Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [adv] as " in BNC.

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1 They were less involved in thinly rationing existing services than is often necessary in social work and more able to concentrate help so as to provide a relatively complete service capable of achieving significant change for some people .
2 Greenbaum and Quirk posit a principle of end-focus to account for the tendency to process information' so as to achieve a linear presentation from low to high information value' .
3 ‘ He was awful , ’ she agreed , keeping pace easily as Travis strode off .
4 If KPMG is approached and requested to provide authorisation then as this is regulated work a CFEL should be obtained .
5 Indeed , we have delayed publication so as to incorporate a large part of the ASH detailed brief on the subject in the paper .
6 Her name was Mrs Tobias and Hugh had met her when he handled her divorce case , successfully , because Mr Tobias had made a determined rush for freedom , scattering alimony lavishly as he went .
7 This description fits a young fish of one variation , but the colours and patterning change somewhat as the fish matures .
8 A FAT little plumber called Mario caused chaos yesterday as thousands of youngsters converged on an exhibition of the latest high-tech games .
9 Certain types of agreement will seldom if ever qualify for exemption , for example those which restrict competition so as to affect inter-state trade and contain export bans , maintain retail prices or lead to absolute territorial protection of national markets .
10 First , the subjective formulation of section 68 is made objective so as to read , ‘ if the Secretary of State has reasonable grounds to believe . ’
11 The more responsibility we take for our lives , the more power we have to create life exactly as we want it to be .
12 She sat and ate it with them now , and oh , it was torture that in deference to propriety and Matey they had not made love again as they had done that golden afternoon , always to be remembered .
13 Although he took his diploma from the Krakow Conservatoire in violin , he studied composition there as well and a number of works , including a symphony ( 1957 ) and a concerto for orchestra ( 1976 ) to his credit .
14 Jaq wondered how much effort of will it had cost her to resist ultimate , engulfing pleasure so as to gasp out a question or two to her tormenter and enchanter .
15 I would like to avoid defeat partly as it would avoid the first league double against us in three years and to keep the unbeaten run together .
16 But the interpenetration of mathematics and magic in the school is well attested ; Dodds , for example , sees Pythagoreanism partly as ‘ a development of shamanism and partly as a development of number mysticism and the speculations about cosmic harmony ’ .
17 In 1672 Haines obtained a patent for a new method of cleaning trefoil so as to improve the seed , and this led to public controversy with Caffyn , who was himself a local farmer , jealous of Haines 's influence with local notables , and convinced that patents were unchristian and patentees covetous .
18 I hope that the Party can use Marxism Today as its ‘ front door ’ , and as a major interface with the wider movement : MT has done more than anything else to build up the prestige of the CP , and that contribution should never be forgotten .
19 Harley would have them jump ship just as it 's pulling into the dock .
20 The identifiable failures of school science — the anti-science anti-technologists who can see science only as domination rather than that science as domination is itself a historical product , and the mass of people whose schooling teaches them that science is a specialized activity over which they neither have nor could have any control .
21 A link was also established with APEXCO , a DEA front company in Larnaca , when Zouher Kabbara told the court that he could contact Hurley there as necessary by telex .
22 Even in Cramlington , the activities of the developer builders were seen largely in terms of providing a population to serve as the basis of demand for services , rather than , as was clearly the case for the public sector , in terms of providing housing so as to assemble a labour force for new industries .
23 So I have treated quantification here as methodological : it is part of the analytic phase of social dialectology , and it is parallel in this way to the use of quantification and statistics in certain other sciences .
24 It is natural to look for causative factors , and we have treated causality much as it is treated in experimental research generally ( see Plutchik , 1974 : 174–87 ) .
25 In such circumstances to categorize democracy simply as a form or method of government is misleading .
26 Things like this are always hurtful but I hope that people will have faith just as they have in the resurrection of Jesus .
27 Consider it as a kind of insurance for the odd times when you are not losing weight quite as you should .
28 As respects England and Wales or Northern Ireland , any provision in an Act passed before 1st August 1958 that any order or determination shall not be called into question in any court , or any provision in such an Act which by similar words excludes any of the powers of the High Court , shall not have effect so as to prevent the removal of the proceedings into the High Court by order of certiorari or to prejudice the powers of the High Court to make orders of mandamus .
29 Plainly article 9 can not have effect so as to stifle the freedom of all to comment on what is said in Parliament , even though such comment may influence Members in what they say .
30 A country 's foreign policy , he noted , could not be separated from its ‘ internal life , its economic and social goals and needs ’ ; the Soviet Union , for its part , needed peace so as to be able to achieve its ‘ truly breathtaking creative plans ’ .
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