Example sentences of "[noun] ' [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 There are other provisions of the 1981 Act which have either created difficulties in practice ( as in the case of s.8 which is headed ‘ Confidentiality of Jury 's Deliberations ’ ) or which have been interpreted restrictively ( as in the case of s.10 , which is concerned with the protection of journalists ' sources of information ) .
2 Freedom of the press encompassed " journalists ' freedom of expression and of creation , access to sources of information , protection of independence and professional confidentiality , and the right to establish newspapers and other publications " .
3 William Downes ' study of King Lear 's famous question to his daughters is a superb example of the level of depth and insight that stylistics can reach when it draws eclectically from a variety of areas within linguistics in order to relate the surface features of the text to the situational , historical and cultural contexts which are relevant to their effect and interpretation .
4 Its author , perhaps a canon of St Florent , wrote after the death of Supplicius II , castellan of Amboise , to warn later generations of the family that a repetition of Supplicius ' acts of disloyalty towards his overlords might ruin the family .
5 " On Free and Latent Semantic Energy " , by Claes Schaar , is based on informants ' interpretation of fragments of language in isolation , such as literary quotations , maxims and sayings .
6 Secondly , we were struck by the Scots ' awareness of the beauty of their own culture and history , this well reflected in the music that they showed us .
7 It could be argued that the weights reflect the decision-makers ' theory of investment desirability , but what theory could rate NPV 333 per cent more important than process yield and ten times as important as basic R&D ?
8 The first ran up to Strauss ' Life of Jesus , and struggled with the question whether the supernatural and miraculous elements in the gospels should be accepted .
9 He was educated at Bridgnorth School , and then apprenticed to a London clothworker , becoming a freeman in the Clothworkers ' Company of London in 1541 or 1542 ( and its master in 1559 ) .
10 It is only recently that the municipal authorities and hospital boards have begun to discuss the possibility of changing the insurers ' conditions of funding so that they are more permissive of non-medical intervention and support .
11 If others copy it , insurers ' loss of competitiveness will be short-lived .
12 Those of us who have criticised the Government 's and western nations ' lack of urgency in providing appropriate assistance to the Soviet Union will also welcome the new steps and the energy that is being shown in this area If , as the Prime Minister rightly says , the protection of non-proliferation is the absolute key to world peace , why are the Government seeking to increase the number of nuclear warheads that are carried on Trident , when they have the option of keeping the number the same , at a time when the rest of the world is decreasing them ?
13 These will aim to eliminate non-strategic nuclear weapons from Europe , and to reduce the strategic weapons possessed by the US , the former Soviet Union , Britain , France and China — a vital step towards the day when individual nations ' possession of nuclear deterrents ceases to be necessary .
14 The decision was also influenced by the fact that when the museum was founded in 1987 , it was clearly specified that it would include other nations ' views of Germany and its history .
15 These villages lie way beyond the reach of limited government services , which were shown to be in crisis last year when the island group was added to the United Nations ' list of Least Developed Countries ( LDCs ) .
16 But that was not the whole of the Webbs ' criticism of Owen 's grand project for the reconstitution of the economy as a set of nationwide industrial co-operatives , one for each trade or industry .
17 And since that assumption is implicit in the Webbs ' criticism of Owen , it can not be understood too clearly that on their argument there can be no place at all for industrial co-operatives , properly so-called : no place , because the ownership , whether individual or collective , of an industrial co-operative rests in the people working in it .
18 Nor is it to say that none of the Webbs ' criticisms of Owen is valid .
19 The Webbs ' account of the transformation of the Metropolitan Trade Union is instructive : Here we can see how the general impulse to a fairer social order , one which would displace Owen 's ‘ old immoral world ’ , became concentrated upon parliamentary reform .
20 How , then , are we now to see the Webbs ' appraisal of Owen ?
21 Incompatible therefore though a Co-operative sector would be with the Webbs ' version of the fully Socialist economy , the incompatibility has not so far become obtrusive in the United Kingdom because Labour Governments , which incidentally have had the support of the Co-operative Party as the political arm of the Co-operative Consumer Movement , have carried western Socialist Empiricism to the point of settling for the mixed economy ; and any central planning has been indicative — and , some would say , ineffectual — rather than mandatory .
22 In principle , there is the same incompatibility between the Webbs ' prospectus of general public ownership and Consumer Co-operation as an aspect of private ownership ; and since the Webbs ' approval of consumer co-operatives makes them an exception , we need to know why .
23 In principle , there is the same incompatibility between the Webbs ' prospectus of general public ownership and Consumer Co-operation as an aspect of private ownership ; and since the Webbs ' approval of consumer co-operatives makes them an exception , we need to know why .
24 For in fact , Co-operation does not fit comfortably into the Webbs ' conception of Socialism .
25 It remains first to say that neither Marxism , nor Empirical Socialism in the Webbs ' versions of it , anticipated Keynes 's General Theory of Employment , Interest and Money .
26 In the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries , wills show that books such as primers , saints ' lives ( Legenda Aurea ) , Boethius ' Consolation of Philosophy and psalters belonged to such people as tailors , grocers , vintners and mercers .
27 In our case , of course , it is a mature , open and enquiring critical mind that leads us to read on into the churls ' tales of " harlotrie " , not a degrading taste for such material and a lack of interest in : We might see the combination of the intrinsically low status of the Miller and the consequently low expectations of what he will produce with the sophistication of his narrative performance as simply an entertaining absurdity , or perhaps a burlesque , like Chauntecleer 's discursive pomp and display in the Nun 's Priest 's Tale .
28 Imran Khan , Pakistan 's captain , has hinted a nagging shoulder injury might prevent him from playing throughout the World Cup winners ' tour of England this summer .
29 But the long-shot has defied the odds and cantered into the winners ' enclosure of top selling games .
30 It is important , therefore , that all the circumstances are considered during a Procedure Audit , including peoples ' views of problems and potential solutions .
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