Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 By allowing ourselves to be forced to carry these cards for the convenience of the state , we will be acknowledging that we are at the disposition of the state and its computers .
2 Consequently , rather than allowing ourselves to be drawn into a metaphysical wild-goose chase we should concentrate instead on exploring the structural features of the minimal conceptual apparatus upon which any significant choice of ontological objects must depend .
3 But are we allowing ourselves to be carried away by false vanity ?
4 She , too , was a ‘ scholarship girl ’ and we prided ourselves on being the two most intelligent girls in the place .
5 ' I do n't think he would have trusted himself to be married , ’ the actor remembered for me .
6 In the latter case , one 's evidence is likely to be discounted by both sides simultaneously , which can be frustrating to the researcher to find himself to be ‘ the pig in the middle ’ .
7 The Earl Marischal , who had supposed himself to be in charge , immediately yielded his position to Tullibardine , though retaining command of the ships which had brought them there .
8 He must have supposed himself to be using a language absolutely purged of metaphor when he wrote at the grand climax of the Discourse on method
9 The name Tolkien , he once remarked in a letter , is based on the German word for foolhardy : which is what , when he finally had his huge romance published , he must have supposed himself to be .
10 He beamed at her , revealing himself to be more drunk than Lydia had first supposed .
11 Ramsay now found himself to be in command of this detachment , the only knight present .
12 He may consider himself to be a latter-day President Kennedy , or be tempted to follow the pro-IRA line taken by Senator Edward Kennedy .
13 What worried him far more than the prospect of change , was the fact that he shied away from it , as a man set in his ways , and that was something he had never considered himself to be .
14 A problem arises when a person makes a mistake about the circumstances by which he is confronted and supposes himself to be under attack when in truth he is not .
15 But apart from his rugby chores , McBride will be stretching his maternal instincts to the limit — He 's gearing himself to be a father for the first time in October .
16 As the Doctrine Commission puts it , ‘ He exposes Himself to being acted upon and , in that sense , being compelled to change . ’
17 But Newton , known in the dressing room as ‘ Isaac ’ , still has to pinch himself to be sure he really has arrived in the big time .
18 Further , how can this situation occur in a society which would consider itself to be both civilised and compassionate in its dealings with older people ?
19 It emerges from the guidance note that the DSS does not consider itself to be bound by settlements negotiated with Inland Revenue PAYE officers .
20 A survey I carried out in Brighton last summer indicated that unemployed men report themselves to be much less satisfied with their lives than do employed men .
21 Popay and Jones ( 1990 ) , analysing General Household Survey data , found that lone parents report themselves to be in poorer health more than parents in couples ; and that more lone mothers report poorer health than lone fathers ( see also Hilary Graham 's chapter here ) .
22 It is then physically impossible to position yourself to be able to extend your arm down the hole to grip the rabbits .
23 ‘ And you , ’ I asked , hungry to question a culture I had only been able to observe , ‘ what do you consider yourself to be ? ’
24 She says : They can just run riot , they can enjoy themselves without being told off .
25 Moreover , these groups found themselves to be in a catch 22 — no win — situation so far as their own political action was concerned .
26 I was excited at the thought of finding fossils eight hundred miles from the sea , but I chastised myself for being so stupid .
27 The prosecution will then know themselves to be in a position to prove identification from the outset , and a parade will only come into the picture if Spratt specifically requests one .
28 Though there have been some disappointments , the Greens in this country and in Europe are very far from extinct , and are consolidating and reforming themselves to be more effective .
29 The predictions that I have concerned myself with are rather more critical .
30 BELVILLE : I look like a fine puppy to suffer myself to be thus interrogated by an insolent sister .
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