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1 Halsey and his associates show that while about 50 per cent of the pupils in private primary schools were from the professional class in the age cohorts 50–59 and 30–39 years , the corresponding proportion for the youngest age cohort , 20–29 years , was almost 70 per cent .
2 5 of the bulls up for auction were from the Lower Hope estate near Leominster .
3 Approximately half the force were from the Commonwealth — Aussies , Canadians , New Zealanders , South Africans , Rhodesians and even from as far afield as Hong Kong , Fiji and the West Indies , this all made for healthy competition .
4 The thrill of seeing Araminta in bathing dress , even in the distance , segregated as the gentlemen were from the ladies , made his heart race .
5 The first five aircraft were from the military flying school and the remainder from the local aero club .
6 National government and household administration were from the middle of the sixteenth century separate entities .
7 The largest proportion were from the West Indies , Malaysia and Mauritius .
8 Our isolates of E coli were from the rectal mucosa and were presumably closely associated with , if not actually attached to , the epithelium ; loosely adherent bacteria were removed from the tissue by the vigorous washing procedure .
9 It meant also that ITV companies were from the start a kind of conglomerate — by definition .
10 Society was there too for the comedians , whose antics were from the very beginning shot against the background of a very recognizable American actuality .
11 The main office entrance and the entrance to the Foreign Secretary 's residence were from the court .
12 Immigration from this area is now very small : in 1981 , only 2 per cent of all immigrants were from the Caribbean .
13 Vocalist Rob gave little away in the title department but if the tracks were from the forthcoming Ferment album then we 're in for a treat .
14 In 1957 , 74 out of the top 100 firms were from the United States ; in 1972 the figure was 53 .
15 This reflects the consensus in reports on economic evaluation and , as all the source studies were from the United Kingdom , the discount rate recommended by the Treasury .
16 Although some senior staff officers were from the old Dutch colonial army the leaders of the fighting formations were almost all ex- Peta and ex-BKR .
17 Most of the infantry soldiers were recruited from the more backward tribes of the north , but many NCOs and the few junior African officers were from the literate south .
18 Disappointing as the terms were from the peasant point of view ‘ for the Imperial government to grasp the nettle of Emancipation at all was a remarkable departure .
19 It is alleged that by 1989 30% of the world 's tropical sawlogs in trade were from the Malaysian state of Sarawak , where forest was being lost at a rate of 3 ha per minute and the resistance of the local Punan to this had been contained .
20 Researcher Dr Anne Johnson said these people were from the group with the highest risk of contracting Aids .
21 Most of the 17 members of the new government were from the Issaq clan .
22 Both country 's leaders were from the same generation Clinton is 46 , Major 49 and came up the hard way , she added .
23 It was difficult to determine whether the explosions were from the German shells or from the Allied shells passing over , with the usual one or two dropping short .
24 Isolated press reports at the time had noted that most of these forces were from the Nuer tribe , and their victims had been mainly from the Dinka tribe , of which Garang was a member .
25 Cinema admissions had indeed increased as people sought escape at the movies from the horrors of war , and the flow of French and Italian imports had been disrupted , but the screen-time made available had been almost totally absorbed by American pictures : by 1918 some 80 per cent or films shown in Britain were from the US .
26 ( In the event , 15% of ET trainees in its first year of operation were from the former group , and 33% from the latter . )
27 The Council of Nicaea was the largest assembly of bishops hitherto , and though the great majority of the members were from the Greek East , the presence of Roman legates and the prominent role played by the sees of Alexandria and Antioch made it possible for the council to be given the title ‘ ecumenical ’ .
28 While there existed a small women 's civil rights organization , the Liga Femenina Salvadorena , whose members were from the impatient middle classes , it could not be described as a broad women 's suffrage movement .
29 When the Committee was subsequently formed , eight of its fourteen members were from the Association .
30 All but one of the 14 Cabinet members were from the HZDS ( including Ludovit Cernak , elected as a member of the Slovak National Party , who joined the HZDS after the election ) .
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