Example sentences of "[noun] as [pron] came " in BNC.

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1 Her sweet words were still echoing in his ears as he came slowly back to reality .
2 ‘ You think , ’ she began , dabbing at her eyes as she came back with the pad , ‘ you think someone — someone killed my Charlie because he would n't go on — go on doing these jobs for them ? ’
3 Movement seemed to bring a bit of life to the woman , who regarded Jenna with rather sad eyes as she came forward uneasily .
4 ‘ That 's the calm sea , ’ he pointed out the inlet that ran to Ballysadare as they came along the narrow twisting road into Strandhill .
5 Those little eyes of hers were red and angry , and her chin quivered helplessly above her neck as she came towards me .
6 It struck two cars as it came to rest .
7 They joined Mercy Chant as she came out of church , and walked together along the road Tess had walked into Emminster .
8 ‘ She 's left me , ’ said Evans with difficulty , mouthing the words in an exaggerated way as if examining them in disbelief as they came out .
9 The task was to set up the office , get a system going to deal with the fan mail , gifts and general correspondence , liaise with dress designers and process the requests for patronages as they came in .
10 He patted the arm of the couch as she came in , but she ignored it , sitting on the floor , and absent-mindedly collecting bits of crushed crisp off the carpet into one hand .
11 A couple of policemen caught the boat as it came in alongside and steadied it .
12 Jitka turned and put her fingers to her lips as they came to the main bedroom and they tiptoed passed .
13 She could hear Jack and Alison modifying the pitch of their voices as they came up the stairs .
14 Dr Nolan looked deadbeat as he came into the little bedroom at Milltown .
15 Bobo pursed her lips and began to pant and chomp her jaws in appreciation as it came within reach .
16 The bloke with the wooden leg made funny noises as he came up the stairs .
17 He jumped to his feet as I came in .
18 It did n't taste of anything much , and it did n't hit particularly hard , but then he did n't exactly feel steady on his feet as he came to stand , either .
19 Erm on the use of existing employment sites , I 'd hate you to go away with the impression that er we were actively seeking to reallocate sites as they came forward , and that certainly is n't the case .
20 The aircraft were still dropping the canisters as we came near to the dropping zone .
21 Rob , debonair and well-groomed ; the sunlight through stained glass making a coloured mosaic on the stone floor ; the music swelling as Heather , in ivory lace , arrived on her father 's arm , and Rob turning quickly to look at her , then watching her all the way down the aisle as she came towards him ; the hot prick of tears in Merrill 's eyes at the beautiful solemnity of the ceremony .
22 She presented it trustfully to her Uncle Alan as he came in , to be mended .
23 They had spent Hogmanay at home , welcoming the groups of people roaming the village as they came round .
24 It was a ploy of Lord Darlington 's to stand at this shelf studying the spines of the encyclopedias as I came down the staircase , and sometimes , to increase the effect of an accidental meeting , he would actually pull out a volume and pretend to be engrossed as I completed my descent .
25 Mrs Harper gave Ianthe a piercing look through her pince-nez as she came to take the order .
26 ‘ Whoa there , lass , ’ said Jake as they came to a halt .
27 It was serious stuff , this poetry , Leonard 's now suntanned complexion adding to the prophetic tones as he came , Elijah-like , out of his own wilderness experience .
28 This seems an effort to fit a cult-statue into a building with a sacrificial pit ; and though it was in profile that one saw these statues as one came in or went out , if one looked up as one passed under the beam which hid them , one saw them again , carved in very low relief on its underside , standing frontal and looking down at one : altogether an astonishing conception .
29 You saw in fact the lady as you came in about the same time as you came in who does that .
30 Sophia could see the light on in the hall as she came up to Ianthe 's front door , but the front rooms were in darkness .
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