Example sentences of "[verb] [noun sg] [prep] [det] " in BNC.

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1 The HCIMA sought support from all of the relevant industry and education groupings to determine whether this would be supported by all concerned .
2 Looking back on the community 's experience of opposition , she reflected ‘ If we had got going earlier , and got support from all the locals , if we had n't waffled for ages , and demonstrated properly , and been more vocal — we had difficulty raising money , we just could n't raise money — we would have made an impact .
3 Medical or other expert reports that have been disclosed to the other side should not go in Sched 1 , Pt1 , of the list , even if they have already been disclosed to the other side , but always go in Pt2 , otherwise one will lose the right to claim privilege for such reports .
4 Actually some groups in current Western society wear what could almost be termed a uniform , in that it serves to give them a distinct identity , for example skinheads , hippies , and the tinted , spiked hair brigade ; in fact these non-verbal cues can influence interaction to such an extent that one has to be careful to avoid stereotyping , sometimes quite erroneously .
5 The change will allow the warehousing of goods liable solely to import VAT in order to suspend payment of that VAT .
6 The scheme has already been dubbed the ‘ M12 ’ and a Stop the M12 action group has been formed , drawing support from many villages south of Chelmsford .
7 And er Alan apparently wants to go to Spain and Alan said well I 'm not bloody working there , as he said , I do n't wan na earn money like that !
8 ‘ The myth of the political neutrality of technology is frequently invoked both by politicians , seeking to explain the effects that a particular technological development has on society , and by the technologist , seeking to disclaim responsibility for such effects .
9 ‘ And you make money at this inn-fewer-ants ? ’
10 They make money in all ways .
11 If we subtract unity from each side of ( 7.18 ) and rearrange , we arrive at ( 7.15 ) , the relevant exchange rate equation if the international Fisher effect holds .
12 It is , however , in the best interests of the partners if the partnership is commenced in this way , since the document agreed upon by the partners will make provision for most eventualities which may affect the partnership .
13 A wall of storage units will make provision for most of the paraphernalia you own and might either incorporate a bar and a desk flap to let down , or a permanent table set at right angles to shelves and cupboards for work , games , sewing and hobbies .
14 Theoretically the sub-contractor should make provision for these on-costs in the rates or daywork rate agreed with the builder , but frequently the provision is inadequate .
15 Obviously , repayment of the loan at some future date , particularly at retirement , will be desirable , so the borrower should make provision for this sooner rather than later .
16 The view of parents lent support to this verdict .
17 Like Irving Berlin , Fain became part of that group of early 20th-century American songwriters with a talent for producing simple melodies that remained popular decades after they were first heard .
18 He was a happy and contented member of a new kind of club , and since the last thing Ken wanted to do was join a club , it was a measure of his new triumph that he became part of this one .
19 Some birds and animals come via the RSPCA and he receives funding for these ; but he himself pays for the care of injured wildlife brought in by the public .
20 ’ If the ship had sustained damage in any of those areas , I would have included the data in my damage survey . ’
21 The French lorry drivers started their blockade because of new laws being introduced which mean disqualification for any driver accumulating 6 penalty points on his licence .
22 These directors were usually given responsibility for all aspects of quality except medical quality , which was left to the initiatives of the Royal Colleges ( see , for instance , RCGP 1985 ; Campling et al.
23 The " game " is one in which the people on the outside are given responsibility for those on the inside , crossing the circle with their eyes closed .
24 It follows , I believe , that if the GMC was given responsibility in this area it would have to exercise it comprehensively , in an enormous number of areas of both conventional and unorthodox practice .
25 In Hungary these remained dominant and the wholly landless serfs got freedom without any land at all .
26 Econometric studies of this type have given support to those in favour of limiting overall rates of tax .
27 Software revenues rose by 1.1% to $2,520m , but maintenance was off 5.1% to $1,800m ; services were the star performer , rising 48% to $1,900m , but the jury is still out and there is a great deal of scepticism that the company can actually make money on all those facilities management contracts .
28 Software revenues rose by 1.1% to $2,520m , but maintenance was off 5.1% to $1,800m ; services were the star performer , rising 48% to $1,900m , but the jury is still out and there is a great deal of scepticism that the company can actually make money on all those facilities management contracts .
29 ‘ We were all joyous at the scenes of people climbing on the Wall but the problem is , how do you make money on this ? ’ said Charles Clough , chief investment strategist at Merrill Lynch .
30 Staff numbers here have been pruned back to 250 from 580 , and chief executive Paul Lester reckons that the division can make money at that level .
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