Example sentences of "[noun] who [verb] for " in BNC.

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1 I detest Lourdes Ortiz who weeps for the incorruptible corpse of ‘ Guernica ’ seen one quiet Sunday in its mausoleum , with the endless queues of happy people when our democracy was still in the making , with the Casón as its banner .
2 ‘ I thought I would use a grenade ’ , said Vu Van Hau , a 22-year-old Vietnamese soldier who served for three years in Kompong Cham and Kompong Thom provinces , before returning to his native Ho Chi Minh City as part of the September withdrawal .
3 It seemed easier to do right by a people who wanted nothing than by peoples who clamoured for what you were not at all sure you wanted to give them .
4 DARLINGTON manager Frank Gray says he sympathises with fans who called for his dismissal after Saturday 's home defeat .
5 Newby Moss merits a leisurely exploration but the broad ridge beyond can not be recommended to walkers who travel for pleasure .
6 In future the computer expert will be the outsider who works for the manufacturer or as an independent adviser .
7 This uncertainty about the proper role of litigation by private citizens is also reflected in the requirement that a litigant who applies for a prerogative order must first seek the leave of the court to do so .
8 READERS who care for a dementia sufferer may like to know that Counsel & Care has just published a fact sheet which could be of considerable help to them .
9 Other examples of continuity , in the north west include the Redmanes of Levens , who also held land in Yorkshire and were feed by both Warwick and Gloucester from Middleham , and probably the Dogets of Grayrigg who fought for Warwick in 1469 and subsequently provided Richard with a chaplain .
10 Other examples of continuity , in the north west include the Redmanes of Levens , who also held land in Yorkshire and were feed by both Warwick and Gloucester from Middleham , and probably the Dogets of Grayrigg who fought for Warwick in 1469 and subsequently provided Richard with a chaplain .
11 Particular units who operated for long periods at a time in the jungle became so adept in their surroundings they became known as ‘ Green Ghosts ’ .
12 They intended , they said , to be stricter in the way they selected credit traders who applied for membership , and to distance themselves from ‘ rogue moneylenders ’ .
13 That was David who works for Fast Forward .
14 I could make no further headway with the landlord so I made enquiries amongst the other customers : a beggar who whined for alms inside the doorway and a greasy-haired knave , but they only repeated what the landlord had said .
15 Billy Donnelly and Annette McFeat who work for ROADCARE in Bonnyrigg and Market Street respectively collected the award on Tuesday 22 June .
16 Some were clergy who stayed for a week or two .
17 As the row rages on one thing is for sure — shoppers who plump for plums this summer will be spoilt for choice .
18 Alfred Taban , a Sudanese journalist who worked for Reuters and the BBC , was also arrested in early April .
19 The report said eight people including Tengiz Pachkoria , a well-known Georgian journalist who works for Russia 's Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper and the ITAR-Tass news agency , were wounded .
20 Eight people including Tengiz Pachkoria , a well-known Georgian journalist who works for Russia 's Nezavisimaya Gazeta newspaper and Tass , were wounded .
21 He said that there had been an unprecedented 37 per cent rise in the number of recently arrived Soviet Jews who applied for unemployment benefit in March , as increasing numbers ended their initial period of direct state support .
22 The journalists who worked for the popular newspapers were only concerned to please their readers , and the truth was irrelevant .
23 When they wanted to stop the investment programme , it was managing director Malcolm Cotton who fought for the idea .
24 She is the 21-year-old actress from Grange Hill who went for an audition with Mr Winner , and , seven months after he had had his way with her on a regular basis , got dumped .
25 Shelley was a poet who spoke for the people .
26 J. S. Homes , the National Liberal MP for Harwich , made an early visit , closely followed by the mayor who arranged for the town band to give a concert .
27 Frank was a local boy from Camberley in Surrey who signed for the Palace on his 17th birthday in June 1931 after having caught the eye of our then Manager , Mr Jack Tresadern .
28 The results represented a success for the Moderates and for two parties who exceeded for the first time the statutory 4 per cent threshold for parliamentary representation — the Christian Democrats ( whose only previous representation had been in 1985-88 when one of the Centre party 's seats was allocated to Christian Democrat in an electoral pact ) , and the New Democracy Party .
29 Stephen Thaler , a physicist who works for McDonnell Douglas in St Louis , Missouri , uses neural networks to help control the experimental diamond-growing processes he runs as part of his day job .
30 And this new form of entertainment was available not only to the ordinary citizens of the Republic but to the innumerable foreigners who came for commerce or pleasure .
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