Example sentences of "[verb] [prep] [adj] way " in BNC.

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1 A Staff Committee had been mooted as one way of overcoming these difficulties .
2 I think it goes through that way , but , I think these are direct drive , but it 's actually a straight piece in
3 Mr Bailes ' little place was situated about half way along Highburn village and to get into the farmyard you had to walk twenty yards or so between five-foot walls .
4 Should think about half way through
5 So many of Hardy 's girls are people who 've had a little bit of education , and who are somehow or other caught between traditional ways and modern ways , and I think one has the feeling that Hardy is more interested in the sociologically transitional status of the people he 's writing about than he is interested in them as people .
6 There was another feature of the legislation , in that it provided for new ways of involving the public in plan preparation .
7 Send for Fresh Ways with Vegetables on 10 days free trial .
8 However , some people do strive after alternative ways of organizing ‘ family ’ life and it is to a brief examination of these that we now turn .
9 Constanza agreed with much of what he had to say ; but he did not know of any way of not letting down Anna either .
10 He knew what it was — tank sediment kept getting into the fuel pipe that fed the generator — but short of a total drain and cleanout , he did n't know of any way to cure it .
11 And it was very easy for young erm young women erm who were either just on supplementary benefit or on unemployment , erm to get sucked into that way of living because I mean obviously they wanted nice clothes and things like that .
12 So you better count along that way for how many ?
13 I think their greatest achievement was to realise that despite the fact that she was unable to speak , she was still able to communicate in other ways .
14 The most basic error , which I attempted to pinpoint in discussing the sense in which the cries , hoots , and gestures of animals are ‘ primitive forms ’ of language in Chapter 5 , is to confuse the predictive value of the effects of such behaviour with the conscious intent of a speaker to communicate in some way .
15 If the distinction between tacit and explicit collusion is to mean anything , it must also be shown that the ability to communicate in some way affects the likely existence and stability of collusion .
16 She touched a finger to Tallis , then to herself , trying to communicate in some way .
17 When all the data is entered on to the computer , it can then be sorted in numerous ways which would be too time-consuming using manual methods .
18 Children who find it hard to write with paper and pencil can compose in alternative ways : difficulty in writing need be no barrier to poetry .
19 I might remember not to treat people as if they could only act in one way .
20 If any employee is threatened with violence in order that the assailant(s) may obtain money they are carrying in the course of duty , they must not act in any way likely to place themselves or others in danger .
21 Although used to the scorn of pop stars , I was saddened that The Smiths should act in this way ) .
22 In normal development , the cells may act in this way so that the developing baby is not attacked by the mother 's defence system .
23 The effect is that matters disclosed in this way may not later be the subject of warranty claims .
24 They indicate that marking schemes may be designed in different ways : ( a ) written before pupil responses have been seen ; or derived after a sample of answers has been seen , and constructed so as to reflect the strength and weaknesses of candidates ' performance ( often combined with the first point ) .
25 Every village school in Eritrea is designed in this way so as to prevent detection from the air by the MIGs and Antanov bombers of the Ethiopian air force .
26 Anyone who feels they could not volunteer to sit with patients could assist in other ways .
27 This has been especially evident in Peru and Chile , where goals have been fought for and won in this way .
28 It can be approached in two ways .
29 This exercise can be approached in two ways .
30 Slains may be approached in two ways : comfortably by means of a long quiet climbing lane from the trees on the edge of Cruden , or more adventurously , once alighted from the bus on the upper road , between stone walls , along that wide lane of sticky brown clay , perilously full of holes .
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