Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] time of " in BNC.

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1 There are three bedrooms for visitors all with private bathrooms and individual character — one has an iron-framed antique rose-painted four-poster bed with lace hangings and a Victorian screen , another has oak beams and a closet ( now a shower ) where priests are reputed to have hidden during times of persecution .
2 ‘ The one thing I learned is that no one does any building during times of political instability . ’
3 This ascetic approach to fuel saving , is , of course , fine during times of shortage , but more difficult to promote during times of plenty .
4 The debate about whether unemployment , poverty and deprivation are causally related to crime is perhaps less interesting than the observation which we discussed more fully elsewhere that crime , and in particular , street crime , becomes highlighted during times of economic crisis .
5 And yet this acute observer would describe the very same people — almost unaware of what she was observing — as physically overworked during times of busy trade , as eating and sleeping too little , as too physically exhausted for intellectual effort , at the mercy of ‘ the many chances of breakdown and failure meaning absence of physical comfort ’ .
6 Most charges of seditious words occurred during times of Jacobite scares and tended to be levied at those groups suspected of Jacobite sympathy : Roman Catholics , the Irish , Nonjurors , and the high-flying clergy and gentry .
7 Their labour histories consist of periods of work interspersed with times of unemployment , underemployment or black-economy jobs .
8 Circumstances in which overtime may be used should be identified , together with a list of staff who have agreed to be approached in time of need .
9 Critics of foreign ownership argue that British plants may become satellite plants or screwdriver plants , involved in the low value-added parts of the production process , providing jobs that are the first to disappear in times of difficulty .
10 Sidonius , like the Late Antique authors on whom he modelled himself , had written such letters to ensure the existence of a pool of friends on whom he could count in times of need .
11 The ability to fit life-cycles into seasons , to flourish in times of plenty and survive in times of dearth , is clearly critical for polar species ; so also are such qualities as adaptability to change , avoidance of specialization , and deftness in colonizing new habitats .
12 Box ( 1987 ) argues that crimes committed by corporations , businesses and professions are likely to increase in times of economic recession although he admits that the evidence is less strong than for ‘ conventional ’ crimes ( see Chapter Four ) .
13 Never fear , messieurs , we shall have this mystery solved in time of nothing at all .
14 Now if our assets if by promoting the right to buy , by having capital receipts we seem to have a large balance building up , there is the distinct risk given the sort of policies that this government has pursued over time of a we will be running a risk there , we do n't know what they 're going to do , you do n't know what they 're going to do .
15 The unpulsed sounds seem to relate to times of heightened excitement , such as during feeding , when stranded or in a state of distress or alarm , or between mother and newborn calf .
16 Although these troubles occurred in the city , foreigners were also attacked at times of peasant rioting when the rebels came to London , so it is clear that there were some sentiments which were shared by townsmen and countrymen alike .
17 It also demonstrates that the findings of research support a coherent policy to identify family needs at times of stress and develop services and good practice to match them as far as possible .
18 Every year the Indian newspapers chart Siberian crane sightings with the devotion and enthusiasm the British press usually only musters at times of royal births .
19 With age , these colours fade , the black becoming grey over a beige/green background , but then returning at times of aggression and display , which are quite regular .
20 The edible species grow at times of high predation as epiphytes on the less palatable .
21 Managing Director of P&O European Ferries ( Portsmouth ) , Richard Martin , said : ‘ Sponsorship is often one of the first areas to be threatened during times of economic hardship .
22 Alarms can either be rigged up in every room in your house , or you can wear an alarm unit on your person , to activate in times of need .
23 The knowledge that the only help you could expect in times of trouble or need would have to be sought from a near neighbour ; and , even more fundamental , the bond of blood .
24 Over 400 caves exist which have been used as food and wine/beer stores , tanning and malting rooms , dwellings and shelters in time of war .
25 Nobody had wanted to be regularly policed as people were abroad , preferring to leave it to the magistrates to swear in special constables as they 'd always done in times of civil disturbance , or use the troops .
26 Although a handful of poems were written in times of solitude or loneliness , the great bulk of her poetry was written for Freemantle or for other friends .
27 Admittedly the zeal with which trades unions seek to achieve increases in the money wages of their members is likely to be tempered in times of rising unemployment , an outcome which is also predicted in the more formal models of hysteresis .
28 If we pause briefly and attempt to list the possible reasons why an individual or a family might have needed parish relief in the late 18th and early 19th centuries — sickness , unemployment , the needs of one-parent families or of orphans or young children , support in times of local or national economic crisis , old age — then we have now found Titfords in every category .
29 During 1740 the First Lord of the Admiralty , with Walpole 's support , tried to carry a bill to create a national register of sea-faring men from which suitable recruits could be sought in time of crisis , but it was denounced by the Opposition as being akin to slavery and thrown out .
30 He began by securing from Parliament a fifteenth and tenth , combined with a subsidy , the first to be levied in time of peace .
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