Example sentences of "[noun] who have [art] " in BNC.

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1 Walkers who have no desire to locate the potholes of Newby Moss and refuse to be deflected from their intention to reach the top of Ingleborough can best achieve their objective by continuing upwards , guided by Grey Wife Sike across the rough and rising terrain of Ingleborough Common .
2 In practice , they are effective , hardworking groups of professionals and laypeople who have a commitment to education .
3 ( How often one wishes that readers who have no hearing loss would take the trouble to follow the same procedure ! )
4 What asks Alston will happen when remote users have access to these electronic versions only , and to readers who have no understanding of the way in which the catalogue has developed ?
5 For those of my readers who have a taste for figures , we produced 7½ kilowatts when there was plenty of water , which there usually was in our climate .
6 Those readers who have an aversion to such are advised to pass quickly by the next two sections , and move to the discussion of West Ham which provides the historical context for what is to follow .
7 Training will be provided for recruits who have the ability to adapt their skills to the needs of our programmes .
8 We have erm , managers of these funds who have a lot of expertise , a lot of experience , we 've been going over thirty years now , and we 've grown extremely quickly because of the expertise of our managers .
9 This may sound alarmist to some people , especially those in the chemical industry who have a large financial stake in the continuing use of their products , but there is worrying evidence that we are being made ill by the chemicals around us .
10 Williams and Moorey ( 1989 ) have provided a convincing rebuttal of this notion with their description of its use with clients who have a mental handicap .
11 Work with clients who have a known record of violence or aggressive behaviour
12 So , while it is always worth seeking out the names of journalists who have a special interest in your subject , and if appropriate sending the releases to them at home as well as to their office , always be sure to send your releases to the newsdesk and perhaps to one or two others on the paper too if it is appropriate .
13 I can only volunteer that this is done by designers who have an imperfect understanding of the nature and properties of wood , or who are literally prepared to risk it .
14 Radio acting makes specific technical demands on an actor , and classes are usually held by professional tutors who have a wide experience of radio drama and its production .
15 It 's a bit like political parties who have no hope of ever being elected making wild promises .
16 Prominent at the moment are the groups Avia , who use Sov-art from 20s and 30s , Pop Mechanics of S. Kurjehin who favour a multi- media show which employs symphonic , rock choiral , folk and live animals , and finally Auction who have a surrealistic cabaret style .
17 It is important to point out here that considerable attention has been paid both to errors made by normal speakers and errors made by speakers who have a particular acquired disorder of spoken language .
18 Some insurance companies , for example , have offered competitive premiums to older drivers who have a clean driving record .
19 Votes are successively transferred from candidates who have a surplus of votes over and above the quota and from candidates excluded as having the smallest number of votes in the relevant count .
20 SCE candidates who have the opportunity to undertake sixth-year work in mathematics will find it a valuable preparation for all courses offered by the Department of Mathematics and Statistics .
21 Ideological practice does not constitute subjects as such , but particular subjects who have the belief that all subjects share some traits in common .
22 Because I know what I 'm going to say to any kids who have the audacity to come to my house which they wo n't but erm and I 'm sure a lot of people do so the rest of the year we we 're encouraging children not to approach strangers and everything else and then this one day of the year or maybe two days or maybe the whole run-up from now until November the fifth you 've got kids begging on the street penny for the guy and all that sort of thing .
23 They , along with their peers who have no paper qualifications at all , compete for places on the Youth Training Schemes ( YTS ) .
24 The B Division is headed by Eaglescliffe Golf Club who have a five-point advantage over last year 's winners Darlington .
25 Visitors who have no desire to be educated will find that their enjoyment of such exhibitions is unimpaired .
26 At the moment , we have no way of knowing and , although the report is now public property , its contents during preparation and its final contents are determined entirely by those paying the bill — and they are the promoters who have every interest in avoiding drawing attention to anything that could be used against them when the Bill is debated publicly or scrutinised in the House on Second Reading , Report or in the Special Select Committee or the Standing Committee .
27 HOO HAH BOYS : A strange tribe of people from the south of Ireland who have no interest in the concept of life as we know it but instead tend to live out their winters bushing it ( See : BUSHING ) behind the Carlini factory and spend their summers drinking their way across Europe .
28 Young physicians considering a research based career should seek out those people in senior posts who have a real desire to see fresh minds flourish in academic medicine .
29 One way in which such factors are isolated is by comparing parents known to batter their children with a control group of parents who have no history of child abuse ( Lynch and Roberts 1977 , for example ) .
30 We are thinking about those children who , whatever their socio-economic background , have parents who have the time , or somehow make the time , to talk with them , to read to them , to read for themselves , and so to offer an example .
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