Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] different time " in BNC.

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1 Above all , operating in different time zones allows animals to exploit their environment to the full .
2 ‘ With E-mail it zips through at a fraction of the cost , and such a system also eliminates many of the difficulties associated with operating in different time zones . ’
3 Put in another way , the same smoothing recipe applied to different time series will produce different resulting shapes for the smooth , which , as we shall see in the next chapter , is not the case when fitting straight lines .
4 Political interventions can also work according to different time scales .
5 It would be no surprise if he too had clocks set for different time zones .
6 It is possible , for example , that a large proportion of loans are for the most recently deposited theses ; alternatively , it could be that some theses are more often requested than others , and that loan records for such theses would be found within different time periods .
7 Aliquots of the cultures were withdrawn at different time intervals in order to determine the cell counts .
8 It is of particular value where international companies are working in different time zones and the telephone is not always a convenient method of communication .
9 This produces an average of 11.8 papers per researcher , but because the papers were published over different time periods , an average annual publication rate can not be calculated from this figure .
10 This produces an average of 11.8 papers per researcher , but because the papers were published over different time periods , an average annual publication rate can not be calculated from this figure .
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