Example sentences of "[noun] has [been] [v-ing] " in BNC.

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1 A computer retailer has been operating for three years under the name of " COMPUTER EQUIPMENT SALES " and has a chain of stores in the South of England .
2 Retail price maintenance still being lawful in the case of books , the publisher might well include the recommended retail price on the cover of the book ( or in an advertisement ) , only to be surprised subsequently to learn that a retailer has been selling at a different price .
3 Andrew Simmons of ITN has been travelling with the convoy , and has sent us this special report .
4 One reason why farm workers ' wages remain so comparatively low is that the demand for labour within agriculture has been declining as a result of mechanization-Indeed , the prospect of more expensive labour has often been sufficient to stimulate farmers to engage in a further round of mechanization so that both the supply and the demand for labour have chased each other down in an ever-decreasing spiral .
5 IBM Corp has been muttering about migrating to RISC technology for the AS/400 processor for a year or so now , and the company is now talking openly about it , saying that the AS/400 will move to a RISC , but not until several criteria are met .
6 IBM Corp has been rumbling uncomfortably about repositories for Unix and Waltham , Massachusetts-based Cortex Corp has leaped into the breach with Version 5.0 of its repository-based application generator CorVision , now available for Unix where the company has hitherto concentrated the product on the Digital Equipment Corp VAX/VMS market .
7 Multi-processors seem to be the flavour of the day at the moment and IBM Corp has been promising a multi-processing addition to its RS/6000 line for some time , so it 's not too surprising that we hear it 'll announce one in around six weeks for delivery later in the year .
8 Microsoft Corp has been banging the drum for its forthcoming Windows New Technology operating system in Europe and says it has won ‘ broad support ’ for it from ICL Plc , Ing C Olivetti & Co SpA and Siemens Nixdorf Informationssysteme AG .
9 Unisys Corp has been lifting the curtain a little on its plans for the Unix-based U6000 range , as it boosted the power of its 486-based 6000/35 model by adding a 66MHz chip last week .
10 One of our little birds claims IBM Corp has been negotiating the sale of its PC division .
11 NCR Corp has been demonstrating an enhanced version of its Co-operation environment at UniForum in San Francisco , and says that it provides enhanced scalable , enterprise-wide support , including broadened server scalability ; enhanced desktop capabilities ; single point , local or remote , system administration ; access to object-based frameworks ; updated versions of all third-party components including Windows 3.1 and Hewlett-Packard Co 's NewWave 4.1 ; access to the Informix database ; and improved diary , mail and information access .
12 Microsoft Corp has been talking a little more about its planned Cairo — now called Windows Cairo — object-oriented operating system , and far from being a distant prospect , it looks as if it will come hard on the heels of Windows NT , with a professional developers ' kit available as soon as early next year according to the late Systems & Network Integration .
13 The rumblings that Intel Corp has been having more problems successfully fabricating the Pentium chip than it has been prepared to discuss have erupted again , and our sister paper Unigram.X today reports that Pentium has been hit by another round of serious availability problems because of poor yields .
14 Toshiba Corp has been showing off the robotics work it is engaged on at its research centre , where it has a number of projects that are or have grown out of government-sponsored projects : it is developing eyes 2mm to 3mm in diameter for a micromachine for use in inspecting pipes in nuclear power stations , and also a software-controlled self-mobile robot for use in space where not all astronauts can be expected to be robot experts .
15 Sounds as if the guy is suffering from Hemingway Syndrome : ‘ computers may see their silicon lives flash before their eyes , so to speak , just before they die , ’ Prodigy Services Co suggests , reporting that physicist Stephen Thaler of McDonnell Douglas Corp has been playing with neural networks as a way to speed diamond crystal growth but while by day , he created and trained the neural nets , by night , he began annihilating them to see what would happen , randomly severing links , and when between 10% and 60% of the links were destroyed , the network regurgitated nonsense , but as it approached death , 90% of the connections severed , it generated distinct values that had been trained into it , and at times even output ‘ whimsical ’ states , where it would generate values that were neither trained nor ones that would appear in a healthy net , says Thaler , who thinks it may say something about near-death experiences for humans — ‘ It may not just be fancy biochemistry , ’ he suggests .
16 If you think that Toronto vertical market turnkey systems integrator Geac Computer Corp has been making rather a lot of acquisitions of late , well you ai n't seen nothing yet .
17 In an attempt to overcome the criticisms that its Advanced Peer-to-Peer Networking technology is too proprietary , IBM Corp has been making moves to increase its appeal .
18 IBM Corp has been doing it for some time , and now Wordperfect Corp is doing it too — applying for patents on their software rather than relying copyright law : reason is that , as the Wall Street Journal explains , a patent can provide a company with exclusive use of its patented programs for a fixed number of years , even if another company develops the idea independently ; copyright , which is created as soon as an idea is expressed in an original way , protects only the expression of the idea , not the idea itself , and it does n't confer exclusive use if someone else develops the same software independently ; downside is that getting a patent costs big — in both time and money — and once it expires , the technology it describes is free for all .
19 Branfoot has been inviting Holland manager Dick Advocaat to run the rule over Chelsea reject Monkou all season but Shearer , for one , will be happy if the Dutch continue to ignore him .
20 This seemingly symbiotic link has been damaging to the more general applicability of these criteria in other contexts .
21 The proportion of one parent families dependent on supplementary benefit/income support has been increasing faster than the increase in the number of one parent families .
22 Mike Rowbottom has been looking at the history of this remarkable experiment in Christian co-operation .
23 Mike Rowbottom has been sampling it .
24 Mike Rowbottom has been tracing his lineage
25 Following the menopause , hair texture becomes very coarse and if a woman has a predisposition to genetic hair loss , or her hair has been thinning , this can be a crucial time .
26 Glen Plake 's hair has been standing on end ever since he started watching his own ski movies .
27 In terms of ideology it is exactly what the FMLN has been fighting for these past seven years .
28 Two organisations have now managed to set up clearing facilities enabling them to dispense hard currency in Moscow : Credobank , a Moscow-based commercial bank , began offering cash advances to Visa card holders from early March and American Express has been offering a limited service to its card holders from its Moscow representative office ; Credobank has an on-line connection to a London clearing centre to check all cards — the connection was organised by Sprint Networks ; the bank also plans to offer cash service in some Moscow hotels .
29 Allan has been working for Historic Scotland since 1986 and has gained wide-ranging experience including masonry consolidation , hewing and building of all types of stonework at sites throughout Grampian Region and the Shetland Islands .
30 Conscious that security may prove to be a major concern for users , NCR has been pushing the system 's in-built security features : it says that three levels are provided .
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