Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] a last " in BNC.

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1 They seem to have taken the view that deportation was justified as a last resort when the victim had persistently ignored warnings , and when nothing further could be done to achieve his rehabilitation .
2 Exchange rates had only been adjusted as a last resort by deficit and surplus countries , and so were not used speedily enough to prevent prolonged payments imbalances and exchange rate crises .
3 The crew of the boat on which he was travelling attacked and were about to kill him when he asked for a last favour — to play a tune .
4 If intended as a last step prior to dismissal , such a warning should describe the nature of the offence and make it clear that a repetition will cause you to be dismissed .
5 He said it was clear that the government had only joined as a last resort to try and solve the country 's economic problems .
6 Drugs are sometimes prescribed as a last resort .
7 Often regarded as a last resort the use of contract cleaners is a valid management option to replace any or all of the ‘ in house ’ capability .
8 Perhaps smacking should be regarded as a last resort and even then as something of a failure in communication between parent and child .
9 In general , they found that parents regarded care on a voluntary basis as helpful and positive — a service to families in times of difficulty that should be more readily offered , not treated as a last resort .
10 The question which remains to be solved is : were these phrases added to existing documents in 1070–72 to support Lanfranc 's claim to primacy over the whole area of the British Isles , or were they added as a last resort in 1120 , when the claim which Lanfranc , Anselm and Archbishop Ralph had all supported was facing final and irrevocable defeat ?
11 The recommendation for deportation had apparently been added as a last minute after thought , without any proper inquiry .
12 The new information on the inefficiency of bleach , alongside the trends indicated by our London data , suggests that household bleach should only be recommended as a last resort in the absence of sterile syringes and only then at full strength ( 5.25% sodium hypochlorite ) .
13 The priest was dying with a last Gloria on his lips , and Harry , carried away upon a tide of hatred for all things Spanish and all things Catholic , had already sunk the blade into the back of the young hidalgo .
14 Shoemaking with CAD starts with a last marked with a grid and clamped in a digitizer .
15 Dead rats , floating in the brown swill of beer with teeth bared in a last deathly snarl .
16 Menzies was crouching back on the bench , his legs braced , like a cornered hare frozen in a last effort to baffle the enemy .
17 Yes , this is done as a last resort .
18 Underpinning should only be accepted as a last resort when all other reasonable options have been considered .
19 We see also how forgery was long resisted , then finally and fatally adopted as a last resort .
20 Thus floating has often been adopted as a last resort when a system of fixed exchange rates has collapsed , as was the case in 1973 .
21 In either case it is generally seen as a last resort .
22 It is not mere chance that admitting children into residential care is seen as a last resort by field and residential social workers , but it is , I wish to argue , the logical outcome of what has gone before .
23 The declaration was seen as a last gesture by Annamalai Varatharaja Perumal , the Chief Minister of the Council and leader of the EPRLF , who subsequently left Sri Lanka along with his wife and family .
24 Finally , if the worst happened , Spain was seen as a last line of continental defence .
25 One advantage of being at home is that you will be less likely to have a caesarian section , which is seen as a last resort while in hospitals around 12pc of all pregnancies will end in an operation .
26 Many enthusiasts came for a last look and as each week passed there was a little less of the Woodhead line to photograph .
27 ‘ Spying ’ in the accepted sense is redundant , save as a last resort .
28 A husband and wife must be faithful to one another , and divorce is used as a last resort if the relationship breaks down .
29 A blanket punishment such as detention of a whole class must only be used as a last resort , otherwise people who are quite innocent may be detained incorrectly or unlawfully . ’
30 For products that are expensive and only used sporadically an unattractive product may be chosen if it has an exceptional performance as its handling characteristics will ensure that it is only used as a last resort and not used casually when other cheaper products would suffice .
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