Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [prep] this " in BNC.

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1 ‘ And you make money at this inn-fewer-ants ? ’
2 Obviously , repayment of the loan at some future date , particularly at retirement , will be desirable , so the borrower should make provision for this sooner rather than later .
3 The view of parents lent support to this verdict .
4 He was a happy and contented member of a new kind of club , and since the last thing Ken wanted to do was join a club , it was a measure of his new triumph that he became part of this one .
5 It follows , I believe , that if the GMC was given responsibility in this area it would have to exercise it comprehensively , in an enormous number of areas of both conventional and unorthodox practice .
6 ‘ We were all joyous at the scenes of people climbing on the Wall but the problem is , how do you make money on this ? ’ said Charles Clough , chief investment strategist at Merrill Lynch .
7 In a highly dramatic demonstration during a meeting on localization function held in London in 1881 Ferrier demonstrated that the recovery of movement described by Goltz in his studies was due to sparing part of this motor cortex .
8 This is because the government spends all of the tax revenues raised , whereas households would have withdrawn part of this sum in the form of savings and imports .
9 If your experiment involves other people ( e.g. if you are comparing different readers ' responses ) , you need to consider ethical issues which arise , including ( a ) getting their permission to use the results ; ( b ) showing them the results and explaining them ; ( c ) not using their names when you report the experiment ( even if they have given permission for this , there is unlikely to be any point ) ; ( d ) the ethical problem that sometimes an experiment is best conducted if the test subjects do n't know what it is for ; that is , if there is a " secret agenda " .
10 well for god 's sake , I mean I often wonder about people who make noise like this how they would feel if we did do the same , but I still say because we 've done our polystyrene insulation she ca n't hear us , it 's worked in the reverse ai n't it ?
11 The likely unpopularity of the local income tax may explain resistance to this tax .
12 Henry III and Edward I made provision in this way for a number of royal servants of different kinds .
13 They should perhaps look to take a more active role in initiating advocacy projects by funding development work with local users and with agencies such as the Citizens ' Advice Bureau which have developed expertise in this area .
14 Who will lend money against this security ?
15 You know if I if I do n't if I 've offended Mr in any way then that is one thing but I do put on bottoms on seats and I bring money into this building .
16 Remember that almost all Anabantoids need to be able to reach the water surface to take air through the Labyrinth organ , so make provision for this .
17 S 44(1A) ( B ) and ( 2 ) , TMA 1970 make provision for this by allowing the taxpayer to elect to have the appeal heard in the Commissioner 's division nearest to his place of residence ( or place of business ) .
18 An order made by a court in any part of the United Kingdom in bankruptcy proceedings can be enforced in any other part of the United Kingdom as if made by the corresponding court in that other part except in so far as the order relates to property situated there ( unless the Secretary of State and the Lord Chancellor make provision for this ) ( s 426(1)-(3) ) .
19 There is certainly historical evidence from the economic geography of the UK which , at first sight at least , might lend credence to this view .
20 Too many nursing lectures are given by unqualified lecturers , and it is not uncommon for a person chosen to speak on a particular aspect of care to begin the lecture by saying : ‘ I do n't know why I 've been asked to speak , I 've limited experience in this field . ’
21 The conditions producing weakness in this respect are highly complex but at a risk of oversimplification one might say that the balance of payments constraint reflects a relative ‘ industrial ossification ’ of the British economy — a failure to restructure and reinvest on a sufficient scale to maintain the position of the national economy on the world market .
22 If your area receives protection in this period , it will be paid for by the Government .
23 If she returned to share her burden as the ‘ Cleveland scapegoat ’ we could all make progress with this very serious issue of child health .
24 So if people are going into their Community Centre over the next week , they can expect to , to see part of this campaign ?
25 ‘ I would not advise lone female staff to carry money like this , although I am aware that many shops employ only females and have very little option , ’ said Det Insp Phoenix .
26 Governments attempting to implement change in this area often encounter entrenched organisational resistance from powerful providers and from recipients of services who benefit from the status quo .
27 Reports of the importation of 2,000 Israeli Uzi submachine guns and Galil assault rifles three weeks before the coup , and which were widely used by rebel soldiers , lent credence to this view .
28 The fitting of these items , newly manufactured at Severn Valley workshops , Bridgnorth , made completion of this ex-Great Western 2-8-0 tank engine seem much more believable .
29 The Law Society 's non-contentious business committee has given guidance on this subject , referring to its careful consideration in Cordery on Solicitors ( 8th ed , 1988 , Butterworths , p99 ) .
30 An alternative would therefore be to use a UK-resident Newco for the share/debenture exchange and , to circumvent the capital gains tax disadvantage of this , it could soon after the acquisition transfer its stake in Target to the partnership by way of a capital distribution , leaving it with the loan-note obligations to the vendor shareholders and the cash to meet such obligations .
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