Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] the [adv] " in BNC.

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61 The case of Islam provides an interesting example , because Islam is commonly regarded as the most strictly monotheistic of the Near Eastern religions .
62 But his own estimates , widely regarded as the most reliable of many recent projections , suggest that between 317 000 and 446 000 black South Africans will be HIV-positive by the end of this year .
63 The habitats which have been hardest hit by the post-war agricultural revolution are on land which was always regarded as the most marginal : the barest hilltops , the steepest hillsides , and the wettest valley bottoms .
64 With its large population and massive dependence on foreign exchange from oil exports Nigeria is regarded as the most vulnerable of the OPEC countries and has constantly battled to increase its production quota above the 1.3 million barrels per day laid down by OPEC .
65 They are an important source for two reasons : they indicate that the overload problem has been a constant since the Second World War and is not peculiar to the sixties , seventies and eighties , and that even what has come to be regarded as the most efficiently run administration since 1945 had serious difficulties in the handling of business .
66 The actual implementation of an innovation is regarded as the most important part of the study .
67 Biofuels and wind power are regarded as the most promising technologies , along with small scale hydro and tidal power .
68 Written by Dom Pérignon 's pupil and immediate successor at Hautvillers , the treatise must be regarded as the most authoritative contemporary account , not only of the state of viticulture and viniculture in Champagne in the late seventeenth and early eighteenth centuries , but also of Dom Pérignon 's particular contribution to the art of winemaking .
69 The results showed that Amasha was the least likely of the four to be treated with LGS and that Daeria , generally regarded as the most dangerous of the four , was the most likely reason for LGS usage .
70 The eastern diamondback and the western diamondback are regarded as the most dangerous snakes in North America and are responsible for a number of human fatalities every year .
71 John o' Groats is commonly but wrongly regarded as the most northerly tip of the country and because of this popular misconception attracts many visitors , most of whom come for no better reason than to be able to say they have been there and , having satisfied this ambition , turn round and return south .
72 Lavenham is widely regarded as the most complete example of a medieval town with its superb timber-framed houses , medieval street pattern and market place .
73 These writers , of whom Marx ( 1818–83 ) , Weber ( 1864–1920 ) , and Durkheim ( 1858–1917 ) are usually regarded as the most important , were essentially theorists , who based their analysis of what was happening to the rapidly changing European societies of that time on evidence from historians and other sources rather than on their own original research .
74 The Bourbon variety ‘ Mme Isaac Pereire ’ , with huge crimson blooms , has for long been widely regarded as the most powerfully scented rose of all .
75 Hand-knotted rugs are known as pile rugs , or simply as rugs , and are generally regarded as the most important and aesthetically satisfying manifestations of the oriental rug-maker 's art .
76 Physics was chosen as a representative subject , not only because it is studied by so few women , and is therefore a typically masculine discipline , but also because it tends to be regarded as the most objective , rigorous and , indeed , successful of the pure sciences .
77 Furthermore to insist that a procedure must include a significant element of external control could hinder the implementation of remedies : a criticism which is often regarded as the most important .
78 When first a new people group was contacted , the leaders were asked to pay tribute , and then they were often persuaded to make a solemn pact or covenant ( shen or prisyaga ) The customs of the locals were investigated to elicit information about what sort of oath would be regarded as the most binding .
79 Originally a painter , Peter Kennard has been making photomontages since the mid-Seventies , and is now widely regarded as the most important exponent of the art in Britain today .
80 Of the 168 vacancies thus created , 42 were to be filled by new borough seats , including eight new London seats and seats for Manchester , Leeds , and Birmingham ; 55 were to be devoted to the provision of additional members for countries , to augment what had traditionally been regarded as the most " independent " element in the representative system ; and nine new places were to be given to Scotland , Ireland and Wales .
81 He made his début for Essex in 1930 and during the 1930s was regarded as the most effective amateur bowler in English first-class cricket .
82 By contrast Aleksandr Yakovlev , regarded as the most liberal politburo member , won an unexpectedly warm reception for an impassioned address in which he dwelt on the value of perestroika in doing away with the Stalinist legacy and restoring morale and morality and the dignity of both the party and the individual : he observed that " not only emptying shelves but also emptying souls brought about perestroika and demanded revolutionary changes " .
83 In what was widely regarded as the most significant foreign policy decision since 1945 , the Riksdag vote was 198 to 105 with 26 abstentions .
84 An extensive Cabinet reshuffle on Feb. 19 involved some 20 changes and numerous new appointments , and included the transfer of the Foreign Affairs Minister Habib Boulares , regarded as the most pro-Iraqi member of the government , to Defence ; the departure from the Cabinet of Hamouda Ben Slama , who as Minister of Youth and Sports had been seen as having an " affinity " with Islamists ; and the appointment of Habib Ben Yahia , a US-educated career diplomat and former ambassador to the UN , to take over Foreign Affairs .
85 Suffice it to say , at this point , that even in the midwest region of Ireland , widely regarded as the most successful free zone in the world , whose agencies have an unsurpassed international reputation , the impact on the Irish economy of the foreign-owned sector in terms of linkages is uninspiring .
86 Antinuclear and smooth muscle antibodies are commonly regarded as the most reliable positive markers of type-1 autoimmune chronic hepatitis in cases of chronic liver disease of unknown aetiology .
87 Among these factors , a reduced basal tone and frequent episodes of inappropriate relaxation of the lower oesophageal sphincter are regarded as the most important .
88 SIR , — I disagree with F. O. ter Kuile and colleagues ' conclusions ( April 24 , p 1044 ) about the anti-malarial drug mefloquine , which is regarded as the most effective such medication at present .
89 Turbulent flows have often been regarded as the most important yet least understood set of phenomena of fluid dynamics .
90 Many saw it as ironic that the decision was strongly supported by Norway 's Prime Minister , Mrs Gro Harlem Brundtland , generally regarded as the most " environmentalist " of all government leaders .
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