Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adv] [num] " in BNC.

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1 Milan can be circumspect about visiting conductors , but on this occasion even the orchestra was stamping its approval for Lorin Maazel , a phenomenon I was told the Scala had not witnessed for over two decades ( you would have thought they might have managed it in the recent past for Muti , watching with no evident rancour from the box : but apparently not ) .
2 and she 's travelled for about six months of every year since .
3 Well I had to , I had to wait for about eight months or was it s six months to get one of my lights fixed but for er other things they were quite quick actually .
4 I had to wait for about ten minutes .
5 Thus in 1786 , on the death of Sir Horace Mann , the British envoy to the grand duke of Tuscany , the post was filled for over six months by his nephew , who had no recognised diplomatic status at all .
6 Total duration of oral contraceptive use was unimportant , but a very low rate of endometriosis was found among women currently or recently taking the pill compared with women who had never taken it or had stopped for over 12 months .
7 The train stopped for about two minutes .
8 It has been estimated that the amount of fossil fuels that will be consumed between AD 2000 and AD 2050 will be over three times the amount consumed between AD 1 and AD 2000 .
9 ‘ We want to win for as long as we can because it would be a long way to go for just one game .
10 Used to go for sometimes two or three weeks , sometimes if it was a maternity a month , but I used to enjoy it .
11 They have been indoctrinated for nearly forty years with the belief that their right to this pension does not arise simply out of a public decision to pay it but is a right vested in the individual by virtue of certain payments made by him , and analogous to what would be his entitlement under a contract with an insurance company .
12 The Ostrogothic era ; Ravenna was taken by Theodoric in 493 and he ruled for over 30 years .
13 In her forty-four year life , Mary ruled for only six , so that we are faced with another thirty-eight years when she had virtually no role in her kingdom , being a minor and absentee ruler for the first nineteen , and a deposed queen for the second .
14 It had been raining for over three hours , and the hide Duncan lay in was filled with water .
15 Evening viewing for parties of at least 50 can be arranged for either 1900 or 1930 .
16 In a crossover study of evening primrose oil and placebo in 32 adults and children with atopic eczema , each treatment was given for just 3 weeks .
17 She recorded everything that passed in the room , but she cared for only one person .
18 The Company 's Pest Control service covering Norfolk and Suffolk has moved from Norwich where it operated for over 30 years .
19 Lead was mined at several sites in Scotland 's Lowther Hills , and there are interesting remains of the industry here , which operated for about six centuries .
20 Details were traced for over 30000 workers involved in the construction of the large oil terminals in the Shetland and Orkney islands in northern Scotland or employed offshore .
21 It was known that fees in secondary schools would shortly be abolished , that grammar-school education would be developed for about 20 per cent of the population , and assumed that secondary modern schools would be provided for the rest .
22 It was decided to plan for only eight accidents .
23 Erm sell for about eighty seven pound including spacers so I was gon na go in at about eighty three , eighty four but it 's the new pricing company so I 've got to ask your permission have n't I ?
24 Most of the houses sell for around 60,000 pounds … and keen pricing seems to be the key to attracting first time buyers :
25 Most of the sample group ( 82 per cent ) had been using for over two years before they first sought treatment .
26 I was using for about three years altogether .
27 In 1973 there were 21 sixth form colleges in England ; by 1988 there were 104 , catering for over 64,000 pupils .
28 Another concern we have is that special employment and training measures , ( now catering for over 31,000 people in the North ) , have become a substitute for jobs — a way of reducing the official unemployment statistics and complementing the massive statistical fraud which those figures now represent .
29 By 1980–1 , the number of CNAA first degree courses in art and design had grown to 196 , catering for over 15,350 students , of whom the great majority were to be found in the four Dip.AD specialist areas of Fine Art , Graphic Design , Three Dimensional Design and Textile and Fashion Design .
30 Today the skiing industry is worth billions and there are more than three thousand resorts catering for about thirty million skiers across the world .
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