Example sentences of "[verb] [pn reflx] [verb] [art] " in BNC.

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1 While we waited for the service to finish we amused ourselves rearranging the flowers on the graves .
2 It is entirely clear from the documents in front of us in the treaty that we are enabling ourselves to have the option to opt in .
3 On several later occasions we returned to the pool , and tried ourselves to attract the eels with rice from both above and beneath the water .
4 Because of a very busy diary and work commitments that invitation could not be realised until early this August when I and tackle manufacturer , Richard Gardner , found ourselves boarding a ferry at Dover bound for Calais .
5 So we followed the sign , and with some amusement found ourselves confronting a huge mirror !
6 When we started work on it , however , we found ourselves rewriting the whole grammar , changing its organization , and introducing much additional material based on the Survey of English Usage .
7 The weather took a turn for the worse and we found ourselves driving a very grey , bleak day .
8 Starting from a critque of Cartesian notions of boundaries , taken to include , for example , the subject and the object of photography , Lomax discusses the contemporary crisis of representation whereby we sense ourselves inhabiting an environment of images , images which refer only to other images .
9 We have committed ourselves to increase the programme on school buildings by 16 per cent .
10 In all his plans , he had never let himself contemplate an outcome as vicious as that .
11 Corbett , who had a string of classical roles behind him but was best known as the star of Steptoe and Son on TV , played a married travelling salesman , Brian , who is having an affair and aches for his lover after a fortnight 's absence , only to find himself sharing a bedsitting room with a religious zealot , Arnold , played by Crawford .
12 In 1832 , an English couple , the Pattisons , married for just one month , were drowned in it ; according to the local sub-prefect 's report , because Mr Pattison was amusing himself sounding the depth of the water with a pole and fell overboard , dragging his bride in after him .
13 But instead of announcing free and fair elections to these powerful bodies , Mr Ishaq has occupied himself manipulating the most important of them , that in Punjab .
14 Thanks to the gruff benevolence of Sir William , Wrench 's play is mounted at the end with Rose in the lead , in it reunited with her true love , Arthur ( Ben Miles ) , who has himself become a rogue , vagabond and gipsy , in those late Victorian days a separate caste altogether .
15 Now , however , almost a decade later , it did not seem nearly so large and he found himself remembering the good things — the warm , cosy atmosphere of Mrs Appleby 's kitchen ; the wonderful view across the garden and pastures from all the south-facing windows ; the pungent smell of the horses , so well loved by Uncle Cosmo , in the well-kept stables ; the fascinating portrait of his handsome father in the gallery ; the stamp collection and lead soldiers that had once belonged to his father in the shabby old nursery , where he , a homesick boy , had secretly penned so many letters to Alice .
16 Gavin , with an innocent air , carefully scraped up the worst of the burned shell from the stewpot , but then saw Luch watching ; somehow he found himself dropping the charred scraps into the fire , and ladling out some better meat .
17 And in Bolton , where an assisted candidate was selected by an association with a large working-class element , he found himself facing a Liberal rather than a Labour opponent and went down to defeat .
18 CAPENHURST foreman John Albino found himself facing the cameras and some tough questions recently .
19 And when he went on teaching practice , Liang Heng found himself transmitting the same old dogma : ‘ The blind obedience that made the Cultural Revolution possible was being fostered still .
20 After three or four pages , he found himself wandering the streets or pacing anxiously through some park he did n't even recognize , twitching and murmuring strangely to himself while mothers , at the sight of him , drew their children to them and stole softly away across the grass .
21 When the Cabinet met at noon , Baldwin found himself sharing a defensive corner with Birkenhead .
22 Our hood added insult to embarrassment by breaking the poppers on its leading edge one after the other until David Vivian found himself circumnavigating the M25 one evening with one hand on the wheel and another holding the hood to keep it from flying off .
23 And for some reason he found himself drawing a Spitfire .
24 Fergus , who had stormed castles and laid siege to fortresses and who knew the arts of infiltration as well as he knew the Twelve Books of Honour , found himself summoning every shred and every tag-end of legend and myth and lore ever whispered or recounted or imagined about the Prison .
25 He had Letty and now found himself dreading a new face to love .
26 He could have lied , but he usually found himself speaking the truth to Mrs Lorimer ; it was another reason for moving out .
27 This underground showplace was unsuspected until 1923 when a Cambridge undergraduate named Long noticed a small aperture in the hillside and , upon investigation by crawling into it , soon found himself entering a more commodious passage which in turn led to a magnificent cavern drained by a dancing stream and liberally decorated with delicate stalactites and natural carvings .
28 An isolated curate who wanted knowledge found himself living a few yards from a man who at first sight was an explosive popular preacher , but who happened also to be one of the coming academic theologians of England , and an inciter of younger minds .
29 While in 1920–1 Eliot admired both Edward Wadsworth 's drawings of industrial landscapes and Picasso 's primitivism , he found himself living the life of Thomson or of the city clerks he had read about in Conan Doyle , Davidson , Conrad , and elsewhere .
30 He looked down at it and found himself reading an account of Mary Connon 's death .
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