Example sentences of "[noun] had [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 I think the association had in the early a very close working relationship with Radio Brighton and we certainly keep contact with Radio Medway , Radio Brighton and all the other television and radio companies which are active within the region .
2 This is the view the Swindon fans had of the West Ham match and in the first half their hearts must have almost stopped as Town were hit hard by the Hammers … keeper Nicky Hammond played a blinder …
3 More attention , therefore , has been paid to the process by which rank-and-file intelligenty were recruited into the underground ; the interaction between their ideological development and the popular pressure for change welling up from below ; the social composition and structure of the revolutionary organizations they created ; and the impact which those organizations had upon the masses they sought to represent .
4 In the absence of a university college it was the nearest the Gold Coast had to an institution of higher education .
5 The restrictive conditions governing the leap-frog appeal reflect the usual caution over the introduction of innovations and the real misgivings some members of the judiciary had over the introduction of the procedure .
6 The resolution attracted strong criticism from party chairman Shimon Peres and from Rabin ; the small religious parties had in the past been crucial components of Labour-controlled coalition administrations .
7 Indeed , the achievement of a disciplinary identity based upon academic research had by the late 19305 more or less excluded the amateur scholar-gentleman .
8 Veterinary historians still differ sharply about the effect his long spell in charge of the College had on the emerging profession .
9 For to revile this troublesome boy at this moment was to damage whatever claim Ramsey had to the stake for which the bold wretch had made so perilous a bid .
10 The first inkling Dustin had of the film 's effect on audiences was when it was previewed before the general public .
11 She was reminded of her ravishment and how her lack then of a shapely figure had in no way inhibited the brutal hands of her assailant .
12 Dunwoody had in the past won on Norton 's Coin and would have been riding him in the Gold Cup had Desert Orchid been absent .
13 Press reports noted that Mugabe had during the March 1990 general election campaign promised public-sector pay increases and salary restructuring , but that senior staff had been the main beneficiaries .
14 A former royal palace , burnt down in the eighteenth century , it was a place with historic connections but was also impressive : it was the nearest Bucharest had to a hill .
15 The research team referred to in the follow-on milk ad took it as an established fact and were interested in finding out what effect this minimal rise in blood loss had on a baby 's iron levels .
16 The Admiralty had from the first a ‘ prize ’ jurisdiction , i.e. a jurisdiction to determine all questions as to the ownership of ships and goods captured at sea by a belligerent .
17 However , Syrian officials contended that with the signing of the treaty Syria had for the first time formally acknowledged Lebanon as an independent state .
18 Crevecoeur had for a brief , intoxicating time enjoyed intimate relations with Ms Micklemas , an affair whose firepower had been skyfilling and radiant and whose energy devoured itself within two weeks .
19 The defendants had in the course of their employment visited Paris to assess the feasibility of opening Bureaux de Change in France .
20 For Henri , the desire for French control of Scotland had for the moment given way to Valois need to counter an extension of Hapsburg power ; and Mary was as useful for the one as for the other .
21 They gave me money , and I put it into a jar like Granny had with the egg money .
22 Doubt was cast on Cameron 's results partly by the lack of control data he offered , and , later , after his death , his reputation for scientific integrity was irretrievably damaged by the revelation that much of his experimental work had for a long time been secretly supported by the CIA , including some rather insidious studies of the effects of covertly administered LSD on the behaviour of unsuspecting people .
23 Whether he has any greater success in mounting a rebellion against Mr Heath 's former political secretary , Mr Hurd , than Mr Powell had against the former Prime Minister 17 years ago remains to be seen .
24 Then that might had to the worst side of the American trustee system developing .
25 The Financial Times of Dec. 12 , 1990 , reported that 90 countries had under the auspices of the International Maritime Organization agreed to set up an emergency response system to deal with oil spillages .
26 Absent also was Leofwine , who had taken Thorfinn for King as Cormac had , or so it seemed , on the glorious journey to and from Rome , and who had stood trembling as Cormac had on the steps of St Peter 's , one of a brotherhood that had seemed to promise a future none of them had so far dreamed of .
27 Gray had at the most been a shade injudicious , a little unworldly , perhaps , in his supervision of Jefferson .
28 Accordingly there was no consideration for the owner 's agreement to pay the further 10 per cent. , since the yard were already contractually bound to build the ship and it is common ground that the devaluation of the dollar had in no way lessened the yard 's legal obligation to do this .
29 This was a reflection , I thought , of the marginal impact that blacks had on the lives of the characters in the work as well as the creative imagination of the author .
30 Robson was , in one sense , simply echoing the words of Maitland that ‘ if you take up a modern volume of the reports of the Queen 's Bench division , you will find that about half the cases reported have to do with rules of administrative law ’ and that you must ‘ not neglect their existence in your general description of what English law is ’ otherwise ‘ you will frame a false and antiquated notion of our constitution ’ The fact that Robson felt the need to propound this view so strongly , and that Maitland 's thoughts seemed to have been almost entirely neglected , serve to indicate that conservative normativism had by the 1920s become established as the dominant tradition .
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