Example sentences of "[noun] had with the " in BNC.

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1 They gave me money , and I put it into a jar like Granny had with the egg money .
2 The complexity of the Sun , IBM and Motorola designs can also slow time-to-market : a six-month slip , such as Sun had with the SuperSparc , can make a new CPU suddenly uncompetitive .
3 The complexity of the Sun , IBM and Motorola designs can also negatively impact time-to-market : a six-month slip , such as Sun had with the SuperSparc , can make a new CPU suddenly uncompetitive .
4 Each company would employ a small number of clerical workers who would take care of all the dealings an enterprise had with the world outside .
5 These words are part of the conversation which Jesus had with the Pharisees on the topic of divorce .
6 I had a theory that Hawaiians had the same kind of relationship with the sea as the Australian aborigines had with the land .
7 DURING the housing boom they used to say that the only contact an architect had with the design of many high-volume , speculative developments was to lay out the site so that the maximum number of little boxes could be squeezed in .
8 At times I think of the first contacts the people of St Kilda had with the outside world .
9 In his position as the British Prime Minister , Harold Macmillan announced , in July 1961 , that the British government wished to negotiate joining the Common Market , i.e. the European Economic Community , but the French President , de Gaulle , fearing that France would lose her position as the leader of the six member countries , was not keen on the British , entry , despite the agreement of the other five nations , The special relationship that Britain had with the U.S.A. was also disliked by de Gaulle and , in any event , the French government wanted special provisions to protect French agriculture , so he effectively blocked Britain 's entry into the E.E.C .
10 ‘ Is a trial judge entitled to refuse to permit the Crown to discontinue a prosecution after the Crown has called evidence which in his judgment could properly sustain a conviction if the jury believed it and provided he has first ascertained in the absence of the jury that the Crown were not in possession of facts of which the judge is unaware , which would justify discontinuance : and when counsel for the Crown decides to take no further part in the case , to call himself the one remaining prosecution witness whose evidence was merely to produce signed and initialled notes of an interview the police had with the defendant ?
11 ‘ Is a trial judge entitled to refuse to permit the Crown to discontinue a prosecution after the Crown has called evidence which in his judgment could properly sustain a conviction if the jury believed it and before the case for the Crown has been closed , provided he has first ascertained in the absence of the jury that the Crown were not in possession of facts of which the judge is unaware , which would justify discontinuance ; and when counsel for the Crown decides to take no further part in the case , to call himself the one remaining prosecution witness whose evidence was merely to produce signed and initialled notes of an interview the police had with the defendant ?
12 DSC Communications Corp , Dallas has seen off a shareholder suit brought against the company and some of its officers in 1991 over the problems some of the Baby Bells had with the software for the MegaHub Signal Transfer Point : the suit has been dismissed without prejudice and the motion to certify class action status for it has been declared moot .
13 Does he not recall the trouble that Clemens Krauss had with the last act at the at the 1944 dress rehearsal ?
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