Example sentences of "[noun] had [been] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The first Napoleon had been a patron of men of science , perhaps hoping that finance and political economy might be thus ‘ removed from the sphere of party ’ ; and men like Berthollet , Laplace , Cuvier , Gay-Lussac , Arago , Dumas and Berthelot played prominent parts in , or received titles from , governments of different colours during the century .
2 Over the years her religion had been a great comfort to her .
3 In Puritania , religion had been the stuff of cant , of laws , of promised punishments for behaviour which the Pilgrim 's inner conscience could not condemn .
4 Although Northamptonshire had been a stronghold of Puritan sentiment during the Civil War , following the Restoration most of the county adhered to the episcopal church .
5 Roz Hatch had been a real looker in her time , and the family portrait said one thing to Cowley above all else : we stick together .
6 In 1990 Johnston and Hatch had been a most feared combination but now the former has returned to his old stamping ground at Bishop Auckland for one final fling before retiring .
7 Wilikins had been the name of her first husband , Henry , who had been at King 's School , Birmingham with Swan in the 1960s .
8 Many of those whose names appeared on the lists also complained , arguing that their overdrafts had been a product of the chronic inefficiency of the bank and its slack accounting procedures .
9 He contacted E. D. Morel , whose Congo Association had been a model of effective agitation ; Normal Angell , the best known public advocate of pacifism ; and Ramsay MacDonald , who had resigned the leadership of the Labour party when it agreed to vote for the war credits .
10 While at Bradford in 1911 , Mr. Spencer had been a pioneer with trolleybus development and with his permission , the Associated Equipment Company ( another UndergrounD Group subsidiary ) , demonstrated a single deck trolleybus of quite modern appearance for the time , somewhere on the South Metropolitan system during 1922 , presumably with one trolley on the wire and towing a ball and chain .
11 Up to this period , mining had been essentially a hand-craft where , as in farming , man-power and horse-power had been the chief means of winning the product .
12 The expansion of the USA across the continent had been an epic story as pioneers , followed by settlers , moved westwards .
13 The social scientist charged with monitoring and evaluating the project ( Goodman 1979 ) refused to answer the question as to whether or not the experiment had been a success , asserting that this was the wrong question .
14 Simone de Beauvoir was convinced that Nizan 's confrontation with the reality of the Soviet experiment had been a profoundly disorientating experience for him : " Nizan was deeply disturbed to discover that out there , as here , everyone died alone and knew it " , she noted .
15 Its most common approach through long centuries had been a kind of two-pronged one .
16 Poland was strategically placed between Russia and Germany , and for centuries had been a bone of contention between them .
17 This week we read of him losing to an unranked Swede who virtually apologised after the match , explaining that Borg had been the reason for his getting into tennis in the first place .
18 Gen. Kassem asserted that Kuwait had been an integral component of the southern Iraqi province of Basra under Ottoman rule and that Iraq had succeeded to Turkish territorial sovereignty over Basra with the dissolution of the Ottoman empire after the First World War .
19 Reorganizing the central administration had been the one of the ideas discussed at a meeting between Gorbachev and Russian Federation President Boris Yeltsin on Nov. 11 .
20 His administration had been the most productive of the century , save only that of the Liberals in 1906 .
21 Of a random sample of 644 female householders who were or had been married , 87 or 14% had been the victims of rape or attempted rape by their husbands or ex-husbands .
22 A large gloomy bedroom had been the setting of it , hung with draperies , not the kind of thing you would expect a child to sleep in , but it was a little child that lay on the bed , white and still , the elderly man , evidently a doctor , who had seemingly just lifted a looking glass from the parted lips , turning to the young father and imparting the news of death , while the mother in a transport of grief clung to her husband , her head buried in his shoulder .
23 Football had been a traditionally rowdy and sometimes violent game , but as a regulated spectator sport it provided novel opportunities for conflicts between the players , referees and fans , and there is a well documented history of pitch invasions , attacks on referees and players , and fighting between rival fans throughout the latter part of the nineteenth century and into the new century .
24 Traditional football had been an expression of male prowess and village pride sanctioned by custom and loosely supervised by adults .
25 The most startling and controversial aspect of the shooting had been the use of a Thompson sub-machine gun .
26 In May 1977 , the Ministry of Defence , although continuing to claim that the shooting had been an unfortunate case of mistaken identity in a legitimate and tense situation , agreed to pay William Black £16,700 in compensation for the injuries he had received .
27 It would , again , have been the ideal weapon if the shooting had been an attempt to make trouble between hawks and doves within the Provisionals .
28 There was no clear indication of which group had assisted in his escape , with reports attributing a motive variously to the US Drug Enforcement Agency ( DEA ) , the left-wing December 20 ( M-20 ) guerrillas , or the Panamanian Defence Forces ( FDP ) , of which Gaitán had been a commander , and which was believed to have been behind a number of bombings since the US invasion .
29 At times , it looks like little more than nepotism : The Prince of Wales ' last private secretary , Edward Adeane had been a page-of-honour to the Queen in his teens ; his father , Lord Adeane , had been the Queen 's private secretary for nearly twenty years , and his great-grandfather , Lord Stamfordham had been private secretary to George V. George VI 's private secretary , Sir Alan Lascelles , was a cousin of the sixth Lord Harewood , husband of Princess Mary .
30 The boys talked nostalgically about the way fighting had been a part of their fathers ' world ; ‘ about the time old man MacIlroy , half-pissed , had taken on ali the men folk of his very extended family , at his sister 's wedding , and stili had time to call for more beer .
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