Example sentences of "[noun] they do [adv] " in BNC.

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1 But er communism and politics are like religion they do n't necessarily deliver the goods .
2 People expect risks they did not ask for and can not control to be much lower -by 10 or 100 times — than those which they run willingly .
3 Trade unions began , if slowly and unadventurously , to assert that they did n't give a hoot : their members were not going to run risks they did n't like .
4 Party censors stamped out any arts they did not like .
5 As the result they do not sit very effectively over a bolt-hole .
6 I asked them about the war , and they said it was okay , but you could see in their eyes they did n't mean it .
7 MIPS can also not depend on its high-end Unix vendors like Concurrent Computer Corp , Control Data Systems Inc , NCR Corp , Pyramid Technology Corp and Tandem Computers Inc , to absorb more than 15% more than the 60,000 units they do already .
8 It was so small if you did n't pay the rent they did n't evict you — they used to flush you out with ferrets .
9 She waited , but without much hope , for Rupert to offer to run her home in the car they did not know he possessed .
10 You see in in , on the continent they do not build council ghettos .
11 Mr. Watkinson referred us to three other decided cases in support of the contrary view , but to my mind they do not assist him .
12 In each country , a random sample of the electorate were questioned about their attitudes towards the political process — their perceived ability to affect political change , their participation in various political activities , their attitude towards parties they did not support and so on .
13 They got to Ryan 's bedroom just in time to stop a bunch of kids they did n't even know putting his treasured copy of the Beatles White LP on the turntable .
14 The impression of IBM Corp , Digital Equipment Corp and their ilk lining up like lambs to the slaughter may seem hard to credit for customers that have been driven to accept very hard bargains , but that is what appears to be happening with this Gadarene rush by the major manufacturers to get into the facilities management business in the US : we understand that many of the savings and loans , banks and securities houses that have gratefully accepted offers by the majors to run their data processing operations for them has little to do with saving money over the term of the contract , much to do with their urgent need for cash upfront to repair their ravaged balance sheets — the key attraction of the deals being the money paid at the start of the contract for the data processing facilities ; if the customers are in that much need of cash , chances are that many of them wo n't be around in five or seven years ' time , so that having spent good money for computers they do n't need , the facilities managers will be left with idle installations and contracts with no residual value .
15 My honourable friend from the front benches made the point about the gaps in er these regulations , they do n't cover Lloyds , they do n't cover pension schemes , pension funds they do n't cover banks which are domiciled er in the er in in the United States but er we also have the point which I made in the interjection to the minister that unless there 's a duty to detect fraud er er as well as report it , it 's really doubtful if the auditors can perform er the function .
16 If that 's what you call , I , I told mother , I said if that 's what they call substantial in Northamptonshire they do n't live very well .
17 But although such classifications may sometimes be useful in guiding empirical research they do not seem to me to take up directly the most important questions , which are those concerning the significance of social movements in the process of reproduction and transformation of total social systems .
18 This murder they do not only with their bare hands but with extreme weapons , the nature of which I am unable to comprehend .
19 My Cousin Vinny Even Joe Pesci 's considerable talents ca n't quite lift this mildly diverting comedy about two New York kids accused of a murder they did n't commit .
20 one or two members who are resident in St Albans did ask me about their position on item two St Albans Transport Study er the advice that I gave them was that unless they er did which is likely to be affected by any identifiable schemes in the study they do not have a need to declare either a pecuniary or a non-pecuniary interest .
21 Everything they had seen had registered in their subconscious mind without them even being aware of it and , using hypnosis , it was possible for them to recall facts and images they did not even realise they knew .
22 They reckon the average French woman do n't change their knickers , they only change it every two days or something and all sorts they do n't shave .
23 Now there is plums they do n't want them .
24 Lawyers and judges talk to each other in ways the prisoner in the dock can not always understand ; doctors diagnose patients for medical students in a language which they know the patient will not follow ( though there are also valid scientific reasons for this ) ; and parents spell out words they do not want children to understand .
25 They think they have to win to gain self-esteem , in other words they do n't value themselves highly unless they are constantly winning or one up on other people .
26 11 Do n't worry if you used some words they do n't know .
27 In other words they do n't want to .
28 After the Popular Revolution of 1973–4 the districts of Libya in theory became autonomous and sovereign ; in practice they did not because a more or less restricted elite in the centre created the budgets , policies and political institutions .
29 From the king 's point of view these schemes had many attractive features , but in practice they did not work .
30 In practice they do not always turn out so much better , for a number of reasons .
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