Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] with [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Also a good pointer where we 've been able to compare ourselves with civil engineering scaled fees , which was on the Overtown Bank Slip which was a job which went completely right , perfect no problems .
2 Chief Executive Neville Chamberlain said : ‘ We have concerned ourselves with environmental care for many years and are proud of our achievements so far .
3 If Guy had only exchanged contracts last week , he 'd organised himself with impressive speed .
4 How about starting with a report on the Stuttgart Classic event where Goran really excelled himself with brilliant wins over Jim Courier and , of course , the out-of-sorts ( surely for the moment only ) , Stefan Edberg .
5 Taking orders without question removed the need to make decisions or involve himself with external matters .
6 He bore himself with great dignity , and not a little humour , but he was disappointed to the innermost core .
7 Aligning itself with popular art , her previous production includes a cartoon strip expliqué of Wagner 's Ring cycle with rodent protagonists .
8 As well as prompting a rise in trade , the existence of a new class which found itself with spare time and spare cash at its disposal also heralded an era of unprecedented artistic achievement .
9 There followed a period of uncertainty until it found itself with new occupants Savory and Sons .
10 A second , related problem is that business ethics has mostly concerned itself with grand theorising , trying to answer questions such as ‘ Is capitalism ethically justifiable ? ’ and ‘ Can a profitable business ever be ethical ? ’ .
11 Gerald of Wales , writing in the later twelfth century , says that the Welsh do not build ‘ lofty stone buildings ’ but content themselves with small huts made of the boughs of trees twisted together . ’
12 Bakers in England content themselves with Hot Cross Buns at Easter .
13 People are sensible to ignore these fruitless attempts at philosophy and ‘ content themselves with daily experience ’ and common sense , even if this is merely ‘ feeding upon acorns ’ .
14 ‘ The staff have really shown their skills in producing this range of foods , ’ said Janet , ‘ and on special occasions , such as Christmas and Easter , they have excelled themselves with superb cakes and eggs . ’
15 You can enjoy yourself with beautiful smoked salmon and olives or soup , followed by roast lamb and a few spuds from the garden , French beans , or whatever .
16 Young women married to salesmen , for once , took an interest in where their husbands would be on the great day ; the older men , who ricocheted between various business interests , were lectured steadily , any time they put in an appearance at home , on the necessity of being in Tollemarche at this time ; and those males who were doomed to spend their lives in Tollemarche found themselves with intolerable lists of jobs to be done , from laying out backyard skating rinks to pinning up the hems on their female relatives ' costumes .
17 Oil producers found themselves with large dollar surpluses which they did not wish to deposit in the USA , partly as we have seen because of the prevailing regulations but also for political reasons .
18 Once the original cease-fire had been put into effect in 1988 , both parties found themselves with immense tasks of reconstruction to contend with and little , apart from their battered oil-export systems , with which to finance them .
19 As well as causing a breakdown in the economic system , the inflation led to a spread of corruption ; it meant humiliation for many thousands of families , whilst a few successful speculators found themselves with untold wealth .
20 The rail unions staged a series of strikes over poor pay and BR insistence on an end to collective bargaining , and were somewhat surprised to find themselves with public sympathy despite many complete network shutdowns .
21 Forest Goblins decorate themselves with colourful feathers , often sticking the quills directly into their skin as Goblins feel little pain .
22 Not surprisingly , most studies have concerned themselves with ill effect , notably that of emotional stress .
23 As many as half the New Yorkers who inject themselves with intravenous drugs may carry the AIDS virus ; in the Tacoma and Seattle area only about 10% of the addicts are infected .
24 You can not expect to be asked the questions exactly as they appear here and you will be badly thrown if you have programmed yourself with exact responses to very particular questions which do not crop up in the way you had anticipated .
25 Instead of ‘ us and them ’ perceptions of their relationships with their employers , the manual workers would forgo hitherto strong class loyalties , and increasingly associate themselves with middle- class conformity .
26 In the settings of four aphoristic poems by Istvan Balint for soprano and 14 players — which Kurtag began in 1972 and recently revised — the outside influences declared themselves quite readily , whether they were from East European folk music or Webern : and in this performance , the soprano Adrienne Csengery and Sinfonietta excelled themselves with sudden flashes of colour and bursts of intense virtuosity .
27 Linlithgow 's Labour MP , Tam Dalyell , has aligned himself with local people fighting the proposed workings and has expressed concern that they could damage or destroy a line of beech trees bounding the site .
28 ‘ Monsieur Gaston concerned himself with other things . ’
29 The earthly rule of Osiris was that of a just and wise king , who organised the agricultural , religious and secular life of his people , and who also concerned himself with peaceful foreign conquest , ably assisted by Isis , by his vizier Thoth , and by his officials Anubis and Wepwawet .
30 Love voted for exclusion and concerned himself with related topics .
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