Example sentences of "[noun] to have [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Floodlight pylons have had to be taken down at St George 's Park and Newlands as part of the crash building programme to have the new stands ready for next season 's Indian tour in November .
2 As in the previous example , this generalization then permits the approaching waves to have a continuous wave front for appropriate values of k and a .
3 It is sensible personnel practice to have a standard letter available to employees which they can use to notify you of their situation and intentions .
4 Can you just confirm that it 's never been the practice to have an oral statement in this house on er prescription charges , neither under this Conservative government nor indeed under the pre previous Labour government who were always deeply embarrassed by increasing prescription charges .
5 The second example , a frequent concomitant of the first , is the notion that it is good primary practice to have the different groups pursuing different areas of the curriculum at any one time , because only thus can the goals of ‘ seamlessness ’ and ‘ flexibility ’ in curriculum and learning be achieved .
6 In this passage J. S. Mill resolutely turns his back on allowing sensations to have a universal character .
7 Now it wants to stimulate more investment by reducing the bureaucracy and allowing foreigners to have a controlling interest in hotel and tourist developments .
8 The existence of a partnership has significant legal consequences , and it is best practice for the members of any partnership to have a written agreement , drafted by a lawyer .
9 ‘ I want the Association to have a powerful voice in the running of the game .
10 Please take the break to have a good rest , because you never know when The Marauders will be coming to visit you ’ .
11 It being reported to this Meeting that the Peck Measures of the different corners of Islay do not agree in size , & that many of them are deficient of the Legal Standard Measure of this Country-In order to remedy this evil it is recommended that in place of the Heaped Peck commonly used that a streak measure answering exactly to the standard measure of Islay shou 'd be substituted in place of the Heap measure , & in order to carry this Resolution into Execution the Meeting do hereby appoint the following Committee … it is earnestly recommended to these Gentlemen to have the different Pecks of the different Parishes brought to the proper Streak measure , and to have these pecks Branded with Shawfield 's Iron , and this being once done it is recommended to the said Committee to cause publish at the Parish Churches that if any person within their Bounds shall Sell or Buy with any other peck than the Peck so ascertained & stamped , that they shall be Fined at the discretion of the Baron Baillie of Islay
12 Future developments in the use of microcomputers including applications such as the use of expert systems , compact and video disks , electronic publishing and interactive video will be discussed in Chapter 10 and allow those starting to use microcomputers in schools to have a wider view of potential applications .
13 As more graduates enter primary teaching , so I believe it will become easier for schools to have a common purpose and to recognize this in a jointly worked-out curriculum , with more communication and actual cross-over from one part of the system to the other .
14 Looking out over the Brussels skyline , it occurs to me that Carter may well not have that many more opportunities to have the last laugh on a scale like this .
15 Retailing analysts in the City believe Kingfisher will have to pay far more than the 120p a share now on offer for Dixons to have a realistic chance of winning its cash bid .
16 It helps a great deal to have a large number of clear , separate concepts , ideas that can quickly and easily be applied to the sometimes confusing variety of animal actions we observe when we sit down to watch other species .
17 I would have given a good deal to have the stalwart Lord Byron by me , armed with the handgun .
18 The answer which is usually proffered is a variant of the ‘ snapshot ’ argument : the stock of capital is so large in comparison with variations in the relevant flows that it would take a timespan considerably longer than the Keynesian short run for variations in the rate of net investment to have a significant impact on the size of the stock of capital .
19 It expresses one 's readiness to have a certain attitude to the person named by ‘ you ’ if he acts in a certain way , and in a broad sense this readiness is itself an attitude .
20 It only remained then , in this tight little half-hour programme , for David Attenborough to bring us up to date on the mountain gorillas of Rwanda — they are mainly alive and moderately well but not thanks to poachers — and for Mr Soper to have a fleeting swipe at the conservation intentions of the government , and it was all over .
21 I 'm very concerned that if we do n't get some urgent remedial action to do this brickwork , that we 're gong to have a major problem down there .
22 This counterintuitive result requires the differential surface brightness of the two halves of an obliquely oriented bar to show a sign reversal near the centre , and the photometrically determined near side to have a larger angular thickness .
23 One morning I hopped up on the fence to have a good look around and there , sunning herself in the patio window of the empty house , was the most gorgeous long-hair I 'd ever seen .
24 The United States attempt to modify its own declaration in April 1984 was an implicit acknowledgment that it believed Nicaragua to have a valid declaration .
25 It could do no harm to have a temporary truce and it would be churlish to refuse to give the advice he wanted .
26 Like when we go to the laundrette , or she takes me to the swimming baths to have a hot shower .
27 And in a third sense , literature is thought by many structuralists to have a special relationship to language , in that it involves a unique awareness of the nature of language itself .
28 Daisy watched an expectant Trace Coley re-arranging her Panama in the driving mirror of her father 's Rolls as Brigadier Canford put on his spectacles to have a better look .
29 asserted that in the present time the defendant 's liability in Rylands v. Fletcher itself ‘ could simply have been placed on the defendant 's failure of duty to take reasonable care , ’ and it seems a logical inference from this and from the judgment as a whole that the Court of Appeal considered the rule to have no useful function in modern times .
30 He found the animals to have a marked preference for woodland borders where they would build their communal nests .
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