Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pn reflx] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Parents can be greatly helped if they have received early information and guidance on the needs of children with no sight or defective vision , and in addition the chance to see for themselves educational provision as well as receiving information about potential placements .
2 Plasmids do not construct for themselves special protein coats to enable them to survive outside their host cells , but can be transmitted from one bacterial cell to another if those cells come into contact .
3 They began to acquire for themselves important political positions , especially in Parliament , and the ‘ West India lobby ’ became a powerful political force ( Fryer , 1984 , pp. 40–50 ) .
4 In it the pope said nothing about homage , and argued temperately against lay investitures , minimizing their importance , and denying that he sought for himself any increase of authority or any diminution of the king 's due power .
5 Now she could fabricate for herself rich and happy memories .
6 Remove restrictions on insurers and let people buy for themselves inexpensive insurance .
7 But if she is cleansed of her discharge , she shall count for herself seven days , and after that she shall be clean .
8 Giving it would deprive the delivery driver of the opportunity to discover for himself some of the delightful scenery on his patch .
9 However , you are bound to discover for yourself many species that I have not had space to describe , as it is always interesting to experiment for yourself .
10 Had she gold , poor woman , so to entrap for herself that monstrous lump of selfishness ?
11 Ptah embodied within himself eight other Ptah 's , who had the names of other gods , amongst which Atum was his thought , Horus his heart and Thoth his tongue .
12 If , however , a society is so divided that it contains within itself one or more permanent minorities , who know that on the issues that matter most to them they can never hope to get their way , precisely because of the operation of the majority principle , then that principle ceases to be adequate .
13 Sequence is problematic at best , but the novel incorporates within itself sceptical references to alternative means of representation through official military history , collage and a film .
14 And yet he had come to himself unaided , clambered to his feet without even the support of a fence to lean on , and made his way some two hundred yards towards the single light of the curator 's open door .
15 Peter Chapple-Hyam , his trainer , says that Rodrigo de Triano , winner of the Middle Park Stakes , has only really come to himself this week .
16 Er without being an actuary I say to myself that 's a pretty magical thing you 've done and then it causes you to start looking at the monetary background of all of that an and again I I 'm , I 'm speaking here largely on what actuarial advice we are beginning to receive .
17 I do n't think of myself that way of course , but I enjoy all the attention .
18 ‘ He never thinks of himself these days .
19 Makes no effort at all to work with me , just thinks of herself all the time .
20 Of course , had the guilds and fraternities included a handling charge in their reckoning they might have attracted an income allowing them the freedom to purchase for themselves those ‘ extras ’ now being clamoured for .
21 Indeed , analysis is almost superfluous , since if any poems can speak for themselves these can .
22 Their structure was by no means on a sound footing by the 1560 's however , and heeding what must have been glowing reports from England , and having seen for themselves good samples of the ore , they were probably quite eager to invest in the English adventure .
23 PS : What on earth do you do with yourself these days ?
24 Well I speak to myself most of the time anyway .
25 Do hereby adopt , enact , and give to ourselves this Constitution .
26 If , if you look in your books page one seven seven , you 'll see a beautifully illustrated instruction on how to do it , which you can refer to yourself this evening or later on in the course if you forget but I 'm now gon na show you how to do one as well , you , if you want to know it 's there for you to look up you take the bandage and fold it into your narrow fold band and put it round your leg , you 've got something to tie a reef knot round , okay ? if you know how to do a reef knot already fine , just do it , if you do n't , follow instructions .
27 In the pause I studied by myself first at home , then at my aunt 's home at Salisbury .
28 ‘ You can see for yourself these days , ’ explains Harry , ‘ just how well the wool carpets , of 80 pc wool and 20 nylon , are constructed compared to the synthetics .
29 Crime and Punishment is a ghostly book in which all three — murderer , detective , reader — tiptoe mentally round dubitable presences and absences , and create between themselves strange large silences .
30 In another way , however , it can be seen as responsibly encouraging readers to challenge for themselves cultural codes and established patterns of thought , including some of those which make contemporary history so intractable .
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