied upon for any purpose .
28 Few can be relied upon for any technical back-up or support services although they can draw upon the services of their manufacturing suppliers for this purpose .
29 The details of his three years ' captivity from the North African desert to the Eastern Front were not spoken of for more than another thirty , other than by occasional scant reference .
30 ‘ Does article 5(1) of the [ Brussels ] Convention apply to claims which are made by an association constituted under private law possessing legal personality against one of its members in a matter relating to obligations in regard to the payment of a sum of money and which have their basis in the relationship between the parties by virtue of membership , such relationship arising from the defendant party 's joining the association as a member by virtue of a legal transaction entered into for that purpose ?
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