Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] the [det] " in BNC.

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1 The more fully we have developed ourselves the more cause for such gratitude we will have , and the more we understand the cosmos , particularly by grasping the true nature of detailed parts of it and their place in the total scheme , the more we will appreciate the sheer wonderfulness of it , and arrive at a kind of mystical adoration of it .
2 ‘ T is so no more ’ , that is , he can no longer consider himself the same person — he has become , at last , a human being ( line 36 ) , not a dreaming poet , and he can not go back to the earlier state .
3 If you ignore the ‘ whisper ’ of the wheel clamp , then you might choose to twist your ankle to give yourself the same message again .
4 Our idea was that we should call ourselves The All Stars .
5 Jacob must be asking himself the same questions now .
6 She was asking herself the same question .
7 He 'd often asked himself the same question .
8 Dulles replied that a good many countries in the world saw themselves the same way .
9 Perhaps the disco-dancers of 1986 saw themselves the same way .
10 Other executives had already asked themselves the same question .
11 I strongly recommend that we leave such arduous duties to your two companions , who will undoubtedly have asked themselves the same question . ’
12 Do n't ask me why , I often ask myself the same question !
13 ‘ I asked myself the same question , ’ said Dr. Ray .
14 For a moment there was silence , as the others asked themselves the same worrying questions .
15 … at the same time they should be getting the children to ask themselves the same questions that the staff are asking about the work .
16 A few weeks later when it came to the 1985 Budget , Nigel set himself the same goal .
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