Example sentences of "[noun] which [vb mod] have " in BNC.

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1 Second , it provides a choice of storage media for BLOBs which may have advantages both of cost and convenience .
2 A massive tribal gathering at Altamira helped to stop a $500 million loan to build hydroelectric dams which would have caused untold environmental damage .
3 As reported in the proceedings of the institute , this was followed by some comments on river maintenance which might have been made only yesterday. :
4 A Japanese government spokesman claimed that post mortems had revealed parasites in the animals ' ears which may have resulted in their having lost their sense of direction .
5 Around the park you will see a variety of animals which will have particular appeal to children .
6 The hands sketched architectural constructions which might have ranged from Ilium 's topless towers to the semi-detached next door .
7 In her childhood her father was obliged to take a job , not in the colonial administration which would have been more or less acceptable , but as a manager of one of the Peruvian silver mines .
8 In analysing the new acting Ferguson was nearer the mark when he suggested that the movies were now coming up with richer and more vital people but Daugherty 's comments serve to remind us that techniques and styles which should have been feeding into a new cinema of experimentation and realism were being used rather to bolster old conventions of melodrama .
9 Even if historians are specifically interested in form , it is likely to be the history of forms , or the development of styles which will have attracted their attention .
10 It would have taken something of a miracle to attract the capital investment which might have begun to change this state of affairs .
11 In the engineering industry , for example , employers were unable completely to transform work relations towards deskilling and standardised mass production , mainly because they were not prepared to undertake the major capital investment which would have been required ( Zeitlin , 1983 ) .
12 9.1.6 the Tenant has any distress or execution levied on [ its ] goods the Landlord may re-enter the Premises ( or any part of them in the name of the whole ) at any time ( and even if any previous right of re-entry has been waived ) and then the Term will absolutely cease but without prejudice to any rights or remedies which may have accrued to the Landlord against the Tenant or the Guarantor [ or to the Tenant against the Landlord ] in respect of any breach of covenant or other term of this Lease ( including the breach in respect of which the re-entry is made ) All leases will , or should , contain a forfeiture provision which is usually in the form of a proviso reserving to the landlord a right of re-entry in the event of non-payment of rent , breach of covenant or circumstances resulting in , or likely to give rise to , the probability of the tenant being unable to perform its obligations under the lease , eg bankruptcy or liquidation .
13 On the other hand , there were steps which de Gaulle might have taken in 1944 – 46 — steps which might have produced a better outcome on the ( to him ) all-important issue of the constitution and might also have bolstered his popularity .
14 The steps which will have to be taken are , in my view , so grave , that it becomes a question whether any one party can carry them through , and whether some form of Coalition Government is not imperative to meet the crisis which is rapidly developing .
15 There was eagerness and excitement in his voice at once , echoing the emotion which must have been obvious in Hornblower 's tone — Hornblower took notice of it , and as he buckled his waistband he reaffirmed his resolution to be more careful how he spoke , for he must regain his reputation as a silent hero .
16 Table 5.6 shows a sample passage of handwritten text together with the recognition results for it , and the reductions in the number of candidates which would have been allowed , had a measure of word length been used .
17 When it came , the eruption was of massive proportions and deposited a great thickness of ash which completely buried the town , and it set off great tidal waves which may have been responsible for the termination of the Minoan civilization by ravaging the coastal towns all around Crete .
18 Where the main constructive waves are swell waves which may have been generated hundreds and even thousands of kilometres away and travelled on as free waves , it is quite likely that the local resultant wind has a far smaller part in the orientation of coastal forms .
19 Having caught the left rough off the tee , she was shaping to hit the kind of second shot over trees and lakes which would have had Laura Davies drooling .
20 Jim Keeble recalls one amusing incident in ASF which could have been a terrible accident .
21 THE danger of trying to limp to safety on goalless draws was graphically illustrated by Coventry 's last-gasp defeat which could have them hanging on to the last day of the season before knowing their fate .
22 ‘ He was going to introduce changes to the club which would have made your lives much less comfortable . ’
23 The silence was underlined by the drumming of grasshoppers and she noticed that there was no other car which might have brought S. Kettering .
24 Many families have only one car which may have to be reserved for the use of the nurse 's spouse and others have no car at all .
25 The flood apart from ruining their home made their own car which should have taken them for the fully-paid honeymoon in Scotland , float off down the road and crash into another car .
26 That 's fine , but you now know this will happen , and you know how to do it — just by carrying on with this Inch Loss Plan diet and the Maintenance Exercise Programme which will have the effect of continually improving your shape .
27 Within the increased roads programme that I announced today — a road programme which will have increased by 50 per cent .
28 He would have relished the confusion which must have arisen .
29 The opposition groups , ranging from social democrats and liberals to Christians , nationalists and anarchists , had been given permission by the Moscow city council and the USSR Council of Ministers to march after the official parade organized by the trade unions , apparently to pre-empt the holding of a larger unofficial demonstration which might have clashed with the official parade .
30 Burun 's chief wife was small and slim , handsome in the way that unremarkable women sometimes are when they have matured past the need for beauty , and the red-gold of her hair was as yet unmarred by the silver which would have betrayed her age .
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