Example sentences of "[noun] were look for " in BNC.

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1 An answer came from Huddersfield , where the Town Football Club were looking for an assistant to their secretary-manager Ambrose Langley , who had partnered Chapman 's brother at Hull before the war .
2 But Protestant orthodoxy in the generations after the Reformation had inclined to treat the Bible in a rather hardened and absolute fashion , and to search in it for a wider range of information than the Reformers were looking for .
3 Second , the regulators were looking for an infusion of capital from outside the banking industry .
4 those seeking work were looking for the same kinds of jobs as those that had found it ;
5 The French , for their part , were interested only in American help to achieve some honourable compromise in Indo-China , whereas the militants in Washington were looking for combined military action to inflict a decisive defeat on the communists .
6 Against that , coach Ian McGeechan would contend that the captain deserved no small measure of credit for the way Scotland refused to buckle , actually winning the last quarter when all England were looking for a scoring holocaust .
7 Our judges were looking for a healthy shine , superb condition and fabulous movement and after much deliberation , Louisa Nicholson was chosen as overall winner .
8 Professor Ian Percy , senior partner of Grant Thornton and chairman of the judging panel , said Cairngorm Climbing Rope Company displayed all the criteria the judges were looking for — technological innovation , enterprise and initiative in trying to develop a European market .
9 But the Czech crisis of September 1938 , which took Europe to the brink of war , did produce the kind of public response which popular frontists were looking for to transform the political situation .
10 Adding these to the other elements of the claim and demands for extra London weighting , Mr Clarke had said in the Commons that ambulance workers were looking for ‘ rather a lot more money ’ .
11 A rise in numbers would by itself help to explain why the upper classes were looking for new and wider choice of occupation ; it does not go far towards explaining the popularity of Cîteaux .
12 If the crowd in Woodford Square on that June evening were looking for an anti- imperialist martyr , that is what they got .
13 About the same time TWW were looking for two journalists Ron Evans , a former journalist with the Empire News and the Sunday Times , had already joined the television company and he came over to Thomson House to check me out .
14 The organisers were looking for a nurse who could show how her work — both before and after the changes brought in with the New Contract — had helped her patients .
15 Only one man , it seems , was willing to take general relativity at face value , and while Einstein and other physicists were looking for ways of avoiding general relativity 's prediction of a nonstatic universe , the Russian physicist and mathematician Alexander Friedmann instead set about explaining it .
16 The established family farms were , mostly , already profitable and the farmers were looking for sufficient income to provide their families with a reasonable standard of living plus sufficient capital to re-invest in the farm and provide for retirement .
17 Chickens were looking for food .
18 Fourteen diabetes related examinations were looked for in the medical records , ranging from visual acuity and foot pulses to random blood sugar and urine analysis .
19 IF EVER any miserable bastards were looking for evidence in the tedious ‘ American Bands Are Better Than Their Limp Bit Counterparts ’ argument , then the imbalance between Yanks Velvet and Glaswegian wranglers Perspex would ( unfortunately ) send the US-ophiles sprinting around a victory lap at Wem-ber-lee Stadium .
20 He had lied to Evelyn when he 'd denied any idea of what the ransackers were looking for .
21 Despite the reported ‘ need to hear the voice of the Führer again ’ , Hitler 's traditional speech on 30 January 1942 , the anniversary of the ‘ seizure of power ’ , left some feelings of disappointment , since people were looking for comforting or encouraging words about the state of the war in the east and not for just another stereotype repetition of the Nazi Party 's glorious history .
22 People were looking for something closer to nature than races like the Paris-Dakar . ’
23 Were we going to go for impersonal macro-solutions , or were we going to realise that the people were looking for us as their leaders to provide an answer to their difficulties ?
24 He might not be quite the regal material the Tongan people were looking for , and as his wheezing old father — born in 1918 , still fit , but neither infallible nor immortal — tottered around the herbaceous borders , I fancied , or perhaps dreaded , that soon we might see the kingdom fall and a republic rise in its place , and the monarchy he represented fall victim to the spirit of the age , as ancient and outworn as Captain Cook 's old tortoise .
25 A neighbor summoned the owner from Dorset and told her it was a scandal that her house should be vacant when young people were looking for accommodation , so she let the house to us .
26 Erm ah some people were looking for you earlier .
27 The bishops were to look for exactly these deficiencies ; synods were to be held ; the clergy were to be better educated , responsible and not ignorant .
28 The qualities the leaders were looking for were " faith and character that will stand the test of hard work , frugal living , discipline and responsibility . "
29 Micky and the two girls were looking for a fourth person — someone having just moved out and on .
30 The girls were looking for their clothes while the flames were getting worse .
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