Example sentences of "[noun] think [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 In this article I shall look at what has been proposed by the GMC , whether this can or should be implemented , what the interested parties think about the recommendations , and whether there are any other ways of ensuring that newly qualified doctors are not put off their careers completely before they have properly begun .
2 If you lifted a large laundry basket think about the size of a laundry basket , think about where the hands would go then down , lift it up and if it 's full of laundry then it 's obviously going to be heavier than if it was empty but that 's the size .
3 Italians think of the state system much as Britons used to regard ‘ Auntie ’ and not for nothing is it known as ‘ Mamma RAI ’ .
4 I wo n't say what i think about the people who did it .
5 It is worth remembering that it is useful to the Bank to know what their customers think of the services they receive : it enables them to improve upon the services they offer .
6 Unfortunately , local managers often think in the short term , whereas senior managers think in the longer term .
7 What does the hon. Gentleman think about the fact that National Power and PowerGen are currently importing orimulsion and getting permission to burn it ?
8 Many people think of a bank manager as instinctively wanting to say ‘ No ’ to any request for finance .
9 Mention Fiji and people think of an idyllic island in the South Pacific .
10 People think of the Klan as those rootin'-tootin' guys who chew tobacco and drive pick-ups .
11 When older people think of the past they are not just taking stock of their lives but trying to decide what to do with the time that they have left , and trying to do so in relation to concluding or making sense of what has gone before .
12 What people think of the media in general and each medium in particular and the role or roles they perceive them to play in their lives and in society are important preliminary considerations which have to be studied .
13 Some people do n't stop when she asks them for money , but most people think for a bit and then dig in their pockets and give her summat .
14 It must be understood , however , that church attendance is a very uncertain guide to what people think about the great mystery of life and death .
15 Research seems to show that decision-makers often act in complete ignorance of what people think about the matters that are decided for them .
16 What do older people think about the services offered by the GP ?
17 What did Anglesey people think about the workhouse ?
18 And so this is something that is going to touch an awful lot of people if it does turn sour , so all the more reason for me to be able to explain how I see it , and as I say , to hear how , what people think about the crisis .
19 ‘ I 'm a storyteller , and so I can show readers that people think in a certain way , and suggest to readers that under those circumstances they might thing in the same way .
20 People think in the most illogical way , ( unless you are of Vulcan decent ! ) therefore computers are often of little help when trying to organise thoughts .
21 People think in the most illogical way , ( unless you are of Vulcan decent ! ) therefore computers are often of little help when trying to organise thoughts .
22 But for this kind of use think about the design of your pack and whether or not you want it to have a frame .
23 This is making Chancellor Helmut Kohl 's government think about a new immigration policy .
24 Will the Secretary of State think for a moment about the effects of NHS trusts on the low-paid hospital staff , who are just as essential as medical staff in the running of the hospital ?
25 Irrespective of their magnitude , whether they are big or small , in each case think about the emotional weight you once gave and still give to them .
26 The social psychological survey embodied the practical use of scaling techniques by which the attitudes of respondents were held to exemplify positions on basic dimensions and , in this respect , has profoundly affected the way in which social researchers think about the constitution of " things " that constitute the social world .
27 So you 've just got to work out some way that 'll make sense to you for remembering which way round they go and probably one good way is just write them out quite a few times think of a lot of words beginning with D.
28 A young lad had called out , ‘ See what the beasts think of the Act ! ’
29 What did General Brown in London think of the plans ?
30 B. Think of a saying which includes the key word , or part of it .
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