Example sentences of "[noun] had take [adv] " in BNC.

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1 As it was , however , the administration had taken over responsibility for this war ; and it had to work with what it had , making a just cause as best it could .
2 He had not realised quite how many customers were attracted by the Car Hire firms of Oxford , especially American customers ; and checking the lists had taken longer than he 'd imagined .
3 Most of the city was aflame , and bitter fighting had taken over the downtown suburbs .
4 In another case , the Court of Appeal held that a prosecution had been properly discontinued when a defendant had taken out a private prosecution for perjury against a witness who had given evidence against him at committal proceedings .
5 After the execution of Xavier de Chavigny , the German High Command had taken over the house and gardens at St-Cloud and used the beautiful late-seventeenth-century mansion to quarter troops .
6 He caught the glint of a smile from Fael-Inis at that , and felt a sudden delight , because the fire was surging up all about them , and Fael-Inis had taken up a stance at the fore of the Chariot , and he was gathering up silken reins between his hands , only the reins were of living colour and shifting light , and there were certainly spells within them as there had certainly been spells in the Chamber of the Looms …
7 This is a view both parties had taken very seriously .
8 Auguste was promptly frogmarched into Mr Multhrop 's office , Mr Multhrop trotting along behind torn between a certain loyalty to Mr Dee and relief that officialdom had taken over .
9 I mean I , I was quite fascinated having lunch one day with a journ a Melbourne journalist erm and this was about six months after Murdoch had taken over the Melbourne Sun all this and we were chatting away and I actually threw in the stuff which were saying about how papers are there to make profits these days so that 's what drives them and that journalists journalists on newspapers such as Murdoch 's papers , write what they 're supposed to write and she and I got quite out of with one another and and the bottom liner was that she , she absolutely totally and utterly denied what we were saying and I said to her okay if you were given a story to write you know and it was opposite to how you would view it , what would you do and she said oh well I , I would have to write it and the issue with the Murdoch papers and it 's quite interesting because I mean I 'm sure you can with other newspapers but I , I 've just got a bit more is that Murdoch never ever writes a minute or a memo to his editor or staff saying this is what the line is ever .
10 To help publicise the launch of the airline , Branson had taken on the services of Tony Brainsby , a man whose hyperventilated style of press-arousal on behalf of such clients as Paul McCartney had made him a small legend in the pop world .
11 Whether Branson had taken over Virgin Atlantic or it had overtaken him was difficult to tell .
12 It did not last long and had largely petered out by early 1972 , when budgie gear , baggies and flares with turn-ups , glamrock and other new influences had taken over .
13 The French Dragoons had taken up positions in the southern houses , while the Prussian infantry in their dark blue coats and black shakos lined the barricade .
14 Coun Hughes said an ambulance had taken about 36 minutes to arrive in Barnard Castle after a man collapsed with chest pains outside his office on Thursday the man was treated by a doctor before the ambulance arrived .
15 If Wright had taken as much care with his finishing as his feud with Saints defender Ken Monkou , Arsenal would have escaped with a point .
16 After a long struggle Raymond v of Toulouse had eventually , in 1176 , resigned all his rights over Provence ; and in 1177 Alfonso had taken over Roussillon .
17 In November 1979 the Iranians had taken over the American Embassy in Teheran and held the staff hostage for 444 days , only releasing them 30 minutes after Carter had left office .
18 Labour had taken on a flagging government in the midst of the longest recession since the last world war .
19 Elizabeth Addams lived next door , Thomas Addams was still at work in his smith 's shop , Thomas Burge had taken over as the Bristol carrier , and the Clement family were producing cloth for all they were worth in workshops at the end of the street .
20 The vote will be seen as a victory for the local authorities , who put so much pressure on the clubs , and many of the delegates were relieved that the vote had taken away the threat of possible punitive action from their local councils .
21 It was ‘ a blatant bid for public sympathy ’ , according to the director Donald Driver , who had walked out on the production in protest at the way Dustin had taken over .
22 Ken had to take on more and more gigs to keep the family boat afloat .
23 It was my rest day but I knew how many aircraft had taken off , and as the sky lightened with the early summer dawn , we waited tensely in Hut 4 for them to return .
24 The aircraft had taken off from Prestwick half-an- hour earlier .
25 There was no sign of Benny , but Ace assumed that the Professor had taken up a position on the other side of the stanchion .
26 Zelah had taken out one tray of dishes and was returning for a second .
27 This would not have mattered if the US government , instead of giving special bilateral help only to Mexico had taken earlier , bigger steps to ease the pain of adjustment for all the major debtors .
28 Joseph Hyde said Ireland had taken too much from her , but was that enough to account for her hatred of the country ?
29 Brambles and bracken had taken over .
30 Out of the former PNI , Sukarno had taken up partindo , and within one year its membership soared to 20000 .
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