Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [art] [det] " in BNC.

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1 He was treasurer of the RAS from 1831 to 1840 and became president a few years before his death in 1866 .
2 Although it remained small , its attacks — the murder of two Israeli taxi drivers in Gaza Market in October 1986 , a hand-grenade attack on troops at the Wailing Wall the same month , and the murder of IDF Captain Ron Tal in September 1987 — attracted attention .
3 To our relief we found the seas calm enough off the normal east landing at Geodha Stoth and dropped anchor a few yards off shore .
4 We hold eye-contact a few more seconds .
5 The other aspect Mr Mayor that I , that I want t to dwell on is the thing about housing benefits themselves , there 's been a lot of talk by a lot of speakers about benefits and er means testing in the years gone by and well okay I 'll give councillor a few more years than I have , I do n't remember the forties because I was born towards the end of them but , y'know , maybe that happened .
6 He suffered cancer a few years ago … and is putting the show on to raise money for cancer charities .
7 Add brandy a few drops at a time until pale and fluffy .
8 In 1956 , Vo Quy founded , with a group of other academics , the University of Hanoi and established the department of zoology , of which he became head a few years later .
9 In the dry season , groups of families travel out into the forest , moving camp every few days and living off wild foods , thus more uniformly exploiting the environment at a time of scarcity and the risk of irreversible depletion of the local forest .
10 Instead , those rights and obligations , in accounting practice no less than in other areas , are based on an unstated consensus .
11 Harry Enfield discovered opera a few years ago when a friend gave him a disc of highlights from ‘ La Traviata ’ .
12 What , do you want apple the same as me ?
13 He made beer the same way as his grandfather had and today it 's brewed just the same way .
14 Often , when considering a trust , the jurist 's interpretation regards intention no more than it would have in the case of a legacy .
15 I guess my thought was that , was that in view that there we were doing philosophy the more convergence there would be if we really knew what we were about as philosophers .
16 Instead , his debut in a red shirt will take place a few hundred miles away against Benfica .
17 Resolved , That if it shall appear that any person hath been tampering with any Witness , in respect of his evidence to be given to this House , or any Committee thereof , or directly or indirectly hath endeavoured to deter or hinder any person from appearing or giving evidence the same is declared to be a high crime and misdemeanour ; and this House will proceed with the utmost severity against such offender .
18 To ensure consistency the same 20 branches and , where possible , the same staff are contacted each month .
19 The owner of this garden was digging a new rosebed , when he hit stone a few inches below the surface .
20 To feel the cloud that hung over us lift and disperse — the cloud that dulled the heart and made happiness no more than a memory !
21 Those discussions took place the same day in G-5 Section at AFHQ , reporting to the Chief Administrative Officer Gen Robertson , on the subject of " Disposal of Displaced Persons etc in N Italy and Austria " [ KP 222 ] .
22 As the moving convection cell carries basaltic crust away from the ridge , slowly but continuously , the magnetic reversals taking place every few hundred thousand years or so leave their imprints on the newly-formed rocks emerging from the ridge ; as every reversal occurs , so it is recorded in the formation of reversely-magnetized strips on each side of the ridge .
23 ‘ None whatsoever , ’ he drawled , eyeing the lively antics that were taking place a few yards from them .
24 And not only are there two other tour events taking place the same week but also the ECC special event in Antwerp .
25 At some time he may also have sent an expedition against Normandy which was defeated , and his Helmet coin type , perhaps current from 1003 to 1009 , depicts him in armour ; according to the surviving verse on him by the Icelandic poet Gunnlaug Serpent 's Tongue , the army feared Æthel-red no less than God , and N.P. Brooks has shown that he increased the military burdens on his people by requiring more of his soldiers to wear helmets and byrnies .
26 Those who advocated it argued that it was of no use to abolish selection at 11 + , in the name of justice and fairness , and then reintroduce selection a few months later , by streaming children once at school .
27 But a far cry from the hard ones used to describe life a few miles away in Orlando where police spokesman Jim Soloman was at pains to spell out the dangers — and with no exaggeration .
28 MacDonald took office the same afternoon .
29 I could n't help but imagine the scene of panic and desperation that must have taken place a few hours earlier - the young dolphin fighting and dying in a few frantic spasms , its grieving mother well able to defend her child from sharks but helpless against a silent , resisting wall of nylon . ’
30 Even when a problem is solved and the fish have apparently recovered it is common for tropicals to suffer an outbreak of White Spot and Coralfish to get Oodinium a few days later .
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