Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [prep] that " in BNC.

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1 And , I do n't know , it seems that actually you 've got a very good sense of using all those traditions to inform things that happen , things that you do and erm you 're not locked in being regarded as in that sort of tradition and the pressures that result from that .
2 I understand that the deep ditch that the boy and motorcycle crashed into on that fateful night is referred to as ‘ deadman 's ditch ’ , a horrific reminder of a foolhardy game that cost a young man his life .
3 interesting actually , how the , how the advanced drugs work , I 've never looked into in that detail .
4 I think just to conclude the the engine of growth argument , erm , has obviously been raised in relation to other new settlements , notably Cambridge and and this has been referred to already , erm the situation in Cambridge is different to York in in that the level of growth that 's that 's anticipated for that city is is is significantly higher , and the new settlement erm proposals there have been considered in in that regard and and just for the record C P R E have supported the the new settlement in that particular location , but it does seem to me that the returning to your basic point , that that erm if one applies those circumstances in Nor North Yorkshire it does fly in the face of of established policy in the structure plan , and the overriding er policy is is one of restraint in what is is considered to be one of the country 's most sensitive environmental areas , thank you .
5 Like so much that was sacred at Canterbury , it was all hearsay , and all the more violently adhered to on that account .
6 Thank you right now a really clever thing then that you should know about is if I want to times that number by ten right .
7 so a child could work for an and do any work they want to in that hour so we 're doing a dual role , we 're holding a detention there
8 Erm , the erm , the erm , the erm , er , settlement of the anti tr civil anti trust law suit that was referred to in the statement was erm , costs of about six million dollars this year on a class action law suit which we have reached a tentative settlement on in the last few days and , in fact , there were some , there was about six to seven million dollars of additional provision made at the end of last year in the one time charges that we referred to at that time but could n't really identify with erm , lawyers breathing down your necks in the United States and er , this is a class action law suit , would have been in a Texas Court and erm , you know , the boiler plate language is that you want to get rid of the , you know , the expense and uncertainty of this type of litigation and if you think that what a Texas jury did to Texaco , it 's probably a prudent decision to close the matter off at this time .
9 I am sure he would have considered that both technical accomplishment and , though not perhaps in the modern sense , introspection , were valuable for the poet , but the labour and intense study which you 'll have noticed he referred to in that passage I 've read , consisted of course of learning large numbers of languages , which he clearly did with great fluency , and reading inordinately the whole of human literature .
10 Looked at like that , I gradually began to feel a little more able to let go of my unrealistic expectations of my mother and to love her as she is .
11 We 've looked Strategic sites were looked at after that event of December the eighth .
12 Looked at in that way , which is the way that a member of the public would look at it , there was no falsity at all in the trade description . ’
13 Well I I guess the graphics need to be looked at in that
14 Do n't let it come across like that , the temptation is to think that you 've got to have all this bit up here , now you do n't want this up here because it 's very difficult to cope with once you 've tied it round to get it round the elbow , you want the least amount that you can get , just cover the arm and then it makes it much easier to deal with at the end .
15 That music to me is as important as the famous tenor aria in G flat major — now how many other arias can you think of in that key ?
16 No it sounds like one you wo n't have heard of on that , the big old LP 's that me and Nicola , Nicola for a birthday , that erm , school love he used to be er , oh I du n no what was his name ?
17 Anybody got anything they want to talk about on that ?
18 yeah and he 's spotted racism in the Atkinson et al textbook and all sorts of , all over the place so erm mm there should be something interesting to talk about in that for a start .
19 I never thought I would become one of those people William is so fond of writing about in that filthy newspaper of his . ’
20 It was just one of those situations where you find just the sound you 're looking for at that particular time .
21 Have you found this chair that he was looking for in that ?
22 living amongst amongst that , I mean
23 He told me all about the background to the picture , what Rembrandt probably felt like at that time , what he was trying to say , how he said it .
24 And then carry on and you you try that and see what you can do with with that .
25 They are even admitted to be absurd by Tertullian — ‘ Credo quia absurdum ’ — and believed in for that very reason ; but this is an argument which does not enable us to distinguish which absurd propositions we are to believe Freud thought .
26 Well it depends in in that particular one yes , er in other areas there was interest from the floor last night about local people who would like to become specials so one or two forms were handed out , application forms ,
27 Well also just my experience , my own experience with the developments of and the evolution of the policies in Kuwait coming at working at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research , there were many erm studies conducted at Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research and the other institute , The Social erm Political Institute , and they were the main of that was the probe through all these policies and through these institutions we have in Kuwait and try to improve it to a standard that the Kuwaiti people and the neighbouring country can benefit from at that .
28 Er Chairman I I really have to say I do n't I do n't really agree with the assertion that the policy is is essentially more restrictive than than er P P G seven will indicate and I would endorse what er Patrick Earle has said in in that regard .
29 One of the main purposes of o of a consortium is actually looking at the health needs erm it 's impressions that I 've I actually got o on a number of occasions that I 've er I think involvement in assessing health needs but I 've actually answered anywhere er , and I 'd very interested as to how or what kind of input erm we will be looking to on that ?
30 well you can do without without that hassle , I mean , with a relationship you 've got a good
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