Example sentences of "[noun] can never [be] " in BNC.

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1 Social action can never be separated from practical constraints or from social control .
2 Financial considerations can never be the deciding factor in sentencing .
3 In other words , a dog who continually barks and shows fear can never be regarded as a dog with high self-confidence .
4 On any footing , it must , in my judgment , be too broad a proposition to suggest that an owner who retains a piece of land with a view to its utilisation for a specific purpose in the future can never be treated as dispossessed , however firm and obvious the intention and however drastic the act of dispossession of the person seeking to dispossess him may be .
5 Sir Karl Popper , whose ‘ Conjectures and Refutations ’ is crucial for understanding the recent philosophy of science , points out that the mind can never be a passive register of experience .
6 Murder can never be anything but a most serious crime , although committed in conditions of infinite variety , whereas thefts can be trivial in the extreme .
7 Hence a transferee can never be certain of obtaining an absolute title in the case of an off-market transaction .
8 Except in the most arid and scholarly publications , your value to journalists can never be measured simply in terms of the quality of your music .
9 We have taken steps to ensure that the circumstances that led to this tragedy can never be repeated . ’
10 However , once we abandon the assumption that the capital stock can never be underutilized we are forced to recognize that the ‘ off stage ’ decline in aggregate demand will not only push workers off their ‘ ideal ’ labour supply function , L s : it will also push employers off their ‘ ideal ’ labour demand function , L d .
11 In June he lectured " On Poetry " at Concord Academy , in which he repeated his claim that the poet can never be a successful man .
12 A shepherd can never be sure at what hour he 'll be done for the day , but the priest 's man leaves Upton as soon as Vespers is over , and so he did this time .
13 A rule can never be appreciated apart from the reasons on which it is founded " .
14 Like Habermas 's ‘ ideal speech situation ’ , the fact that scientific practice can never be realized is not the point .
15 The lords in parliament , and in the courthouse and the castle , they do not know how we live — they know nothing about us , except that we will die for them , to protect their forts in India and in Scotland ’ — his voice sharpened suddenly , his arm swung round and pointed north and a gust of response rose out of the crowd — ‘ we have always been good at that , their demands can never be satisfied , regiments for the colonies , indentured servants and labourers for the plantations , they have scoured Scotland like a killing wind and the men have been whirled away in the blast of it .
16 Although Bouton and his collaborators have failed to establish context-specificity after simple conditioning , they would not want to claim that such an effect can never be seen — there is ample evidence from experiments using rather different training procedures that a change of context can produce a performance deficit .
17 Any sensible policy concerned with reducing crime — crime can never be abolished — needs three components .
18 The significance of any research can never be merely an internal matter but is very much one determined by the response and judgements of fellow researchers and a fact of research life .
19 ‘ True love and companionship can never be hired .
20 Growth in iron founding was not without problems although the history of many individual sites can never be written .
21 For the PROFITBOSS work can never be more important than home .
22 Such an image , unlike Paley 's comparison to a watch , makes clear the theist claim that the created universe can never be understood as self-supporting .
23 For one thing , theories about the beginning of the present phase of the Universe can never be more than theoretic ; and for another thing , there is no reason to think that the Universe , as such , can be said to have ‘ origins ’ .
24 Their amenability to the criminal law can never be the same as that of natural persons , though this has been increased by the powers conferred on judges and magistrates , by the Criminal Justice Act 1948 , to impose a fine instead of imprisonment .
25 Clearly if the substitutes are entitled to enter then the condition on the manumission can never be satisfied .
26 The possibility of errors can never be totally eliminated from any copying process , although their probability can be reduced to low levels .
27 In other words , a compromise : management can never be wholly altruistic or spotlessly ethical , but the harm done to others can be minimised .
28 Cnut 's laws , which initially look such promising sources , are in reality something of a quicksand in which their compiler and his motives can never be forgotten .
29 Any assessment on the beneficiaries to income tax can never be more than on the £65 grossed up .
30 It follows that reform can never be guaranteed to work ( as of course research well and truly confirms ) .
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