Example sentences of "[noun] do [adv] just " in BNC.

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1 But whatever we call it , this sense that words do not just have their face-value meaning , but are to be critically interpreted as indicators of tone and attitude , is an essential part of James 's technique .
2 This reveals that these words do not just carry information about proportions but also about speakers ' expectations , and even speakers ' expectations about hearers ' expectations and so on .
3 Newspapers , journalists do n't just work office hours , I know they 'd like to but they , they I do n't let them but also a tremendous problem that they that that that you are always tied up in meetings and things during the day , you know , so make sure , try and develop personal contacts so you 've got a decent personal contact when you do n't mind giving your home number to someone .
4 Readers do not just read , they read for a purpose .
5 The trouble is , those images do n't just appeal to girls , they give them complexes about themselves ; worrying about what they should look like , act like , talk like , walk like .
6 The Scots do n't just sell electricity .
7 It appears that listeners do n't just ignore allophonic variations that ‘ do n't matter ’ , they can actually use the context-dependent information to identify phonemes .
8 Feedback Your Letters To The Editor Do n't just sit there bottling up your emotions .
9 Mica says she thinks this show is really good with Tom recording all different types of music throughtout the series and proves that some singers do n't just go on TV to plug their latest hits , but have influencess and do n't mind talking about them .
10 I 'm not I do n't necessarily want to dispute them erm all I would say is that we have to look at the implications do n't just look at the change in the traffic flows and take them as a as a point , you have to look at the implications of those changes in traffic flows .
11 But Coventry do not just see themselves as killjoys .
12 Soap opera watchers do n't just stick to some sort of naive interest in characters and plot .
13 Italian researchers have shown that Octopuses do not just learn by experience , and by copying other Octopi , but are actively instructed by those who have already learnt the lesson .
14 In conventional costing systems , figures do not just get absorbed into the system never to be seen again ; they may release figures to go flying around the corporate universe , possibly causing considerable mischief .
15 Stricter terms and conditions do n't just affect first-time buyers .
16 But families do not just decide , for the first time in history , to adopt contraception out of the blue .
17 Although the feet do not stretch and point in the way we still care about in the West , the dancers do not just move from position to position ; they dance in a long poem of fluently musical movement that is classical ballet 's chief claim to fame .
18 However , learning about your own sexual nature and how to express your sexual feelings do n't just come naturally — despite what popular songs may say .
19 What this analysis indicates , however , is that cost accountants do not just need to improve their product-costing , vital though that is for strategic decisions .
20 Pub customers do not just buy their beer .
21 Something left undealt with is invariably going to recur and cause trouble in the future — things do n't just go away because the possibility to talk about them is n't there . ’
22 You know , to the christian , to the believer there is no such thing as luck , things do n't just happen .
23 Expectations of changes in the exchange rate do not just depend on current domestic interest rates .
24 Strength , agility , vigour , and endurance do not just happen , but require proper nutrition and training to develop their full potential .
25 But some people do n't just try to change their other half 's appearance : they want to alter their characters , too .
26 Like protecting people do n't just save bottles they save their glass jars
27 People do n't just hear conversations in hotel rooms . ’
28 People do n't just vanish , you know .
29 People do n't just die .
30 Yes yeah it 's basically a question there to ensure that people do n't just put down that they 're whatever they 're doing just purely
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