Example sentences of "[noun] she [vb mod] [vb infin] " in BNC.

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1 His betrayal of Nicola Hammond ought to have annoyed her — not for Nicola 's sake , but because she was reminded of risks she 'd taken ; of risks she might have to take .
2 She may subtly encourage in her daughter all the characteristics she would like to express openly herself , but dare not .
3 She swept her sodden hair back from her face thinking she must look a proper sight .
4 In her own room , the door was still latched , but was rattling , with a rhythm she could hear repeated outside in the strong , irregular fluster of a wind from the east , with the hiss of a roused sea behind it .
5 At a towering twenty five inches he 's certainly a horse she can look up to .
6 At about this time a hitherto unsuccessful fortune-teller living on the other side of the block chanced to glance into her scrying bowl , gave a small scream and , within the hour , had sold her jewellery , various magical accoutrements , most of her clothes and almost all her other possessions that could not be conveniently carried on the fastest horse she could buy .
7 And perhaps with Linnet at her side she might pluck up courage , one of these days , to pay them a call .
8 I suspect , though , there can be no doubt about which side she would have been on in the public debate about fox-hunting prompted by last week 's Private Member 's Bill .
9 She knew , with a feeling of detachment , that she attracted quite a few stares herself , primarily from men , and that if she had not had André at her side she would have been in very real danger of having to concoct a few efficient exit lines .
10 Dora , naturally , was in good spirits and with Fortune on her side she could afford to be magnanimous .
11 Folly watched in agony , praying that now she had found no card she would lose interest .
12 Robyn knew that if she opened her eyes she would see the speaker , come face to face with the resigned irritation .
13 At least with her young , keen eyes she would have seen that he was being duped by his own nephew .
14 If it had n't been for the triumphant glitter in his eyes she would have been lost ; as it was , he had pulled her zip down and was easing her dress from her shoulders by the time she 'd steeled herself to thrust hard against his shoulders with both hands and roll off the bed .
15 It was just as well , she thought ruefully , that he was an easy , undemanding companion , and had it not been for the throbbing behind her eyes she might have considered the evening pleasant enough .
16 Through the haze of half-closed eyes she could make out his face hovering darkly over her .
17 Somehow she found the courage to hold the gleaming brilliance of his gaze with her own , as if by this encounter of eyes she could mesmerise , draw him to her .
18 If she closed her eyes she could see again those glittering lights and hear the gay , entrancing music .
19 Every stroke was applied with precision by the bitch of an SS officer , and after each stroke she would smile and run the whip lovingly through her fingers .
20 At a stroke she could make them vanish , but she 'd still see them .
21 Well , perhaps on Tuesday she would find out more about Robert 's wish for friendship .
22 so on a Tuesday she 'll get Next for Wednesday , Wednesday for Thursday etcetera .
23 Later , in the privacy of her bedroom she could gnash her teeth and let the anguish flood out .
24 Any personal animosity she might feel for Niall Grant must be set aside .
25 Two years later , Paul saw Sinead on stage with Ton Ton Macoute in Dublin and witnessed first hand the raw emotion she could generate in a performance .
26 It was not an errand she would enjoy , because she knew the sorrow it would cause , but her specific task in this household was to be the eyes and ears of her dear companion .
27 She would set the table with the best glass and cutlery she could lay her hands on , and her meals always had something a little different about them .
28 Since the QT Meeting on the 7th has indicated that she is feeling a little better and for the time being is willing to continue as the Teachers ' Representative , however , it is possible that in the future she may require assistance to carry out her duties .
29 But safely shut in her new home , fed on taro scraps and berries , she would grow fat ; and one day in the future she would make a tough but tasty roast for a clan gathering .
30 In March of the following year her ambassador in Paris publicly apologised and promised that in future she would recognise French claims to precedence .
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