Example sentences of "[noun] had make [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Questioning the present position at Bowleswood Farm , John White asked whether the association had made any progress since the last general meeting .
2 But the DoH had made huge efforts to provide training for home helps through the training support grant and NVQs .
3 On May 17th it said that it would not decide whether to hear an appeal challenging California 's ‘ unitary tax ’ on multinational companies until the administration had made clear its views on the matter .
4 Investigator Ken Randall found Gooda Walker had made unorthodox use of ‘ time and distance ’ insurance policies , which led to a possible £10 million overstatement of profits for 1988 on one syndicate , 290 .
5 I dared not move until my eyes had made more sense of the place .
6 The selective use of vous and tu forms in dialogues involving different characters suggests that the French translator had to make conscious decisions about the nature of the relationships among different characters in the story and about the social standing of these characters as reflected in their adoption of certain conventions to do with approved/non-approved expression of familiarity and/or deference .
7 David had made great friends with them because they would come into his apartment at night and he would sing them songs and things .
8 In his answer , Gilmore also took up and dismissed as totally unfounded a claim which Paisley had made several weeks earlier in the Commons that his own life was in danger from government agents .
9 And suddenly he had a maenad in his arms , fighting him , screaming , striking at him , the tears running down her face which fear had made unrecognisable , pushing him away , and when he let her go , for very decency 's sake , because he saw no way to calm her unless he did , she sank on to the sofa , still sobbing and crying , her face hidden in a cushion , her whole body heaving and shaking .
10 In his letter Prawiro said that Indonesia had made great efforts to forge a relationship with the Netherlands after " an exceedingly painful historical past resulting from centuries of inhuman colonial subjugation " .
11 But emigration to the United States had made this restriction anachronistic and so the Liberal government altered the law .
12 As each new AGR started construction , such serious engineering and design problems were encountered that the designers had to make major alterations to the next in the series .
13 Three years after entering films Roach had made enough money from Lloyd comedies to build his own studio in Culver City .
14 But before those two goals Arsenal had made heavy weather of things in a first-half that they dominated , with Wright sending a header and a shot over the Everton bar .
15 Branson had made countless such sales trips over the years , and it was not a task he relished .
16 Surrey had made 92 for three when Stuart suddenly declared — we thought he had gone mad .
17 Although PLO chairman Yassir Arafat had made strenuous efforts to ensure a consensus within the organization in advance of the PNC meeting , neither Hamas nor the Damascus-based Palestine National Salvation Front ( PNSF ) and its affiliated organizations attended the Algiers session , while representatives of Islamic Jihad attended only in an independent capacity .
18 Lyell had made adaptational considerations alone completely decisive in determining the timing and placing of both species extinctions and species origins .
19 Halford had made nine unsuccessful applications for promotion to deputy chief constable and had been suspended in December 1990 .
20 Luiza , who was always very happy singing Czipra as she spent most of the evening sitting on a gypsy log , had been in superb voice and Therese — Busacher gloated — Therese had made one or two of the more discerning wonder what she was going to do in some of the other productions .
21 He also gave a firm pledge to ‘ build up and cherish ’ the National Health Service — which Labour had made one of its central campaign themes .
22 With 609 results declared by 4am , Labour had made 44 gains , well short of the advance needed to win power .
23 In a statement , the foreign ministers said political and economic reforms in Poland and Hungary had made considerable progress but added : ‘ The process remains fragile and could be called into question by economic problems .
24 Military reports showed the KPNLF offensive launched on Saturday had made quick initial progress , he said , and troops had captured at least 10 government positions and large quantities of weapons .
25 This was reissued in slightly different form at Geneva in 1580 after his death at Lyons in the Massacre of St. Bartholomew , but before this Goudimel had made another and even simpler complete setting , leaning heavily on Bourgeois 's of 1547 , with the tunes usually in the tenor ( Geneva , 1565 ) :
26 They reached Hampstead before morning lessons were concluded , for the carriage had made all speed .
27 Practice had made perfect : she hardly made a sound .
28 BROTHER CADFAEL had made one journey to the hamlet of Preston in search of the young man Aldhelm , only to find that he was away in the riverside fields of the manor of Upton , busy with the lambing , for the season had been complicated by having to retrieve some of the ewes in haste from the rising water , and the shepherds were working all the hours of the day .
29 As soon as the area had been measured and surveyed , the work of cutting the new streets through the old teeming and tortuous maze of the centre had never before been attempted on such a scale , though Christopher Wren had made such a plan for 17th-century London .
30 The Special Task Force had made 102 arrests in the city .
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