Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] at [art] " in BNC.

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1 It is noteworthy that more than half did equivalent or higher level courses than those they applied for at the institutions we covered .
2 I saw , and I have had in actual fact , recourse to actually use that service over there , and it 's rather interesting if one can t to say that er in the particular village which I er represent , they actually came up , when I asked a certain question , they gave me a , a , far more than what I actually asked for at the time , but found out who the first village constable was , and I think myself that er , that service over there , it deserves every praise it gets heaped on it .
3 All I could think about at the time was keeping this lady happy .
4 It is for this reason that most doctors will not generally accept that couples have a fertility problem until they have been trying to conceive for at the very least a year .
5 I mean there 's no earthly use doing a beautiful piece of evaluation erm which no-one wants to know about at the end , or publishing something that has no affect .
6 John 's now looked after at a specialist nursing home in Dorset , and undergoes regular physiotherapy at Bournemouth general hospital .
7 With new technology making our lives easier by the day , it 's good to know that the environment is being looked after at the same time .
8 There are 120 cats and dogs being looked after at the RSPCA 's animal shelter in Whitminster near Stroud .
9 The mind was a delicate mechanism that he disliked interfering with at the best of times .
10 I think that is a , there is a need to look into this , it is an area where we have n't looked into at the moment , and when you consider the valuable work that our staff in the D S O organisation does , and the profit it makes for this county council , and the savings it makes for the county council , it would be sensible for us to also look into building maintenance as well .
11 A girl I used to work with at the Beechams did like really big burps .
12 The decisions will be voted upon at the later date .
13 In 1898 the Church Meeting resolved to draw up the membership list on the basis that ‘ those who wished to be regular communicants be voted upon at the Church Meeting ’ .
14 This gives the Board an opportunity to report to shareholders and to obtain their approval for resolutions that are voted upon at the Meeting .
15 It is important that the explanatory statement should remain accurate at the time at which it is voted upon at the court-ordered meeting .
16 Rigid plans that only work if they are adhered to at every step rarely provide the means for getting back on target once a significant deviation has occurred .
17 He finds it sad that the USM and fund markets have not developed in the way that they were expected to at the outset .
18 I can paint anything I want to at the moment , anything , everything .
19 Finally , try not to make your list too long — this will ensure that the items you really want are chosen first — and if necessary it can be added to at a later date .
20 As between the two heavyweights , Reed and Pearson , Reed has been added to at the start of the period ( financed from the sale of Pearson shares ) ; the additional Reed shares were sold off in the autumn of 1991 , thereby realising a tidy profit for the Portfolio .
21 He 'll never forgive her for the life she has spent and she wo n't let him see what she 's come to at the end of it !
22 These were the two sides of the same coin which I referred to at the beginning of this essay , the nature — culture opposition and the particular characterizations and choice of emphases here explored being one explanation for the apparent gender differentials in blood within Jewish ritual practice , and one link at least between the rite of circumcision and menstrual taboo .
23 I have also enclosed a few of the papers I referred to at the beginning of the meeting , plus a travel claim form which you are welcome to use .
24 Well that article you referred to at the very beginning of the programme in the Observer , the final part of that article went something like this erm ‘ this article is not intended to accuse individuals or colleges .
25 I ai n't one of them niggers to be sold like they used to at the Trow . ’
26 And because this issue is clearly so site related , it seems to me it can not possibly be looked at at a strategic level .
27 Football League spokesman Ian Cotton admitted : ‘ The competition will be looked at at the end of the season . ’
28 Everything was hard to come by at the moment .
29 Goals via the through ball are always hard to come by at the highest level because of the quality of defenders and the sweeper system .
30 Been getting hold of a bit of meth , but it 's fairly hard to come by at the moment .
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