Example sentences of "[noun] went into the " in BNC.

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1 I thought to myself : ‘ Oh no ’ but Auntie Dot went into the fence and was brilliant at it .
2 And that people who told porkies went into the oven , and serve them right so she 'd better watch out .
3 Cadfael went into the church before High Mass , uneasy for all his declarations of faith , and guiltily penitent over his uneasiness , a double contortion of the mind .
4 While Drago and Apanage went into the small kitchen next to Drago 's workroom to prepare a meal , Cleo and Dauntless sat in a cosy parlour where a log fire warmed the stones of an enormous chimney breast .
5 Both the Express and the Mail went into the 1970s with an ageing readership , for they failed to replace their old readers with young new ones in the same numbers .
6 Six months of research went into the changes and Trevor emerged as a person who was respected , carried weight and authority and who was liked and trusted .
7 In the end the European side went into the 12 singles matches with a two point lead ( 9-7 ) but only after two Yorkshiremen had produced a rearguard action at the end of the day which even General Custer would have been proud of .
8 Mrs Wright went into the house and Philip went out into the road .
9 The hedgehog and vole went into the tunnel together and when they came out they were in Sergeant 's garden .
10 The potential we could receive here , erm the kind of people who live here , the numbers of people who live here now and in the future , the types of housing and housing again , in the future and all in all a g a great deal of study went into the area .
11 One of his brothers went into the Navy and became very successful and very high up in maritime administration , another went into the Army , and became a General .
12 The Darling brothers went into the computer business while still teenagers .
13 One day he hit a police car , and the police car went into the river !
14 ‘ And on Saturday afternoon when the car went into the Broad , where were you , Miss Tilley ? ’
15 A police inspector said Ivan went into the NIE office in Dungannon on March 8 last and paid a bill for £705 with a cheque drawn in the name of his late mother-in-law .
16 A man of action all his life , David went into the Army in the RAMC as a young man and later trained as a State Registered Nurse in a civilian hospital .
17 Meredith went into the cottage , arms full of bags .
18 The shit went into a waste bin , and Lucy went into the Wardrobe room to wait .
19 Kathleen went into the safety of the big kitchen , and shut the door .
20 The Scots went into the game requiring just a draw to take the title , but there was no stopping them in their fifth successive victory , by 5-2 .
21 The Hudson 's Bay Company would have had to change the way it did business completely if it wanted to convert its coastal settlements to which Indians came to sell their furs into bases from which fur trading parties went into the interior .
22 Mick went into the post office while Paddy walked along the square to the hotel .
23 Woodruffe went into the next room .
24 As Eva went into the hostels she realised the Salvation Army was not there to turn people into converts , but that their work must be an extension of Christ 's love : " Jesus Christ did n't say to the man who was filled with many devils — the schizophrenic — " If you follow me I 'll cure you .
25 The Conservatives went into the campaign in a worse position than when they lost to Labour under Harold Wilson in 1964 , and that position , if anything , deteriorated , yet there seems to have been a last-minute surge in the Tories ’ favour .
26 St Albans went into the lead in the 23rd minute when a cross from ex-Dragon Jimmy King was headed home by Brett .
27 When Ruth went into the house Hester was sitting on an upright chair by the table , peeling potatoes .
28 When Ruth went into the attic that night she caught Miss Beard standing in front of the mirror , holding a navy muslin dress with a cream lace collar against herself .
29 When the shampoo and set was finished and Gloria had gone , Ruth went into the little office behind the saloon and closed the door carefully .
30 Desolately Ruth went into the bedroom and slid into her bikini and , grabbing a towel from the bathroom , she went downstairs and out through the dining-room door to the terrace .
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