Example sentences of "[noun] as he went " in BNC.

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1 Above the uproar , Gerrard signaled furiously at the men with the microphones , and they fell back to the sides of the studio , pulling the microphones away from eagerly reaching hands , and Gerrard began to walk backward toward the dais , looking from side to side as he went .
2 The curtains were still pulled and he placed one of the packages of groceries on the table , holding the other to his side as he went across the room and whipped back the heavy green curtains .
3 One man was shot four times in the legs as he went for a walk .
4 His attorney 's girlfriend was holding on to his legs as he went through the things that were wrong with his life , in broken English .
5 He would storm off upstairs , banging his feet on the steps as he went , groaning ‘ For cripes ' sakes ’ .
6 ‘ I 'd have done that anyway , whoever you were , ’ he returned dismissively , but derision glinted in his eyes as he went on , ‘ What 's worrying you , Maria ?
7 Alex James in the 1930s had not been averse to appearing at the odd night-club , but Best 's moves were tracked by a posse of desperate journalists as he went from bed to boutique , from discothèque to dressing-room .
8 All details of the ballet had to be approved by the Club as he went along .
9 He talked as if he never thought in words and had to invent them to describe the shapeless , bulky concepts in his mind as he went along .
10 Dog at his heels as he went off down the road .
11 And leaping into the saddle he raced back to Grimspound , Nero at full stretch , the Devil laughing and snapping at his heels as he went .
12 After holding her gaze just long enough to finalise the threat he turned and went towards the front door of the house , picking up her overnight bag from the terrace as he went .
13 The man stumbled forward onto the bridge , then got up and trudged on again , wiping his dirtied hands against his thighs as he went and glancing up briefly , fearfully , as the big house loomed over him .
14 He leapt towards the front door , scooping his anorak off the hallstand as he went .
15 ‘ One moment , ’ Frau Nordern said , placing a well aimed dart between the Sergeant 's broad , grey-clad shoulders as he went into an inner office .
16 There was a bedroom to their left , at the front of the house , and Carson pushed open the opposite door and led the way through into the sitting-room , switching on the light as he went .
17 His friend Sir Thomas Lauder of Grange and Fountainhall tells of one humorous incident where Geikie once followed a particularly pompous , pot-bellied and self-assertive porter through the marketplace sketching as he went until the victim got angry and chased him into a house from whose attic window Geikie completed the sketch with some extra touches to show features of indignation to perfect the picture .
18 He slammed the door , kicking a locker as he went .
19 Then he disappeared again carrying his maggots with him , but stuffing a handful into his mouth as he went .
20 They ate less and less , never venturing outside the villa , the physical aspect of their relationship consuming them both as Damian began to take her beyond her new-found sensuality , smashing barriers as he went , teaching her everything about her body and his until she thrilled to the power of knowing how to touch and kiss him to make him breathless with ecstasy , whispering incoherent , urgent words of encouragement to her until they both fell into their usual sleep of pleasurable exhaustion , completely united by the passion that raged just as highly between them now as it ever had from the very beginning .
21 The first few days were very trying for Alan as he went on to the new regime suddenly rather than gradually .
22 Not only had he earned the Huge Reward but for once , indeed the only time without Tom 's help , he had outwitted his most terrible enemy and he could not resist cocking a very vulgar snook at Cut-throat Jake as he went over to shake the Dragoon officer by the hand .
23 The alarm was raised by team leader Chris Bonington — who also fell 150m on steep ice as he went to Venable 's assistance , miraculously emerging with no more than a minor facial wound .
24 Without a word , he leapt to his feet , turned and rushed past me , brushing my clothing as he went .
25 Lewis asked himself this question as he went down in the lift and crossed the arrivals hall of Terminal Two to await the exodus from Customs .
26 He ignored the question as he went on , ‘ Bush walks are the preferred activity of older people — like groups from the Country Women 's Institute , or the Townswomen 's Guild or church groups . ’
27 ‘ I never noticed that , ’ said Simon as he went back to check .
28 With the first of the ovens he 'd gone the long way through to the Hall 's kitchens , taking in the sights as he went .
29 The college caretaker was shot in the eye as he went to help .
30 The mechanic watched him out of the comer of his eye as he went from car to car , making an elaborate pretence of examining the interiors .
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