Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [pers pn] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The industry was unique in that the law prescribed for it health and recreational provisions , what we now call the social wage , for most of this century .
2 ‘ I distinctly asked for it bien done . ’
3 I might say that the members of the panel have actually read all your submissions , so do n't feel obliged to go through them word for word in the same way as for example , you might be presenting a proof at a planning enquiry .
4 We also yes I must remind you that we have read the papers so I do n't necessarily want to go through it word by word line by line er but obviously when you want to make a point you will refer back to those papers but do n't you must assume that we have read them and that everybody else has read them .
5 Yes , but when you , you have to shop for us lot it can , and loads and loads and loads
6 Section 1(1) of the Murder ( Abolition of Death Penalty ) Act 1965 abolished the death penalty for murder and substituted for it imprisonment for life .
7 He maybe sees a different process and and I do n't know about you Chairman but it would it would help me to see if to hear whether they they see a different process at work .
8 ‘ I do n't know about you lot , ’ said Jason .
9 Erm , yes , we have made a , a projection but the treasurer and I and er Mr may wish to comment through you Chairman .
10 Our travels led us to places as far apart as Sanderstown , San Francisco , New York , and London — all in search of an ‘ insurance ’ that would guarantee for us peace and tranquillity on Koraloona , the most beautiful island of the whole beautiful Moto Varu archipelago .
11 So he 'll phone her and she 'll say and I 'm still sat behind him rabbit , rabbit , rabbit , moan , moan , moan you see .
12 Sick of being subjected to the Argentinian 's taunts Johnson simply replied ‘ Come near me sunshine and you 'll be swallowing your teeth . ’
13 The Nez Perce hunters carried with them trade goods of dried fish and roots , craftwork of basketry and horn , and shells obtained at the Dalles .
14 Restraint carried with it nobility , safety , a new kind of self-respect .
15 ‘ The fascination with glass ’ , he has written , ‘ lies in it ability to change constantly with the variance of light , transmitted and reflected through the day and the seasons . ’
16 The new proposals being validated this spring and summer include an HNC jointly developed by SCOTVEC and CCETSW which contains within it workplace units covered in a placement .
17 Example 1:1 Definitions clause for business lease ( 1 ) The following definitions apply : " Act " means an Act of Parliament whenever passed and a reference to a specific Act includes any legislation amending or replacing it or made under it " Approved " means approved in writing by the Landlord " Consent " means the Landlord 's written consent " Insured Risks " means the risks covered by the policy of insurance arranged by the Landlord to include ( subject to cover being available on reasonable terms ) loss or damage by fire storm tempest flood earthquake aircraft and articles dropped from them riot or civil commotion malicious damage impact bursting and overflowing of pipes tanks and other apparatus and any other risks insured against by the Landlord " Landlord " includes the successors in title of the original landlord and where there is a superior landlord includes him as well " Last Year " means the period of twelve months ending on the Termination of the Term " Legislation " means any regulation or directive of the European Community , any Act and any subordinate legislation made under or by virtue of them " Notice " means written notice " Tenant " includes the successors in title of the original tenant " Term " includes both the term expressly granted by this Lease and also any statutory continuation of it " Termination of the Term " includes termination by effluxion of time , notice , forfeiture , surrender , disclaimer or any other means ( 2 ) Where a party consists of two or more persons the obligations of that party are joint and several ( 3 ) Any covenant by the tenant not to do something includes a covenant not to permit or suffer that thing to be done ( 4 ) All payments to be made by the tenant are exclusive of VAT
18 Surely no tide could have them if they clasped hands and fled from it side by side .
19 and my dad had you know the stuff he used to find in it cutlery all the tea towels and plates and everything else .
20 The text from the Canticle of Canticles 2:4 ordinavit in me caritatem ( he set in order charity in me ) distils imaginatively Hilton 's understanding that love can only be properly expressed through a disciplined orientation of the particular gifts and powers of the self to God .
21 The whole purpose of imposing a section 2 requirement upon a suspected or accused person must be to obtain from him information and evidence which in an appropriate case , and subject only to the subsection ( 8 ) restriction on the use of statements made by him , can be deployed against him .
22 It is the wider satisfaction of a universe which is precisely not subject to order , but has in it uncertainty , novelty , and escape from the past , all somehow agreeably constrained by probability .
23 ‘ I got some humbugs I was goin' to slip in me mouth . ’
24 And er they are attracted to them type of building .
25 The more architectures on which 88open is able to offer its testing and certification technologies , the more hardware and software suppliers will come knocking on it door .
26 The more architectures on which 88open is able to offer its testing and certification technologies , the more hardware and software suppliers will come knocking on it door .
27 For further information about the study and details of publications relating to it contact .
28 But 'e made a bit o' Welsh rarebit after some coaxing. 'E 's not as incapable as 'e looks , I 've come to 't conclusion . "
29 There is a course presently running at Barlaston which , in Andrew 's words , is ‘ successful in a peculiar way , as they are continuing to meet without me present ’ .
30 I heard her say to him mum Auntie Alice this morning , she love her cat so I heard her say to him come on then , let's see what mummy 's got for you this morning .
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