Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [adv] [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 He added : " If he does not want violence why do the police act with such impunity ? "
2 If anyone of you is troubled or needs help please do n't hesitate to contact me or my wife .
3 Police say file still open
4 You do n't need sugar necessarily do you ?
5 The supermarkets ' muscle enables them to demand quality yet keep farmers ' prices down , and the gap between what they pay and what they charge has widened .
6 Where asked to indicate CAMPUS please enter B , C , J or M to indicate Belfast , Coleraine , Jordanstown or Magee College ;
7 Uncle has uncle why do you put five Ps in here ?
8 If you wish to obtain cover please send £5.00 to the office so that you may be added to the list .
9 So why does this free entertainment not qualify for the description of good clean fun ?
10 Do you want some Ri if you want Ribena just help yourself any time .
11 You got work tomorrow have n't yee ?
12 We only eat chicken now do n't we ?
13 The IR absorption spectrum and the Stokes Raman scattering spectrum both correspond to ν → ν + 1 transitions , so the fundamental vibrational selection rule is normally stated as .
14 Pregnant women who smoke marijuana also place their children at risk ; they are five times more likely to have deformed or underweight babies than the average .
15 In terms of formal policy , a shift in recent years has seen equity ostensibly yield place to efficacy .
16 Norwich played crap yesterday aswell … so lets hope they continue next week .
17 Your father and Jonathan killed in motor accident yesterday stop Funeral tomorrow stop Desperate to see you stop Arriving Fiesole Maundy Thursday stop Mama .
18 The original , in the V&A , had ivory toenails on its claw feet ; John uses holly instead Bottom The porch is a recent addition , made by John and Barry ( from the workshop ) in spare moments on Saturdays
19 What is needed is a mechanism for ensuring that policy is carried out , rather than obstructed ; and that those entrusted with promoting policy actively identify with it .
20 Remove finger nearest stop .
21 Ignore Higher Meadow on your left , then ignore right turn , soon picking up another enclosed path to reach road where turn right to car park .
22 However , where blacks had no viable method of expressing nationalism when disillusion with the achievements of civil rights set in , Catholics could revert to a nationalism which already shaped much of their previous experience .
23 Listen bitch why do n't you just get out of my life , go on just get out GET OUT .
24 that says plasticine so put that next to the plasticine
25 Even those who receive treatment frequently break down in old age .
26 If one can not deduct preceding taxation on the same object , the taxes due on a relatively low priced painting often exceed the profit margin , especially if it concerns goods offered on consignment .
27 Judge Galpin understandably read this as meaning expressio unius exclusio alterius .
28 Soaring compositions of fruit and foliage , tangles of leaves and flowers , garlands of nuts and berries had been artfully choreographed into balletic wood sculpture which seemed to mirror nature then refine it .
29 you want to play snooker upstairs do it ?
30 Cross field going north-east then bear left around the edge of the next field and make your way back to Selworthy .
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