Example sentences of "[noun] who [vb base] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Bosanquet 's book , The Philosophical Theory of the State , was , for example , designed to challenge the individualism of such thinkers as Bentham , Mill , and Spencer who posit a basic antagonism between the individual and the state .
2 Israel is thrilled at the pace of absorption , and accuses the Arab world of manufacturing false conflict and fear ; a conflict that is whipping up greater hostility among two peoples who claim the same land .
3 Already in 1957 Roland Barthes was claiming that ‘ today it is the colonized peoples who assume the full ethical and political condition described by Marx as being that of the proletariat ’ .
4 Nakasone was unmoved in this breathtakingly preposterous nonsense either by common sense , the protests of the many minorities living in Japan ( Ainu , Okinawans , Koreans , Chinese , Filipinos and others ) , or the judgements of historians on the melange of different peoples who provide the ancestors of the modern Japanese .
5 That fate is connected with the primal parricide , and involves at least those nations influenced by Christianity and Islam , that is , those peoples who share the Old Testament sacred writings with the Jews and claim the same God , the same Father in heaven .
6 The problem with environmental legislation of every kind is that , while we all applaud the intentions , we know automatically that the large-scale offenders have their own scientists , barristers , public-relations campaigns and representation in the House of Lords , that government inspectorates are hopelessly understaffed , and that consequently , at a local level , the enforcers concentrate their attention on the small fry who lack the time and resources to answer back .
7 ‘ Devoting more airtime to music means we can offer listeners a broader range of singles and albums , ’ said Paul Robinson , chairman of the playlist panel of producers and DJs who select the records to be played .
8 The casual informality of Robert 's Bistro attracts a clientele altogether more human in appearance than the designer handbag brigade who strut the Konigsallee .
9 I was in the US over the summer ( yes , I just happened to see a couple of the England games ) and it was the same there — ordinary match-going footie fans who like a drink and a bit of crack ( fun , that is ) , and who all supported loads of different teams mixing together happily enough .
10 An afternoon at Underhill is enough to explain the addiction of fans who eschew the more sophisticated fare on offer at Arsenal and Tottenham to support the Bees .
11 Just sit down ( I thought the idea was to dance — IM ) and listen to ‘ Yes Please ’ a few times until you realise that Shaun 's lyrics and the band 's music together still mean something to all their fans who follow a band purely for their music … so what were you doing talking to the stupid old Happy Mondays after all ?
12 It is wrong that fans who pay a licence fee and regularly watch Sunday football on ITV , will now be obliged to buy a satellite dish to watch live matches .
13 Despite their cute appearance , Red Pandas can be very viscious , so for fans who want a slightly closer encounter it is probably best to stick to the more approachable variety .
14 The only RPG that you wo n't get too embarrassed buying is Toe Jam And Earl , an ideal chill-out kind of game about two alien rappers who strut the screen looking for the missing parts of their spaceship so they can return to planet Funkotron .
15 There are still very many families in Tiree who pay no rent , and these have a settlement of their own , called ‘ The Moss , ’ where some very poor creatures dwell , and must have but a miserable livelihood .
16 Walkers who have no desire to locate the potholes of Newby Moss and refuse to be deflected from their intention to reach the top of Ingleborough can best achieve their objective by continuing upwards , guided by Grey Wife Sike across the rough and rising terrain of Ingleborough Common .
17 The assumption usually made is that it should be the teachers in schools who review the curriculum .
18 We have an extremely flexible timetable in S6 and we are always pleased to welcome pupils from other schools who join the 130 or more Heriot pupils who stay on to Sixth Year .
19 But there are many teachers in many schools who feel the need to break out of the cycle of crisis management and low morale so keenly that they are prepared to make those commitments .
20 Pupils in schools who want the opportunity of participating in that discourse will have to learn how to do it .
21 Without doubt there will be schools who see the guidelines as indicators of direction and in which child-centred learning will take precedence over externally imposed guidelines .
22 In practice , they are effective , hardworking groups of professionals and laypeople who have a commitment to education .
23 Readers who visit the area are advised not to enter the fenced enclosure .
24 Those readers who remember the 1951 Festival of Britain in London will no doubt recall the shot tower which attracted much attention at the time .
25 particularly the length of time that was away I was really sure that had got on to incidentally it 's worth saying that the B B C re they do they use professional readers who make a report on every piece they receive and they file them .
26 Your answer to a question from T.D Smart in the Q&A section of the July edition of ‘ Practical PC ’ , contained some information that could cause damage to the NiCad batteries of your readers who follow the advice .
27 Those readers who like the gossip found in ‘ Heard on my Rounds ’ will have noticed that the column has not appeared in this issue .
28 ( How often one wishes that readers who have no hearing loss would take the trouble to follow the same procedure ! )
29 What asks Alston will happen when remote users have access to these electronic versions only , and to readers who have no understanding of the way in which the catalogue has developed ?
30 For those of my readers who have a taste for figures , we produced 7½ kilowatts when there was plenty of water , which there usually was in our climate .
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